1 Geologi Dasar

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1. Introduction Geology
2. Geologic Time
3. Mineralogy
4. Igneous Rock, Sedimentary Rock, & Methamorphic Rock
5. Plate Tectonic
6. Sedimentary Basin
7. Sedimentary Environment
8. Principle Stratigraphy
Introduction Geology
• Geologi – Geo dan Logos.
Geo = Bumi ; Logos = ilmu
• Geology is the science that pursues an understanding of Planet Earth.
• James Hutton, a founder of modern geology. Fundamental principal: Uniformitarianism, it states that the physical,
chemical, and biological laws that operate today also operated in the geologic past. The present is the key to the
• Law of superposition, which states that in layers of sedimentary rocks or lava flows, the youngest layer is in the top,
and oldest is on the bottom.
• The Principle of Original Horizontality states that layers of sediment are originally deposited horizontally under the
action of gravity. unconsolidated sediments deposited on a solid base must have originally formed horizontal layers
since the sediment particles would have ‘slithered’ to the lowest point. Thus, consolidated strata inclined at some
angle must have become tilted after consolidation
• Original continuity – layers of unconsolidated sediments deposited on a solid base would have formed continuous
sheets of material. Thus, bands of consolidated sedi-ments whose ends have been broken must have experienced
this breakage and ero-sion after consolidation.
• Cross-cutting relationship, is principle of geology that states that the geologic feature which cuts another is the
younger of the two features.
Cabang Ilmu Geologi
 Geologi Sejarah : ilmu yang mempelajari kronologi peristiwa dari perkembangan bumi
 Geomorfologi : Ilmu yang mempelajari bentuk lahan yang membentuk permukaan bumi.
 Geokronologi : Ilmu tentang perubahan atau suksesi sepanjang waktu geologi dari berbagai
peristiwa meteorologi maupun biologi.
 Geokimia : ilmu yang mempelajari sifat kimia material pembentuk kerak bumi
 Geofisika : ilmu yang mempelajari sifat fisika material pembentuk kerak bumi
 Geologi ekonomi : ilmu yang mempelajari kegunaan praktis dari material geologis
 Geologi lapangan : ilmu yang mempelajari penyelidikan geologi dilapangan
 Geologi bijih : ilmu yang berkaitan dengan geologi dan jebakan bijih
 Geologi Foto : ilmu yang mempelajari tekhnik interpretasi foto dalam bidang geologi
Cabang Ilmu Geologi
Kristalografi : ilmu yang mempelajari kristal dan mineral
Mineralogi : ilmu yang mempelajari mineral
Petrologi : ilmu yang mempelajari asal mula batuan
Petrologi sedimen: ilmu yang mempelajari batuan sedimen
Geologi struktur : ilmu yang mempelajari sikap, bentuk, dan tatanan batuan pada kerak bumi
Geologi fisikal : yaitu ilmu yang mempelajari proses eksternal dan internal, seperti erosi,
deposisi, dan aktivitas gunung berapi
Stratigrafi : ilmu yang mempelajari urutan dan kronologi dari lapisan batuan
Geologi tambang : ilmu yang mempelajari masalah jebakan material dan hubungannya dengan
Geologi Laut ; ilmu untuk mengetahui komposisi, struktur, dan proses pembentukan dasar laut.
Geologi minyak; ilmu yangmempelajari tentang kemungkinan-kemungkinan adanya bahan fosil
yg dapat dipergunakan sebagai bahan bakar (sumber energi) minyak dan gas bumi.
Geologic Time

1. Hadean (4,6 – 4 MT)

2. Archean (4 – 2,5 MT) All known as EON
3. Proterozoic (2,5 MT – 570 JT)
4. Phanerozoic (570 JT) :
- Mesozoic era : ancient life
- Mesozoic era : middle life (reptiles)
- Cenozoic era : recent mammal
Geological time units

It has commonly been the practice to distinguish between geochronology, which is concerned with geological
time units and chronostratigraphy, which refers to material stratigraphic units.

The difference between these is that the former is an interval of time that is expressed in years, whereas the latter
is a unit of rock: for example, the Chalk strata in northwest Europe form a part of the Cretaceous System, a unit of
rock, and they were deposited in shallow seas which existed in the area during a period of time that we call the
Cretaceous Period, an interval of time.
These are the longest periods of time within the history of the Earth, which are now commonly divided into three eons: the Archaean Eon up
to 2.5 Ga, the Proterozoic Eon from 2.5 Ga to 542Ma (together these constitute the Precambrian), and the Phanerozoic Eon from 542Ma up to
the present.

Eras are the three time divisions of the Phanerozoic: the Palaeozoic Era up to 251 Ma, the Mesozoic Era
from then until 65.5Ma and finally the Cenozoic Era up to the present. Precambrian eras have also been
defined, for example dividing the Proterozoic into the Palaeoproterozoic, the Mesoproterozoic and the Neoproterozoic.

The basic unit of geological time is the period and these are the most commonly used terms when referring to Earth history. The Mesozoic Era,
for example, is divided into three periods, the Triassic Period, the Jurassic Period and the Cretaceous Period. The term system is used for the
rocks deposited in this time, e.g. the Jurassic System.
Epochs are the major divisions of periods: some have names, for example the Llandovery, Wenlock, Ludlow
and Pridoli in the Silurian, while others are simply Early, (Mid-) and Late divisions of the period (e.g.
Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous). The chronostratigraphic equivalent is the series, but it is important
to note that the terms Lower, Middle and Upper are used instead of Early, Middle and Late. As an
example, rocks that belong to the Lower Triassic Series were deposited in the Early Triassic Epoch. Logically
a body of rock cannot be ‘Early’, nor can a period of time be considered ‘Lower’ so it is important to
employ the correct adjective and use, for example, ‘Early Jurassic’ when referring to events which took
place during that time interval.

The smallest commonly used divisions of geological time are ages, and the chronostratigraphic equivalent
is the stage. They are typically a few million years in duration. For example, the Oligocene Epoch is divided
into the Rupelian and Chattian Ages (the Rupelian and Chattian Stages of the Oligocene Series of rocks).
Chrons are short periods of time that are sometimes determined from palaeomagnetic information,
but these units do not have widespread usage outside of magnetostratigraphy (21.4). The Quaternary can
be divided into short time units of only thousands to tens of thousands of years using a range of techniques
available for dating the recent past, such as marine isotope stages (21.5).
Skala Waktu Geologi

Pada dasarnya bumi secara konstan berubah dan tidak ada satupun yang terdapat diatas permukaan bumi yang
benar-benar bersifat permanen.
Bebatuan yang berada diatas bukit mungkin dahulunya berasal dari bawah laut. Oleh karena itu untuk
mempelajari bumi maka dimensi “waktu” menjadi sangat penting, dengan demikian mempelajari sejarah bumi
juga menjadi hal yang sangat penting pula. Sejarah bumi, ukuran waktu dihitung dalam jutaan tahun atau
milyaran tahun, dalam mempelajari sejarah bumi dipakai suatu jenis penanggalan, yang dikenal dengan nama
“Skala Waktu Geologi”.

Terdapat 2 skala waktu yang dipakai untuk mengukur dan menentukan umur Bumi:
-Skala Waktu Relatif, yaitu skala waktu yang ditentukan berdasarkan atas urutan perlapisan batuan-batuan
serta evolusi kehidupan organisme dimasa yang lalu;
-Skala Waktu Absolut (Radiometrik), yaitu suatu skala waktu geologi yang ditentukan berdasarkan pelarikan
radioaktif dari unsur-unsur kimia yang terkandung dalam bebatuan.

Skala relatif terbentuk atas dasar peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dalam perkembangan ilmu geologi itu sendiri,
sedangkan skala radiometri (absolut) berkembang belakangan dan berasal dari ilmu pengetahuan fisika yang
diterapkan untuk menjawab permasalahan permasalahan yang timbul
Skala Waktu Relatif
Tabel 1-1 Peristiwa kemunculan dan kepunahan berbagai jenis organisme (fauna dan flora)
pada Skala Waktu Geologi sepanjang 650 juta tahun lalu hingga saat ini .

Sudah sejak lama sebelum para ahli geologi dapat

menentukan umur bebatuan berdasarkan angka
seperti saat ini, mereka mengembangkan skala
waktu geologi secara relatif. Skala waktu relatif
dikembangkan pertama kalinya di Eropa sejak
abad ke 18 hingga abad ke 19. Berdasarkan skala
waktu relatif, sejarah bumi dikelompokkan
menjadi Eon (Masa) yang terbagi menjadi Era
(Kurun), Era dibagi-bagi kedalam Period (Zaman),
dan Zaman dibagi bagi menjadi Epoch (Kala).
Skala Waktu Absolut (Radiometrik)

Tabel 1-3 Skala Waktu Geologi Relatif dan Umur Radiometrik

Skala waktu relatif didasarkan atas kehidupan masa lalu (fosil). Bagaimana kita
dapat menempatkan waktu absolut (radiometrik) kedalam skala waktu relatif
dan bagaimana pula para ahli geologi dapat mengetahui bahwa:
1. Bumi itu telah berumur sekitar 4,6 milyar tahun
2. Fosil yang tertua yang diketahui berasal dari batuan yang diendapkan kurang
lebih 3,5 milyar tahun lalu.
3. Fosil yang memiliki cangkang dengan jumlah yang berlimpah diketahui bahwa
pertama kali muncul pada batuan-batuan yang berumur 570 juta tahun yang
4. Umur gunung es yang terahkir terbentuk adalah 10.000 tahun yang lalu.
Penentuan umur batuan dalam ribuan, jutaan atau milyaran tahun dapat
dimungkinkan setelah diketemukan unsur radioaktif.

Untuk menentukan umur geologi, ada empat seri peluruhan parent/daughter yang
biasa dipakai dalam menentukan umur batuan, yaitu: Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N),
Potassium/Argon (K/Ar), Rubidium/Strontium (Rb/Sr), dan Uranium/Lead (U/Pb).

Stratigraphy is That branch of geology that deals with formation, composition, sequence, and correlation of
stratified rocks. Since the whole Earth is stratified, at least in a broad sense, bodies of all the different types of
rocks—igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic—are subject to stratigraphic study and analysis. In most cases
however, stratigraphy focuses on the evalua-tion of sedimentary rock strata

Since the 1950’s effort has also been expended in establishing international standards for stratigraphic
nomenclature, usage of stratigraphic terms, and the internationally agreed designation of ‘type-sections’ or
strato-types for various sorts of stratigraphic units, especially those relating to chronostratigraphy.
Principles Steno

Figure 2. Steno’s model stressed the importance of stratigraphic correlation: the matching of stratigraphic sequences
between outcrops. In this illustration two hypothetical outcrop sections have been correlated based on rock type and
subdivided into lithologically unified packages of strata.
The next significant contribution to stratigraphic principles was made in 1785 by the Scot-tish
lawyer-gentlemen farmer James Hutton (1726–1797), who stressed the cyclic aspects of the
stratigraphic record in his doctrine of uniformitarianism.
Citing evidence from the angular unconformities exposed at such Scottish localities as Jedburgh,
and Siccar Point, Hutton rea-soned that the originally horizontal marine sediments of the lower
succession must have been consolidated, then tilted as they were raised up above the water’s
surface, planned off by erosion, submerged, buried by additional horizontally deposited
sediments, which were then consolidated, and the entire sequence, and lifted again to become
the rock bodies we see before us at these, and other, localities. To Hutton, these erosion-
deposition-uplift cycles had been repeated endlessly in Earth history.
The next major contribution to stratigraphy was made by the English canal surveyor and geologist
William Smith (1769-1839). Smith was the first to recognize the difference between:
-lithostratigraphy (the characterization of rock strata by the kind and/or arrangement of their
mineralogical constituents) and

-biostratigraphy (the characterization of rock strata by their biological constituents).

A conceptual distinction between lithological and palaeontologi-cal sources of stratigraphic information

and, by careful analysis of the fossils contained in
stratigraphic bodies, demonstrated that strata with very similar lithological constituents could be
distinguished on the basis of their fossil content. Even more importantly, Smith showed that the
successive biotas preserved in the sedimentary strata of the British midlands always occurred in the
same sequence regardless of the character of local lithological sequences.

Following Smith’s demonstration of the power of biostratigraphy, the forefront of strati-graphic research
turned to the identification of biostratigraphic zones that could be used to facilitate long-range
stratigraphic correlations, (e.g., intrabasinal, interbasinal, and interconti-nental).
This key stratigraphic principal later became known as the
Principle of Faunal Succession

Figure 3. Organization of stratigraphic sequences into units based on their

fossil content using the principle of faunal succession. In this illustration
the distribution of five fossil planktonic foraminiferal species has been used
to recognize stratigraphic units on the basis of unique associations of
species. The principle of faunal succession works as a way or recognizing
stratigraphic units because fossil species are individualized in the sense
that they have a definite and unique starting point (the speciation event)
and ending point (the global extinction event). Thus, the stratigraphic range
of a fossil species encompasses a distinct time interval. Note also that
palaeontologically-defined stratigraphic units differ in both number and
kind from lithologically defined units (compare with Figure 2 ).
Figure 4. The difference between rock-stratigraphic units (left) and time-stratigraphic units (right). In this
illustration the rock stratigraphic units, along with their lithostratigraphic correlation, are scaled to
stratigraphic thickness, as they would be observed in a field study. When these same sections are portrayed
as time-stratigraphic units (and orga- nized according to the time intervals over which they were deposited),
however, the character of their comparative relations (both inter-sectional and intra-sectional, as well as
their inter-section correlations, change.
Lithostratigraphic units
The basic unit of lithostratigraphy is the formation, which is the smallest mappable unit pos-sessing a suite of lithologic characteristics that
allow the unit to be distinguished from other such units. Formations need not be lithologically homogeneous, but the entire interval of strata
should be diagnosable. Moving up the lithostratigraphic hierarchy to more inclusive units, a set of contiguous formation may be combined to
form a group (e.g, the Lias Group), membership in which is usually identified based on (1) common lithological characteristics (e.g.,
dominantly argillaceous facies) or (2) genetic characteristics (e.g., a suite of formations bounded by two basin-wide unconformities).
Occasionally contiguous groups will themselves be placed into subgroups or supergroups (e.g., the Newark Supergroup, the Wealden Super-
group) based on genetic characteristics. Subgroups and supergroups may also include for-mations not previously assigned to a group. The
most inclusive lithostratigraphic unit is a complex which is distinguished by its diverse lithological composition—including sedimentary
metamorphic, and/or igneous rocks—and its complex structure.
Moving down the lithostratigraphic hierarchy to more exclusive units, a member is a sub-division of a formation recognized on lithologic
criteria (e.g., the sandy member of a formation representing a suite of deltaic strata). Typically, members consist of more than a single bed,
though some massive bodies with no internal stratification are recognized as members. The smallest formal lithostratigraphic unit is a bed
which is a thin, lithostratigraphically monoto-nous sequence with some locally unique lithological character (e.g., the Hypsilophodon Bed).

A hypothetical example of this lithostratigraphic hierarchy is presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5. An example of the use of lithostratigraphic units to subdivide a classic Lower Cretaceous suite of non-marine sediments in the
Wessex Basin of Great Britain.
Biostratigraphic units
The basic unit of biostratigraphy is the biozone, which is any unit of rock distinguished from other such units on the
basis of its fossil content. Unlike formations, biozones do not need to be mappable units, and so can vary greatly in
thickness and geographic extent. Biozones may be defined on a wide variety of criteria (see Biozones article in this
volume). Intervals of strata between biozones that lack fossils are referred to as barren interzones while barren
intervals within biozones may be termed barren intrazones. Moving up the biostratigraphic hierarchy, a set of
contiguous biozones may be grouped into superbiozones. Superbiozones do not need to genetically linked in any
way, but some justification for the designation should be made at the time of the superbiozone’s proposal. Biozones
may also be subdivided into subbiozones in order to express finer levels of biostratigraphic detail or identify a
biotically distinctive regional grouping of strata. The term zonule is used to refer to a biostratigraphically
diagnosable unit that is subordinate to a subbiozone. Finally, individual stratigraphic surfaces characterized by a
distinctive biotic component are referred to as biohorizons. A hypothetical example of this biostratigraphic
hierarchy is presented in Figure 6.
Principles of Steno
• Superposition: a succession of undeformed strata, oldest stratum its at base, with successive
younger ones above. Establishes relative ages of all strata & their contained fossils
• Original horizontality - stratification originally horizontal when sedimentary particles settled
from fluids under influence of gravity, so if steeply inclined must have suffered subsequent
• Original lateral continuity-strata originally extended in all directions until they thinned to zero
or terminated against edges of original basin of deposition

Cross-cutting relationships is a principle of geology that states that the geologic feature

which cuts another is the younger of the two features

“Sequence Stratigraphy – Basics”

C. G. St. C. Kendall
Cross-cutting relationships can be used to determine the relative ages of rock strata and other geological structures.
Explanations: A – folded rock strata cut by a thrust fault ; B – large intrusion (cutting through A); C – erosional angular
unconformity (cutting off A & B) on which rock strata were deposited; D – volcanic dike (cutting through A, B & C); E –
even younger rock strata (overlying C & D); F – normal fault (cutting through A, B, C & possibly E). (source : wikipedia)
“Sequence Stratigraphy – Basics”
C. G. St. C. Kendall

After Bruce Railsback, 2002


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