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Almighty God, You are sovereign, You are all powerful, and You
are my Creator, I praise You. Let Your light within me shine before
others, that they may see Your good deeds and glorify You.
(Matthew 5:16)
As I am rooted in Your Word, joyfully standing strong, lead me
please to walk in the way of love, (Ephesians 5:2) just as Christ
loved me, to where I should be, Lord God. Let me reflect the bright
light that can only come from You who allowed me to be a Beacon
in the darkness, a light in this world.
Thank You for blessing me with the opportunity to be filled with
Your light and be a blessing and a guide to many.
I am a Beacon because of who You are, Father. May You work in
me and through me today what is pleasing to You, through Jesus
Christ to whom be glory forever and ever.(Hebrews 13:21)

Previously, you learned about the history,

context, and foundations of special needs
and inclusive education. By understanding
the role that disability frameworks play,
we can now move on to finding out how
to implement inclusive practices in the
•This chapter shall provide insights
and practical tips on cultivating
inclusive habits and implementing
such practices in the classroom
effectively. It is entirely based on the
Booth and Ainscow (2002)
framework to help schools
determine their next steps in shifting
to a more inclusive setting.
•Diversity is the new "normal."
•Inclusive practices must be dynamic and
•To be truly inclusive, educators must
always check for the presence,
participation, and achievement of their
•Differentiation plays an important role in
the success of inclusive education
•This chapter aims for you to develop
the following competencies:
•the ability to respond effectively to
educational needs of students with
additional needs; and
•the ability to create safe, inclusive and
culturally responsive learning
environments for students With
additional needs.  
• In 2002, Booth and Ainscow came up with an Index
for Inclusion, which aims to direct educational
institutions toward developing their own next steps
and action plans if they want to restructure into
becoming more inclusive.
• “It takes on the social model of disability as its
stating point, builds on good practice, and then
organizes an index work around a cycle of activities
which guide schools through stages of preparation,
investigation, development and review” (UNESCO
Types of Goods
Public Goods: 2 qualities
• Nonrival: someone’s consumption does not reduce
the amount available for others to consume.
• Control of disease vectors (malaria)
• Food and water safety
• Non-excludable consumer cannot be excluded from
consuming the good either by having to pay or
through some other mechanisms.
• Classic example national defense.
•Booth and Ainscow (2002)
explained that these three
dimensions – creating inclusive
culture, evolving inclusive
practices, and producing inclusive
policies – are interconnected and
“chosen to direct thinking about
school change”(2002:7).
• Considered the backbone of the framework is the laying down and
establishing of an inclusive culture.
• They explain
The Dimensions and sections in the
• Dimensions A – Creating Inclusive cultures
• Section A. 1 Building community
• Section B. 2 Establishing inclusive values
• This dimension creates a secure,
accepting, collaborating and stimulating
community, in which everyone is valued
as the foundation for the highest
achievements for all.
•DIMENSION B - Producing inclusive policies
•Section B.l Developing the school for all
•Section B.2 Organizing support for diversity
•This dimension makes sure that inclusion
permeates all school plans. Policies
encourage the participation of students and
staff from the moment they join the school,
reach out to all students in the locality, and
minimize exclusionary pressures. All policies
involve clear strategies for change.
• DIMENSION C Evolving inclusive practices
• Section C.I Orchestrating learning
• Section C.2 Mobilizing resources
• This dimension develops school practices which
reflect the inclusive cultures and policies of the
school, Lessons are made responsive to student
diversity. Students are encouraged to be actively
involved in all aspects of their education, which
draws on their knowledge and experience outside
school. Staff identifies material resources and
resources within each other students,
parents/careers, and local communities which can be
mobilized to support learning and participation.
• Inclusion is as much the responsibility of society as
it is the responsibility of schools.
• In this chapter, we shall learn that inclusive
education is an ongoing collaborative process that
needs to be dynamically revisited.
• In education reform, stakeholders are those who
are "invested in the welfare and success of school
and it's students" (
•They may also be collective
entities like local
businesses,advocacy groups,the
media,sociocultural institutions,
and other organizations that
maybe directly or indirectly
involved in education.
•In 2017,UNESCO reported
that there has been
significant global
improvement in accessing
education, specifically in
the primary level for the
last 15 years.
•In 2016, Global Education
Monitoring, Report reveals
that there are still an
estimated 263 million children
and youth aged 6 to 17 all
around the world who are still
not in school at this time.
What Stakeholders Can Do

•The right-based approach to

educational programming "insists
that no right can exist without a
corresponding government
obligation"(Van den Brule-Balescut
& Sandkull 2005).
The following are some steps stakeholders can
take to create inclusive cultures.
1)Set the parameters for inclusion.
- The government has identified key people and
professions, and highlighted important factors
leading to the success of inclusive education.
Examples,placement process, committees, staffing,
and responsibilities, teacher training and
compensation, incentives for private sector
participation and collaboration of Department Of
Education with other branches of government
•Build key people
• - The government recognizes the need for
teacher training, both in the special needs
education and general education levels.
• - Most importantly, calls are made for
continuing research and forming of policies to
be initiated by agencies such as the
Department of Education so as to further
refine the inclusive process and have it
tailored to fit to the needs of children with
additional needs.
•UNESCO (2005) states the
clarity of purpose,realistic
goals, motivation, support,
resources, and an evaluation
of policies and practices all
contribute to a successful
shift toward inclusion.
• Identify and eradicate barriers.
• -UNESCO's Guide for Inclusion (2005) Advocates
for the identification and removal of obstacles that
have to so with transforming prevailing attitudes
and values on systematic level.
• - It is also continuously reorganizing structures in
education and implementing programs that
highlight the need for primary stakeholders like the
school, the parents, and other policy makers, to
acquire more understanding and capacity building
to manage an inclusive environment.

•Attitudes,values systems,
misconceptions, and societal norms
•Physical barriers
•Lack of teacher training and low
teacher efficacy

•Poor language and communication

•Lack of funding
•Lack of policies
•Organization of educational systems
•Too much focus on performance-based
•Part of what needs to occur when
creating cultures is to also determine
distinctions among frameworks and
practices. Most important in this scenario
is to understand how different special
education, mainstreaming, and inclusive
eduction are from each other.
•Special education assesses, instructs and
evaluates students individually and
intentionally, this type of educational
setting is beneficial to those with very
unique needs as well.
•Mainstreaming shares more similarities
with inclusion than with special
education. Both look at integrating the
child with additional needs into a general
education setting.
Table 3.1. Comparing special education,
inclusion, and mainstreaming
  Special Education Inclusion Mainstreaming

Selected learners are

All same-aged
Students who are not included in a general
peer/learners are in
Learners part of the classroom education class based
one class regardless of
norm. on their readiness
instead their age.

Learner may have

Strengths-based and access to both general
needs-based education curriculum
Curriculum General education.
individualized and more
curriculum. individualized
Mostly strengths
Both norm-
Assessment and based but is
Norm-referenced referenced and
Evaluation sometimes is also

All services happen

inside the pecial Receives services
education classroom both the general
Learning placement but other service such All services happen education classroom
and Delivery of as therapeutic inside the general and outside through
Services interventions may be classroom. the use of resource
integrated into this rooms and
setting or delivered therapeutic programs.

Preparatory and
Some learners have Rights-based: All
Learners are given
very specific needs leraners have a right
access o general
Philosophy that may not be to access quality
education but will
appropriately education that is
need to catch up on
addressed in general available to others.
skills first.

•As reiterated in the previous chapters, the

premise of inclusions starts with an acceptable
and embracing of diversity.
•It is difficult to start movement if this practice
is not rooted on a culture that assumes the
right perspectives and values.
•For simultaneous paradigm shifts to happen
among its education stakeholders, school must
first create a new culture.
• UNESCO (2005) realistically acknowledges that
societal change in attitude need to be initially
represent in a community before inclusion can be
fully practiced. Rather, it must be viewed as a
perspective or an ideal to work toward.
• Without realization, differences in standards and
quality of education may surface as potential
• Just very recently, the pre-service education
curriculum was restructured so that special needs
education units are only given to special needs
education majors but to other majors as well.
•Involve other sector of society.
• Current training and awareness campaigns seem
to limit the movement of inclusion to a mere
home-school relationship.
• At most, these are extended to the departments
for social welfare and health. However, for an
inclusive set-up to truly be successful, active
involvement of the entire community must be
• For instance, those in the business, commercial,
security, and religious sectors must also be given
representations in trainings.
• At the same time, they must be specific
enough to reach the local churches, the
subdivision playgrounds, and the village
• In recent years, students in the tertiary levels
from various programs have been showing
growing interest in the PWD community.
• For instance, students belonging to
architectural and interior design program have
been working on theses and capstone projects
where their main clients have additional
•Whether creating an academic program
specific to a child with additional needs
or creating a new legislative bill for the
PWD community, collaboration is
•Each member of the inclusive education
team would have their own strengths
and weaknesses, and these have to be
used wisely to benefit the child with
additional needs.
•Del Corro-Tiangco (2014) states that general
education teachers are trained in general
curriculum but would not know how to
teach and manage children with additional
needs; while a special needs education
teachers would be equipped to handle
atypical behaviors but would not know
much about general education curriculum.
•True collaboration would guarantee an
inclusive program that would cover as many
areas as possible.
•Recognize the shift in role of the teacher.
•With the shift to inclusive education, the
role of special education (SPED) teachers
suddenly seems to be reduced to only as
needed. As a result, the SPED teacher’s role
no longer becomes that of an implementer
but that of a consultative nature instead.
•The SPED teacher’s role – their trainings,
their insights, and their skills as a supposed
prime mover in the inclusive education
framework – must neither be diminished
nor disregarded.
•Instead, these must be used to
ensure a good inclusive program is
provided to children with special
•General education teachers must go
through skills training and capacity-
building workshops to ensure that
they are supporting all types of
learners in their classrooms
•Include transitions in planning.
• An abrupt systematic change that is not well-
planned or disregard practices – whether existing
or implied – may hinder the shift to inclusion and
cause resentment from all stakeholders.
• Current practices have to be respected and
honored as to facilitate a gradual shift to inclusive
• Booth and Ainscow (2002) recommend that
schools reflect on their current policies and
practices to check their readiness for an inclusive
•They also devised a questionnaire that would
help administrators, faculty, and other
stakeholders comprehensively gather baseline
•Specifically, schools may look at the following:
Student admissions
Accessibility to utilities and facilities
Supports available to students, parents, and
school personnel
Learner accommodations
Exclusionary or discriminatory incidents
• The third dimension to Booth and Ainscow’s
framework for schools (2002) where administrators
must first try to create an inclusive culture among
its stakeholders, then build better, more all-
encompassing policies.
• The goal of the first two steps is to ascertain habit-
forming conditions, which make procedures that are
otherwise unfamiliar feel like second nature to us.
• The term evolving assumes that we already have
strategies in place which we just have to revisit for
possible tweaking.
•It suggests advancements and
positive growth.
•Two effective evidence-based
inclusive practices that can be
used in the classroom are
Universal Design for Learning
(UDL) and Differentiated
• In architecture, universal designs refer to structures that
were made in such a way that they can be used by
customers or clients with a wide range of needs (Dukes &
Lamar-Dukes 2009 as cited in Salend 2011) Such designs
ensure accessibility for all.
• UDL refers to the design of instructional materials and
activities to make the content information accessible to
all children (Rose & Meyer 2006 as cited in Turnbell et al.
• It is best used in a general education classroom where
learners are different.
• UDL ensures that all students learn genuinely.
•Multiple means of
•Multiple means of action and
•Multiple means of engagement
•In UDL, teachers are supposed to present
information and materials in many different
•The concept of multiple means of
representation is meant to ensure that all
students are able to access and understanding
learning material.
•After this, teachers allow students to express
what they learned in various ways.
•Finally, the teacher uses different techniques
to reinforce learning at the students’ optimal
UDL Principles Adapted from Salend
Examples of UDL Implementation
UDL Principles and Inclusive
UDL Principles and Inclusive Practices

Inclusive practices are designed to

be useful, appealing, and safe for
and 
Use UDL principle equitably
all students, families,
professionals to use individual 
Use culturally responsive
Principle 1: Equitable Use
teaching strategies and
differences and various contexts
materials like MTBMLE.
are respected.

Inclusive practices are designed to

accommodate the individual
preferences, abilities, and needs of
all students, families, and
Principle 2: Flexible Use  
professionals. Flexibility in
providing choices for methods and
pacing are exercised.
 Establish classroom
rules and routines
Inclusive practices are 
Use graphic organizers
Principle 3: Simple and for synthesizing
designed to be easy for all
Intuitive Use materials
to use and understand.
 Develop scoring rubrics
with the students

 Use technological and

Inclusive practices are assistive devices to
designed so that they support learning,
Principle 4: Perceptible
communicate valuable communicate with
information to all various parents, or share
formats. information
 Teach study and
learning strategies
Inclusive practices are  Teach self-regulatory
designed to maximize techniques
Principle 5: Tolerance for
errors and unintended  Encourage students and
consequences by providing foster their intrinsic
safeguards and warnings to motivation
assist all in using them  Offer grading
safely. alternatives that are
valid and appropriate

are 
Chunk activities and give
Inclusive practices
more breaks
designed to be used
comfortably and efficiently 
Principle 6: Low Physical Teach mindfulness
without much effort from 
Effort Provide additional
support as needed
 Take advantage of seat
arrangement and classroom
Inclusive practices are designed for furniture
Principle 7: Size and Space for
use by all, regardless of their mobility,  Provide opportunities for
Approach and Use
physicality, or way of communication. outdoor work
 Allow technology as needed

 Use project-based learning

 Promote collaborative activities
such as fish bowl discussions or
Inclusive practices are designed to think-pair-share
Principle 8: Community of Learners promote social interaction and  Establish strong home-school
communication for all. partnership
 Classroom check-ins and check-

 Make students aware of and

comfortable with diversity
 Emphasize social roles in the
Inclusive practices are designed to classroom
Principle 9: Inclusive Environment foster acceptance and a sense of  Allow bonding activities
belongingness for all.  Do team-building exercises
regularly and integrate lessons in
such activities

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