Proof of Foreign Law
Proof of Foreign Law
Proof of Foreign Law
Lex Fori - law of the forum; that is, the positive law of the
state, country or jurisdiction of whose judicial system of the
court where the suit is brought or remedy is sought is an
integral part. Substantive rights are determined by the law
where the action arose (lex loci) while the procedural rights are
governed by the law of the place of the forum (lex fori)
Lex Loci Rei Sitae - law of the place where the thing or subject
matter is situated; the title to realty or question of real estate law
can be affected only by the law of the place where it is situated
Lex Situs - law of the place where property is situated; the general
rule is that lands and other immovables are governed by the law of
the state where they are situated
Lex Loci Actus - law of the place where the act was done
Lex Loci Delicti Commissi - law of the place where the crime took