Cdi 6 Fire Technology and Arson Investigation: By: Cindy DC Cariaga Rcrim. LPT
Cdi 6 Fire Technology and Arson Investigation: By: Cindy DC Cariaga Rcrim. LPT
Cdi 6 Fire Technology and Arson Investigation: By: Cindy DC Cariaga Rcrim. LPT
• History of Fire
• Early Fire Making Techniques
• Destructive Forces of Fire
At the of this chapter, the students will be able to:
• Discuss the history of fire and its contemporary uses.
• Enumerate realy fire making teachniques and its evolution
• Determine different causes of destructive fire
FIRE - The phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame
and heat. Fire is the active principle of burning, characterized by the
heat and light of combustion. Fire results from a rapid chemical
reaction between fuel and oxygen. Reactions that involve oxygen
and other elements are called oxidation reactions. Chemists use the
word combustion to refer to the oxidation reaction that produces fire.
Early humans used fire to warm themselves, cook food and
frighten away predators. Sitting around a fire may have
helped unite and strengthen family groups and spread the
evolution of early society. Fire also posed great risks and
challenges to early people, including the threat of burns, the
challenges of starting and controlling fire, and the threat of
wild fires.
Scientists and fire protection engineers’ work together to
help people use fire safely and productively. Engineers
continue to develop more fire-resistant materials for use in
furniture, buildings, automobiles, subway cars and ships.
The development of new engineering approaches and new
building codes and standards has led to safer buildings
without dramatically increasing costs of constructions.
All over the world people light fires with sparks caused by
striking flint and metal together. A kit includes flint, steel
(or another metal), and tinder, usually carried in a container
designed to keep the contents dry. With this method,
creating fire can take up to 30 minutes, most difficulties
resulting from wind or damp tinder.
Many chemical reactions generate heat and fire and various chemically aided
fire-making methods exist. Friction and sparks still start the reactions but
chemical compounds ease the process. They combat problems of wind and
damp tinder, and reduce physical effort. To begin with these involved producing
enhanced tinder. For example, amadou, a fungus that grows on decaying trees,
was mixed with saltpetre (potassium nitrate), and used with sparking kits and in
tinder pistols, a 17th Century invention. In the 19th Century further chemicals
and mechanisms were developed. For example, the Museum’s displays feature
an English lighter that used stearin, a compound of purified fatty acid.
Destructive fires can occur wherever fuel and oxygen are available,
including in office buildings, homes vehicles and forests.
Accordingly, fire breaks out in a building or structure every 61
seconds. Three-quarters of all structure fires occur in peoples’
homes. Extinguishing fire involves removing one of the
requirements of combustion. Firefighters may physically remove
fuels from the fire by taking a burning item inside the structure. They
can remove heat by cooling the fire with water or remove oxygen by
smothering the fire with chemicals or a fire blanket.
Fire causes injuries in forms of first, second and third- degree burns.
First Degree burn damages the epidermis only;
Second Degree burn goes through the epidermis and dermis; and
Third Degree burn destroys both the epidermis and dermis and
kills all nerve receptors underneath the skin.
• Components of Fire
• The Fire Tetrahedron
• Types of Flame
• Natur of Fire
• Combustion
• Ignition
• Heat and Temperature
• Enumerate different components of Fire
• Define The Fire Tetrahedron
• Enumerate the different types of Flame
• Discuss Nature of Fire
• Define Combustion and its products
• Discuss Ignition and how it occur
• Differentiate Heat and Temperature
Fire is heat and light from rapid combination of oxygen and other material. The
flame, which gives the light, is composed of glowing particles of burning
material and luminous gases. Fire is burning, which is combustion and
combustion is a type of oxidation reaction. Oxidation combined chemically with
oxygen is an exothermic reaction that releases heat energy. It simply means the
active principles of burning characterized by fuel, heat and oxygen.
A. Fuel
B. Oxygen
C. Heat Source
A. Fuels - All fuels have an ignition temperature, meaning that when raised to
that point, they start to burn. The temperature of the heat source must be higher
than the fuel’s ignition temperature. Most fuels are organic , i.e., they are carbon
compounds, as are the many products used in constructing and furnishing
building such as wood paint, and fabrics used in rugs, upholstery and bedding.
Solid fuels
Fabrics and Textiles
Peat - It is partially
decayed plant matter found
in swamps.
Liquid Fuels
Petroleum or Crude
Diesel Oil
Chemical Fuels
- Produced in solid or
liquid form, that create
great amount of heat
and power.
Nuclear Fuel
-Nuclear fuels provide
energy through the
fission or fusion of their
atom. Uranium is the
most commonly used
nuclear fuel.
B.Oxygen - Fire requires at least 16% oxygen content to continue; concentrations
between 16 and 21% promote heavy some production.
C.Heat Sources - It is the temperature and size of the heat sources the matters, fires
usually being small at the beginning. If circumstances are favorable- a flammable gas
or vapor, or a finely divided, solid material such as woods is present- a mere spark can
be the ignition source. Heat is the energy possessed by a material or substance due to
molecular activity.
The Fire Tetrahedron
Fires start when a flammable and/or a combustible material, in
combination with a sufficient quantity of an oxidizer such as oxygen gas
or another oxygen rich compound.
This is commonly called the fire tetrahedron. Fire cannot exist without
all of these elements in place and in the right proportions. For example, a
flammable liquid will start burning only if the fuel and oxygen are in the
right proportions.
- canoccur when
vapors, dust of
gases, premixed
with appropriate
amount of air are
Several important factors need to be present for combustion to occur. The first
requirements are fuel and oxygen. Fuel for a fire may range from trees in a forest to furniture in
a home to gasoline in a automobile. The oxygen in the reaction usually comes from the
surrounding air.
The next requirement for combustion is an initiating energy source, or source of ignition.
Ignition source may be in the form of a spark, a flame, or even a very hot object. The ignition
source must provide enough energy to start a chemical reaction. Finally, a chemical chain
reaction- reaction that continuously fuels itself, must occur between the fuel and oxygen for
combustion to take place.
1.Light and Heat
- Once a material
ignites a flame
-Fire can produce a number of different gases, including some that are harmless and some that
are toxic.
A visible product of
incomplete combustion,
usually a mixture of
oxygen, nitrogen,
carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide and products
that released from the
burning material’
The term behavior of fire is used to describe the magnitude, direction, and intensity of fire
spread. The magnitude is measured as the velocity of the leading edge of the flaming portion of
the fire. The direction is measured as the bearing of the leading edge of the fire and will vary
from 0 to 360 degrees. Finally, the intensity is measured as the energy released from the fire per
unit area. A fire which spreads rapidly and releases a large amount of energy is sometimes
referred to as conflagration or firestorm.
– it is the sudden and rapid (violent)
burning of heated gases in a
confined area that occurs in a form
of explosion. This may occur
because of improper ventilation. If a
room is not properly ventilated,
highly flammable vapors maybe
accumulated such that when a door
or window is suddenly opened, the
room violently sucks the oxygen
from the outside and
simultaneously, a sudden
combustion occur, which may
happen as an explosion (combustion
–it is the sudden ignition
of accumulated radical
gases produced when
there is incomplete
combustion of fuels. It is
the sudden burning of
free radicals, which is
initiated by a spark or
flash produced when
temperature rises until
flash point is reached.
1.Spontaneous Heating –
automatic chemical reaction that
results to spontaneous combustion
due to auto-ignition of organic
materials; the gradual rising of heat
in a confined space until ignition
temperature is reached.
A.Natural Causes
2.Lightning – Lightning usually strikes objects that are better electrical
conductors than air. Lightning can cause fire directly or indirectly. Lightning can
cause a Flash fire or dust explosion. When lightning strikes a steel or metal rod
covered with dust, the dust would suddenly burn thus resulting to an explosion.
A lightning may be in the form of:
HOT BOLT – longer in duration; capable only of igniting combustible
COLD BOLT – shorter in duration; capable of splintering a property or
literally blowing apart an entire structure; produces electrical current with
tremendous amperage and very high temperature.
A.Natural Causes
3.Radiation of Sunlight
– when a light hits a concave
mirror, concentrating the light
on combustible material
thereby ignites.
B.Accidental Causes of Fire
Electrical Accidents
1.Short-circuit – unusual or accidental connection between two points at different potentials (charge)
in an electrical circuit or relatively low resistance.
2.Arcing – production of sustained luminous electrical discharge between separate electrodes.
3.Sparking – production of incandescent particles when two different potential (charged conductors)
come in contact.
4.Induced current – sudden increase of electrical current resulting to the burning of insulating
material, exploding of the fuse box, or burning of active electrical appliances.
5.Overheating of electrical appliances – increase or rising of amperage while electric current is
flowing in a transmission line resulting to damage or destruction of insulating materials.
C.Intentional Causes
If in the burned property, there are preparations or traces of accelerant and plants
and trailer then the cause of fire is intentional.
1.Accelerant – highly flammable chemicals that are used to facilitate flame
2.Plant – the preparation and / or gathering of combustible materials needed to
start a fire.
3.Trailer – the preparation of flammable substances in order to spread the fire.
1. Fuels - It is the name given to the suite of variables used to
describe the vegetation the fire is spreading through.
As a fire progresses, it normally passes through three phases, they vary in many ways from
incident to incident.
1. Incipient Phase
2. Free Burning Phase
3. Smoldering Phase
1.Incipient Phase
This earliest stage of fire may or may not occur unnoticed. The degree to which it is observable
depends almost entirely upon the magnitude and the source of ignition and the type of fuel.
1.Normal room temperature
2.The temperature at the base of the fire is 400-800 degree fharienhigth.
3.Ceiling temperature is about 200 degree fharienhigth.
4.Pyrolysis Products: mostly water vapors and carbon dioxide; small quantities of carbon
monoxide and sulfides maybe present.
2. Free Burning Phase
During this phase of the fire, the rate and intensity of open burning increases geometrically.
1.Accelerated pyrolytic process takes place.
2.Development of convection current; formation of thermal column as heat rises.
3.Temperature 800-1000degree fharienhigth, 1200-1600 fharienhight.
4.Pyrolytic decomposition moves upward on the the walls leaving burnt pattern.
5.Occurrence of flashover.
3.Smoldering Phase
The gradual cessation of oxygen supply causes flaming combustion to end, replacing it to a
large extent by flowing combustion.
1.Oxygen content drops to 13% or below causing the flame to vanish and the heat to develop in
2.Products of incomplete combustion increase in volume, particularly carbon monoxide with an
ignition temperature of about 1125degree fharienhigth.
3.Ceiling temperature 1000-1300 degree fharienhigth
4.Heat and pressure in the room builds up.
Heat energy, whether produced by fire or by any other means is transmitted in one more of three ways as
1.Conduction - The term describes the transfer of heat within a solid material from hotter to cooler parts.
Different material conduct heat at different rate; metals conduct heat well, bricks and concrete at a much
lower rate.
2.Convection - The term describes a mass movement in a fluid, i.e. a liquid or gas where fluid at one
temperature and density moves under the influence of gravity through surrounding fluid at a different
temperature and density, mixing with it, and gradually exchanging heat with it until it is all the same
3.Radiation - The term describes the transfer of heat through a gas or vacuum in a similar way o light. The
heat from the sun comes to the earth surface in this way after passing through space and the earth’s
1.Structural Fire Spread – Fire spread involves the extension of fire from one point to another.
Naturally, the transfer of heat plays a large role in this extension. Overheated pipes, walls and
floors may initial fires in other areas of a structure by conduction. In addition, air movements
i.e., wind, drafts and venting can encourage convection to new fuel areas and can deliver
additional oxygen to sustain old fires and promote new one. Internal structural collapse may also
contribute to spread, as when burning material falls through to lower floors, starting fires there.
2.Chimney Effect – Since there is natural tendency for flame and heated gases to rise, any
structural element that enhances this upward movement serves a natural chimney. Such
enhancement is called the chimney effect. Because they intensify the fire’s upward movement,
these areas are often deeply charred and exhibit flame and burn damage many times in excess of
that of the point of origin.
1.Class A Fire
– fires that involve
flammable solids such as
woods, papers, cloth or
textiles, rubber and other
carbonaceous materials.
In short, this is the type of
fire caused by ordinary
combustible materials.
2.Class B Fire
– caused by flammable
and/or combustible
liquids such as
petrol/gasoline, oil,
paint, some waxes,
alcohol and other
3. Class C Fire
– fires that starts
involve flammable
gases, such as
natural gas.
4.Class D Fire
– fires that involves
combustible metals
such as sodium,
magnesium, potassium,
zinc, lithium and
5.Class E Fire
It determines how hot the fire is burning. Some types of fuels naturally burn
hotter than other. For example, a gasoline fire is hotter than a wood fire and
acetylene fire is hotter than a gasoline fire. Because of the factor that determines
the intensity of fire. Those factors are:
The first Roman fire brigade was a group of slaves who were hired by an aedile Marcus Egnatius Rufus.
Augustus took this idea from Rufus and then built on it to form the (Vigiles) in AD 6 to combat fires using
bucket brigades and pumps, as well as poles, hooks and even ballistae to tear down buildings in advance of
the flames. The Vigiles patrolled the streets of Rome to watch for fires and served as the police force.
In Europe, firefighting was quite rudimentary until the 17th century. In 1254, a royal decree of King Saint
Louis of France created the so-called guet bourgeois (“burgess watch”), allowing the residents of Paris to
establish their own night watches, separate from the king’s night watches, to prevent and stop crimes and
Fire fighting operation refers to fire suppression operations. In general the following procedures
should be observed:
1.PRE-FIRE PLANNING – this activity involves developing and defining systematic course of
action that maybe in order to realize the objectives of fire protection: involves the process of
establishing the SOP in case fire breaks out.
2.EVALUATION SIZE-UP (on the spot planning or sizing-up the situation) – this is the process
knowing the emergency situation. It involves mental evaluation by the operation officer-in-charged
to determine the appropriate course of action that provides the highest probability of success.
3.EVACUATION – this is the activity of moving or transferring people, livestock, and property
away from the burning area to minimize damage or destruction that the fire might incur in case it
propagates to other adjacent buildings.
4.ENTY – this is the process
of accessing the burning
structure. Entry maybe done
in a forcible manner.
– this is the operation of
removing (extracting),
thus saving people and
other livestock from the
burning building and
other involved
– also called cover
exposure, this is the
activity of securing
other buildings near the
burning structure in
order to prevent the fire
from the extending to
another building.
Different extinguishing agents can be used to put out a certain class of fire by
one or more methods; such as:
1.Removing of Heat
2.Removing of oxygen
3.Removing of fueal
4.Interrupting the chemical chain reaction.
1.WATER – it is commonly used in extinguishing Class A fires. Water is the most
effective in cooling the burning material below its ignition temperature. It is highly
stable and maybe used to extinguish most types of fire if properly applied.
2.CARBON DIOXIDE – it is non combustible and non reactive with most
substances. Due to its non-conductivity, CO2 is very effective in Class C fires. It
is also used on Class B fires.
5.Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) – the quick “knock down” and “heat
reduction” properties of AFFF have proven it to be effective agent. It has the
ability to seal the surface of burning hydrocarbon fires to prevent flashback.
6.HALONS – halogenated agents work chemically to extinguish
fire. It stops the combustion process by breaking the fire chain
reaction and prevents further fire propagation. Halons can be applied
by locally using non combustible gas similar to Carbon Dioxide.
Halons are effective on Class B and Class C fires.
It is a chemical device usually made of metal, containing chemicals, fluids or gases for stopping
fires. It is used for the purpose of putting out the fire before it propagates. It is a portable device
used to put out fires of limited size. Extinguishers are designed to cope with fires in their
infancy and are not intended to act as substitute for automatic sprinklers, standpipe and hoses in
the fire department. There are classes of extinguishers, each type has different value, but all is
not equally effective upon all cases of fire.
Fire extinguisher classification consists of a letter which indicates the class of fire on which an
extinguisher has been found to be effective, preceded by a rating numeral. Fire extinguishers
must always be fully charged and in condition which will permit efficient operation at any
moment without delay.
1.Class A Fire Extinguisher – usually water based. These extinguisher are effective on small
fires in ordinary combustible materials such as wood, paper, textiles, rubbish, etc. (Class A Fire)
where quenching or cooling effect of water or a solution containing a large percentage of water
is of first importance.
2.Class B Fire Extinguisher – Class B fire are put out by excluding air, by slowing down the
release of flammable vapors, or by interrupting the chain reaction of the combustion. The three
types of extinguishing agents are: carbon dioxide gas, dry chemicals, and foam. They are used
for fires involving flammable liquids, greases, and oils.
3.Class C/E Fire Extinguisher – the extinguishing agent in a Class C fire must be electrically
non-conductive. Both carbon dioxide and dry chemicals can be used in electrical fires.
5.Fire Blanket – are made of fire resistant materials. They are particularly useful for smothering
flammable liquid fires or for wrapping around a person whose clothing is n fire. Fire blankets
conforming to British Standard. If the blanket does not completely cover the fire, it will not be
able to extinguish the fire.