Crocs & AAA Supply Chain: Group 1
Crocs & AAA Supply Chain: Group 1
Crocs & AAA Supply Chain: Group 1
Group 1
Aayush Gupta (19302) | Manish Kapgate (19329)
Priyal Jaiswal (19253) | Sushmita Das (19371)
The AAA Supply Chain
Shift to Shift to in
Taking over Decentralized Decentralized
contract house
production Compounding Warehousing
manufacturing manufacturing
• Sourcing raw material pellets • Contract manufacturers outside Asia
from the US & Europe couldn’t cope with Croc’s supply chain • Decentralised the warehousing
• Shipping it to a 3rd party model operation and taking complete control
compounding company in Italy • Thus, Crocs began to develop its own of the operation,
• Shipping the product back to manufacturing sites in Mexico, Italy & • This led to a reduction in the
Canada for moulding & assembly Brazil inefficiencies of a central warehousing
• Finally shipping to a distribution • It also replaced an inept Romanian location in such a large global supply
company in Denver contractor with a Bosnian one, to serve chain
the European market.
• Crocs also retained the Florida contract to
leverage the Made in USA label
Challenges and Responses related to SCM
Challenge - High Duty Embargos
Response - Manufacturing & supply was
Challenge - Infeasible to move Moulding Machines synchronised between geographies to optimise
Response - the Moulds themselves were frequently duty charges between nations
transferred globally to meet production needs
Inventory turnover Ratio: Crocs has very low inventory turnover ratio than the industry
average . Crocs built the product after seeing the actual demand to avoid unsold inventory.
Agile supply-chain reinforced with excess capacity helped crocs to function with less Inventory Turnover Ratio Receivables Turnover Ratio
Receivables turnover ratio: Crocs has higher receivables turn-over ratio than the industry
average. It signifies that Croc’s accounts receivable is efficient and it also enjoys a high- Crocs Deckers Outdoor Nike Timer-Land Industry Mean
quality customer base which is a result of the healthy relationship of Crocs with its retailers. 34%
Returns on Assets: The return on assets is very high for Crocs which signifies that the
company is using its assets efficiently to generate revenue.
Growth Parameters
Revenue Growth: Crocs’s revenue has increased 62 times in 4 years ( from 13.5 mn $ in Revenue i n $ mn 847.4
2004 to 847.4 mn $ in 2007) . By 2007, Crocs was selling in 90 countries with production
facilities in 3 continents.
The product range consisted of 31 footwear models and other accessories. 354.7
It was also growing inorganically through acquisitions, but the majority of growth was 13.5
organic. 2004 2005 2006 2007
In House Manufacturing- Company owned manufacturing operations ensured quick
response to consumer demands. It gave Crocs the flexibility to change the production
needs as per demand
AAA in
Bringing manufacturing closer to the customer- Manufacturing facility in each Crocs
geographic region enhanced the ability to respond to the local customer needs
Excess Capacity- Crocs acquired excess capacity to quickly ramp up production in case
of sudden increase in requirement. It helped crocs maintain an agile inventory. Also
moulds could be transferred from one plant to other in very short notice to meet varying
production needs.
AAA in
• Shift from the seasonal ordering model- Taxation Alchemy- Crocs shipped products
Crocs enabled the retailers to order flexibly in between countries such that it incurred the
as per the demand. This reduced the risk of lowest tax duty costs and utilized free trade
unsold inventory and stockouts of the
retailers. It resulted in improved
relationship with the retailers
agreements between nations