Chapter 2 - Lexical Analyser

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Compiler Design

Instructor: Mohammed O.
Samara University
Chapter Two
This Chapter Covers:
Role of lexical analyser
Token Specification and Recognition
Lexical Analyzer
Lexical Analyzer reads the source program character by
character to produce tokens.
Normally a lexical analyzer doesn’t return a list of tokens
at one shot, it returns a token when the parser asks a
token from it.


A token is sequence of characters which represents a unit
of information in the source program.

Lexeme: a sequence of characters in the source program

that is matched by the pattern for a token

A Pattern is a rule describing the set of lexemes that can

represent a particular token in source programs.

Pattern is a regular definition.

An attribute of a token is usually a pointer to the symbol
table entry that gives additional information about the
token, such as its type, value, line number, etc.
Token Lexeme Pattern
Keyword const const
Keyword if if
relation <,<=,=,<>,>,=> <|<=|=|<>|>|=>
id Pi, count, D2 (letter.(letter | digit)*)
num 3.1416, 0.6, 6.22 Any numeric constant
literal “hello world” Any character b/n “and” except”

Note : in the Pascal statement; const pi = 3.1416

the substring pi is a lexeme for the token “identifier”
When more than one pattern matches a lexeme, the lexical
analyzer must provide additional information about the
particular lexeme.

Example: X = B*1
Token and associated attributes:
 <id, attr> where attr is pointer to the symbol table for X
 <assignOp> no attribute is needed (if there is only one assignment operator)
 <id, attr> where attr is pointer to the symbol table for B
 <multiOp> no attribute is needed
 <num,val> where val is the actual value of the number.
A scanner groups (classed together) input characters into
For example, if the input is:
x = x*(b+1); then the scanner generates the following
sequence of tokens
id(x), =, id(x), *, (, id(b), +, num(1), ), ;

Each time the parser needs a token, it sends a request to

the scanner.
Then, the scanner reads as many characters from the input
stream as it is necessary to construct a single token.
Scanner (Cont.)
The scanner may report an error during scanning.
Otherwise, when a single token is formed, the scanner is
suspended (stop from being active temporarily) and
returns the token to the parser.

The parser will repeatedly call the scanner to read all the
tokens from the input stream or until an error is detected
(such as a syntax error).
Some tokens require some extra information.
For example, an identifier is a token (so it is represented by
some number) but it is also associated with a string that
holds the identifier name.
Scanner (Cont.)
For example, the token id(x) is associated with the string, "x".
Similarly, the token num(1) is associated with the number, 1.
Tokens are specified by patterns, called regular expressions.
For example, the regular expression [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
recognises all identifiers with at least one alphanumeric letter
whose first letter is lower-case alphabetic.

A typical scanner:
recognises the keywords of the language (these are the
reserved words that have a special meaning in the language,
such as the word class in Java); (such as the #include "file"
directive in C).
Scanner (Cont.)
recognises special characters, such as parentheses ( and ),
or groups of special characters, such as := (equal by
definition) and ==;
recognises identifiers, integers, reals, decimals, strings, etc;
ignores whitespaces and comments;

Efficient scanners can be built using regular expressions

and finite automata.
There are automated tools called scanner generators, such
as flex (Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator) for C and JLex
for Java, which construct a fast scanner automatically
according to specifications (regular expressions).
Role of Lexical Analyser
Lexical analyzer performs below given tasks:-
 Remove white spaces and comments from the source program.
 Correlates (make correct) error messages with the source
 Read input characters from the source program.
 Helps to identify token into the symbol table.
Example: Symbol table for a code:
//Define a global function
int add(int a, int b) {
int sum =0;
sum =a+b;
return sum; }
Lexical Analysis
In lexical analysis, we read the source programme
character by character and converge (meet) them to
A token is the smallest unit recognisable by the compiler.

Generally, we have four classes of tokens that are usually

recognised and they are:
1. Keywords
2. Identifies
3. Constants
4. Delimiters
Construction of Lexical Analyser
There are 2 general ways to construct lexical analyser:
Hand implementation
Automatic generation of lexical analyser

Hand Implementation
There are two ways to use hand implementation:
Input Buffer approach
Transitional diagrams approach
Input Buffering
The lexical analyser scans the characters of the source
programme one at a time to discover tokens.
Often, many characters beyond (in addition to) the next
token may have to be examined before the next token itself
can be determined.

For this and other reasons, it is desirable for the lexical

analyser to read its input from an input buffer.

A block of data is first read into buffer, and then second by

lexical analyzer.

The input buffer is a location that holds all incoming

information before it continues to the CPU for processing
Operations on Languages
Concatenation: The operation of joining two or more strings
L1L2 = { s1s2 | s1  L1 and s2  L2 }
Union: The operation of combining the result set of two or
more strings.
L1 L2 = { s | s  L1 or s  L2 }
Exponentiation: Repeated strings of the base.
L0 = {} L1 = L L2 = LL
Kleene Closure : Infinite set of all possible strings, including
the emptyε string.

L* = i 0 L

Positive Closure : The infinite set of all possible strings,

L+ = Li
i 1
L1 = {a,b,c,d} L2 = {1,2}

L1L2 = {a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2,d1,d2}

L1  L2 = {a,b,c,d,1,2}

L13 = all strings with length three (using a,b,c,d}

L1* (zero or more)= all strings using letters a, b, c, d and empty (ε
) string.
a * =i.e., it can generate {ε, a, aa, aaa, …}
L1+ (one or more) = doesn’t include the empty (ε ) string.
a + = i.e., it can generate {a, aa, aaa, …}
Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions (REs)
We use regular expressions to describe tokens of a
programming language.

Regular expressions are a very convenient (suitable) form

of representing (possibly infinite) sets of strings, called
regular sets.

For example, the RE (a| b)*aa represents the infinite set

{``aa",``aaa",``baa",``abaa", ... }, which is the set of all
strings with characters a and b that end in aa.
RE Order of Precedence
We can freely put parentheses around REs to denote the
order of evaluation.

We can drop redundant parenthesis by assuming:

the Kleene star operator * has the highest precedence and
is left associative
concatenation has the next highest precedence and is left
the union operator | has the lowest precedence and is left
Regular Expression
To write regular expression for some languages can be
difficult, because their regular expressions can be quite
complex. In those cases, we may use regular definitions.

A regular definition is a sequence of the definitions of the

form and they are described using regular definitions, as

digit → [0-9] ---- any of the numerals from 0-9.

letter → [A-Za-z] ---- a set of upper and lower case letters.
id → letter ( letter \ digit )* --- a set of letters, underscore or
digits (0-9).
relop → < | > | <= | >= | = | <>
Lexical Analyser generator Lex
There are tools that can generate lexical analyzers.
Lex is a special-purpose programming language for creating
programmes to process streams of input characters.
An input file, which we call lex.l, is written in the Lex
language and describes the lexical analyzer to be generated.

The Lex compiler transforms lex.l to a C program, in a file

that is always named lex.yy.c. The latter file is compiled by
the C compiler into a file called a.out, as always.
The C-compiler output is a working lexical analyzer that can
take a stream of input characters and produce a stream of

Creating a lexical analyzer with Lex

Lex Specifications
Lex source is separated into three sections by %% delimiters
Declarations :- This section includes declaration of variables, constants and
regular definitions.
translation rules :- defines the rules that parse the input stream (regular
expressions ).
auxiliary functions (optional)
Steps in lex implementation
1. Read input language specification
2. Construct NFA with epsilon-moves (Can also do DFA
3. Convert NFA to DFA
4. Optimise the DFA
5. Generate parsing tables & code
Finite Automata
A finite automaton can be: deterministic(DFA) or non-
deterministic (NFA)
Both deterministic and non-deterministic finite automaton
recognize regular sets.
Which one?
deterministic – faster recognizer, but it may take more
non-deterministic – slower, but it may take less space
deterministic automatons are widely used lexical
First, we define regular expressions for tokens; Then we
convert them into a DFA to get a lexical analyzer for our
Finite Automata (Cont.)
Algorithm1: Regular Expression  NFA  DFA (two
steps: first to NFA, then to DFA)
Algorithm2: Regular Expression  DFA (directly
convert a regular expression into a DFA)
Converting a RE to an NFA
Every regular expression (RE) can be converted into an
equivalent NFA.

Every NFA can be converted into an equivalent DFA.

The task of a scanner generator, such as JLex, is to
generate the transition tables or to synthesise the scanner
programme given a scanner specification (in the form of a
set of REs).

This is accomplished in two steps: first it converts REs into

an NFA and then it converts the NFA into a DFA
Converting a RE to an NFA (Cont.)
An NFA is similar to a DFA but it also permits (allow)
multiple transitions over the same character and
transitions over ɛ.

In the case of multiple transitions from a state over the

same character, when we are at this state and we read this
character, we have more than one choice; the NFA
succeeds if at least one of these choices.
The ɛ-transition does not consume any input characters, so
you may jump to another state for free.
Clearly DFAs are a subset of NFAs.
Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton
A non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) is a
mathematical model that consists (made up) of:
 S - a set of states
  (sigma) - a set of input symbols (alphabet)
 move – a transition function
 s0 - a start (initial) state
 F – a set of accepting states (final states)

- transitions are allowed in NFAs. In other words, we can

move from one state to another one without consuming any
Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton
A NFA accepts a string x, if and only if there is a path from
the starting state to one of accepting states such that edge
labels along this path spell out x.
NFA (Example)
0 is the start state s0
{2} is the set of final states F
 = {a,b}
S = {0,1,2}
Transition Function: a b
0 {0,1} {0}
1 _ {2}
2 _ _

The language recognized by this NFA is (a|b)* ab

Transition Tables
We can also represent an NFA by a transition table, whose
rows correspond to states, and whose columns correspond
to the input symbols and ɛ.
The entry for a given state and input is the value of the
transition function applied to those arguments.
If the transition function has no information about that
state-input pair, we put 0 in the table for the pair.

Transition table for the NFA of RE (a|b)*abb

Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)
A Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) is a special form
of a NFA.
no state has - transition
for each state s and input symbol a there is exactly one
transition out of s labelled a.
A DFA represents a finite state machine that recognises a

The language recognized by this DFA is also (a|b)* ab

Converting a NFA into a DFA (Example)

-closure({0}) = {0,1,2,4,7}
 mark S0
-closure(move(S0,a)) = -closure({3,8}) = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8} = S1
-closure(move(S0,b)) = -closure({5}) = {1,2,4,5,6,7} = S2
transfunc[S0,a]  S1 transfunc[S0,b]  S2
 mark S1
-closure(move(S1,a)) = -closure({3,8}) = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8} = S1
-closure(move(S1,b)) = -closure({5}) = {1,2,4,5,6,7} = S2
transfunc[S1,a]  S1 transfunc[S1,b]  S2
 mark S2
-closure(move(S2,a)) = -closure({3,8}) = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8} = S1
-closure(move(S2,b)) = -closure({5}) = {1,2,4,5,6,7} = S2
transfunc[S2,a]  S1 transfunc[S2,b]  S2
Converting a NFA into a DFA (Cont.)

S0 is the start state of DFA since 0 is a member of

S1 is an accepting state of DFA since 8 is a member
of S1 = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8}
Converting RE Directly to DFAs
We may convert a regular expression into a DFA (without
creating a NFA first).
First we augment (enlarge) the given regular expression by
concatenating it with a special symbol #.
r  (r)# augmented regular expression (make
something) greater by adding to it.)

Then, we create a syntax tree for this augmented regular

In this syntax tree, all alphabet symbols (plus # and the
empty string) in the augmented regular expression will be
on the leaves, and all inner nodes will be the operators in
that augmented regular expression.
Regular Expression  DFA (cont.)
Then each alphabet symbol (plus #) will be numbered
(position numbers).
(a|b) * a  (a|b) * a # augmented regular expression

Syntax tree of (a|b) * a #
 #
* a
3 • each symbol is numbered (positions)
• each symbol is at a leave

a b • inner nodes are operators

1 2
Minimizing Number of States of a DFA
partition the set of states into two groups:
G1 : set of accepting states
G2 : set of non-accepting states
For each new group G
partition G into subgroups such that states s1 and s2 are in
the same group if, for all input symbols a, states s1 and s2
have transitions to states in the same group.
Start state of the minimized DFA is the group containing
the start state of the original DFA.
Accepting states of the minimized DFA are the groups
containing the accepting states of the original DFA.
Minimizing DFA - Example

G1 = {2}
G2 = {1,3}

G2 cannot be partitioned because

move(1,a)=2 move(1,b)=3
move(3,a)=2 move(2,b)=3

So, the minimized DFA (with minimum states)

Minimizing DFA – Another Example

a b
1->2 1->3
2->2 2->3
3->4 3->3

So, the minimized DFA

Quiz 5%
Write LEX program to implement a simple calculator?

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