S&T in Nation Building
S&T in Nation Building
S&T in Nation Building
Technology in
Nation Building
Alexis Magallanes
Rey Dela Cruz
BSEd-English 1A
Define What is Science and
technology in Nation Building.
Know the importance of S&T
in Our Nation.
Impact of S&T in the world
What is Nation Building?
is constructing or structuring a
national identity using the power of the
state. Nation-building aims at the
unification of the people within the state so
that it remains politically stable and viable
in the long run. 3
1 Importance
of S&T in
○ For the success of an economy, particularly in
today’s quest for knowledge based economies,
science, technology and engineering are the
basic requisites. If nations do not implement
science and technology, then the chances of
getting themselves developed becomes
minimal and thus could be even rated as an
undeveloped nation. Science and Technology
is associated in all means with modernity and
it is an essential tool for rapid development.
Role of S&T in
Nation Building
Let’s watch this! 6
Modernization in every aspect of life is the greatest
example of the implementation of science and technology
in every nation. With the introduction of modern gadgets
in every walk of life, life has become simple and this is
possible only because of implementing science and
technology together. Without having modern equipment’s
in all sectors, be it in medicines, infrastructure, aviation,
electricity, information technology or any other field, the
advancement and benefits that we face today would not
have been possible. 7
Difficulties in
Nation Building
(1) Scarcity of Capital:
Modern technology is an expensive
technology. They require heavy doses
of capital and skilled manpower. In
underdeveloped countries there is the
scarcity of both capital and skilled
manpower. So the adoption of new
technology becomes difficult.
(2) Problem of Utilization:
Technological development has been a very
slow process in developed countries.
Accordingly, their social, political and
economic institutions have great difficulty in
adopting the changing technological scenario
in the country. However, in underdeveloped
countries traditions and conventions still
have a strong hold in the institutional set up
of these countries. The adoption of such a
new technology is therefore not a smooth
-sailing process
(3) Illiteracy:
Majority of the population in
underdeveloped countries is
uneducated. It is difficult to acquaint
them with new technology. Thus for
the first task of the Govt. in
underdeveloped countries is to
generate enthusiasm among the
common masses regarding new ways
of doing things. This should be
adopted specially in agricultural
(4) Different Conditions:
Technology has been developed in
developed countries to suit their needs
and means. But, needs and means of
underdeveloped countries differ as in
developed countries. Accordingly many
types of technology developed in
advanced nations may not suit the
underdeveloped world. Therefore,
different conditions prevailing in both
countries create many obstacles for the
adoption of new technology.
(5) Problem of Obsolescence:
It has been observed that technology has
developed very fast in developed countries
that the existing techniques very soon
become obsolete. When the new technology
reaches the underdeveloped world, it is
declared as of vintage variety in the
developed countries. The result is that the
underdeveloped are never able to reap full
benefits of the so called new technology. It is
therefore desired that underdeveloped should
develop their own technology themselves
and avoid to import new technology.
(6) Lack of Able Innovators:
Discovery and adoption of new
technology presupposes the existence
of able innovators. They need lot of
capital for the successful
implementation of their programmes.
But, there is not only the dearth of
capital but also of the able innovators
and entrepreneurs in underdeveloped
(7) Capital Intensive:
In developed countries, technology is
most capital intensive. Scarcity of
labour results in high wage rate in
these countries. In contrast with the
abundance of their man-power,
underdeveloped countries need
labour intensive technology. Capital
intensive technology would not be
much suitable for them
Contribution of S&T in Nation
Building in the Philippines
The major contributions of science and
technology to Philippine nation-building are
linked to its socio-economic progress and its
industrialization. Today, the current state of our
country is very low in its capacity to produce
local goods for domestic needs as well as in
international scientific research publications.
Science Technology
Scientist Technologies:
The product and
Investigates processes created
the world by Engineers
Scientific Engineers:
Created the
Knowledge: designed
What Scientist learned
about the natural world world 18
This is the intensification of a
particular government or country
regarding their economic state,
Which it is one way of captivating
the country to be at the same level
of the leading countries around the
globe. 20
Therefore, The country alone could grow into a bigger, bolder
and sustainable country as long as there are a whole lot of
effort and support from the government it self. The influence
of the allied countries throws a big impact as well to our
country in this generation. Thus, Science and Technology
played a vital role in the so called Nation Building as we are
facing the new world with technologies and made our life
easier. This only show, that We, as part of the ASEAN and
United Nation, We can contribute in a way of education,
knowledge, skill/talents to show the world that its time to
uplift the economic state of our country.