Merriweather Executive Team & Business Improvement Programme Prepared For: Joe Matz

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Executive Team & Business Improvement Programme

Prepared for:
Joe Matz

“A lot is talked about Leadership, but there are a

few things better than this for developing Team
Development Skills.”
Merriweather Executive Team Development Capability,
Track Record & Evidence
Since 1997, Merriweather Training & Development has enabled many of the world’s leading organisations to accelerate their
Business Success. Today Merriweather’s business-focused Executive Team Development Programmes are recognised around
the world by our ‘blue chip’ clients, for their success & pragmatic approach in enabling teams to apply the fundamentals
required to deliver real benefits to their business.
Leaders and their teams who have trusted the transformational Merriweather Executive Team & Business Improvement
Programmes to support their success, now stand out for successfully leading through change and for changing the mindset of
their people. Their teams have gone further faster & they have brought sustainability to driving customer, people and
commercial success. They lead high performing teams.
Merriweather’s transformational Executive Team & Business Improvement Programmes rapidly delivers inspired cohesive and
functional leadership teams with shared common goals achieving uncommon levels of success.

Mike Devoy; Senior VP; GlaxoSmithKline

Senior Team Development with Merriweather for 7 years
“I’ve had so much positive feedback about the programme; everyone wants to maintain the momentum.
We look forward to your continued coaching, both as an executive group and as individuals.”

Robert Ford; International CIO; Microsoft Corporation

Senior Team Development with Merriweather for 10 years
“Leading through change and bringing my team with me would not have been so
successful without the outstanding support of Merriweather’s Executive Team & Business
Improvement Programmes.”

Jerry Thompson; Director VAS & Devices; BT

Director-level Team Development with Merriweather for 3 years
“ Merriweather Executive Team Business Improvement Programmes have brought a change of
mind set supported by focused Business activities, accelerated converged thinking whilst
simultaneously providing team, leadership and insightful personal development”
Our Capability to Support our Clients
Resource Capability
Merriweather has the capability to deliver Executive Team Development to our clients through our existing team of 20 Business
Improvement Consultants. Malcolm Brown (Director of Centre of Excellence) supported by our training coordinator is
responsible for the resourcing and training of Merriweather Business Improvement Consultants

Richard Merriweather, Chief Executive

An Inspirational Business Performance Coach, Richard provides the relevant challenge, coaching and insight to help
leaders and teams succeed together in achieving their business goals. Richard has led teams successfully in
business and sport, as skipper of yachts in round the world yacht races and Olympic campaigns. Richard founded
Merriweather to inspire senior business leaders to focus on team development which has a clear impact on
performance, attitude and where results exceed expectations.

Dr David Wall, Director

David works extensively to help individuals and leading companies & private Equity Houses in the UK, Europe and
North America grow their businesses and succeed. His passion is helping businesses and their people achieve the
success they say they seek. He has continued his earlier work with Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey, integrating his
work with that of Tom Peters, Warren Bennis and Michael Porter for a cohesive and practical approach valued by
directors and front-line alike. David is the original developer of “shaping the future” & “The Complete Leader”.
Recognised for his continuing quest to create great places to buy from, work in and invest.

Malcolm Brown, Director of Centre of Excellence

Malcolm’s passion is for improving business performance by developing people as members of a high performing team.
He has achieved critical acclaim for ensuring that people development programmes and other human resource activity
had team and business improvement as their reason for existing and that their effectiveness was measured by the impact
they had on business performance. Malcolm joined Merriweather as a founding member of the team bringing his wealth of
experience in occupational & learning psychology.
Resource Capability continued
Phil Rose, Managing Director, EMEA
An inspiration to teams and their leaders, Phil has over 12 years’ experience in sales & marketing in the IT industry &
knows that tangible benefits emerge from taking action. He works with business leaders and teams to define success and
help create the roadmap to achieve it. His reputation means he works on a worldwide basis for clients.

Alex Wright, Managing Director, USA

Alex is the Managing Director of Merriweather-USA based in Seattle. As Facilitator and Performance Coach,
Alex is recognised for his warmth, authenticity, and true desire to help people transcend self imposed,
professional “limitations”.  Leading Business Improvement Programs, Alex excels at working with
Leadership teams to achieve absolute clarity, alignment and results. His award winning work has
been recognised in industry journals such as Treasury & Risk magazine & directions on Microsoft.
Alex has managed the successful delivery of global systems managing over $45 Billion dollars.

Kathleen Carie, VP of Leadership Development

Kathleen is a graduate of Seattle University and is a polished & persuasive communicator and expert presenter who
has developed and successfully led training programs for many fortune 500 companies. Kathleen has been
described as an outrageously well-loved personality who brings new meaning to the words “fun” and “results”.
Following a successful career as COO of another training organisation Kathleen now enjoys life as Merriweather USA
VP of Leadership development based in Seattle where she has achieved over 20 years in the training Industry.

Nick Henderson, Head of Training & Development

Nick is an International Training and Development specialist who works successfully within different cultures and across
industries. As an experienced, motivational and inspiring facilitator and coach he is at home working with Leaders,
groups or on a one-to-one basis to help others deliver outstanding results. Nick’s expertise is supported by his
certification as a NLP Master Practitioner. Nick ensures the quality of our global programmes at all stages of the training
cycle and utilises his experience of Transformational Change, Business Improvement and
Leadership to ensure we deliver for our clients every time.
Existing Merriweather Clients
Some of the world’s most successful companies use  Telecommunications & Services
Merriweather Executive Team & Business Improvement
Programmes to achieve Inspired Performance.
 Pharmaceutical
Merriweather delivers senior team development
predominantly across three sectors:  Information Technology
Sector Experience
Merriweather delivers executive & senior team development to the following companies in
the Telecommunications & Services sector:

Cable & Wireless
TeleManagement Forum

“As a Company Director at Orange, I never underestimate the value of focused Team Development.
Merriweather’s 5C’s Strategic Planning Tool & approach to supporting
a leader’s success clearly works – I recommend it!”
Alistair Macleod; Vice President, Orange
Sector Experience
Merriweather delivers executive & senior team development to the following companies in
the Information Technology sector:

Hewlett Packard

“Without doubt this programme has been the catalyst to helping us over achieve our results this year. Not only do the
Merriweather team focus on our business objectives but also the team’s morale and effectiveness have increased
Tremendously. Their support and guidance has made my job easier”
Chris Jones; Director BT
Sector Experience
Merriweather delivers executive & senior team development to the following companies in
the Pharmaceutical sector:

Baxter Healthcare

“Bringing two teams together following a merger is never an easy task; we continue to make excellent progress through
Your programme.”

Federico Bazzoni; Managing Director Asia Equity, BNP Paribas

Merriweather’s Guiding Principles
Success through our programmes is when the Leader can model the way and inspire a shared vision as they
have already challenged their own thinking. Therefore, they are absolutely prepared to enable their teams to act,
focusing on encouraging their team to buy-in to their vision through more exemplary leadership.

Clarity: A vision for success is defined and communicated.

Powerful Partnerships: A robust partnership is built between leader, team and Merriweather to deliver the

Trusted & insightful Processes: Processes which ensure strategic and tactical objectives are bought in to
and delivered.

Phased Development Programme: A programme designed to be effective within the constraints and needs
of the business schedules; developing an aligned, cohesive & functional leadership team with shared
common goals.

Inspirational Delivery: Top-tier business coaches who are challenging and inspirational.

Highly Supportive: A programme to support you in the formation and delivery of your business plan and to
build a functional and cohesive leadership team.

Candour / Crucial Conversations: Clients are given the information they need to hear; sometimes difficult but
Diagnostics and Approach
Merriweather Training & Development uses a wide range of diagnostics including your existing tools (e.g.
Insights/MBTI), Merriweather Intellectual Property & tools we have found effective elsewhere, including:

1. The 5C’s Strategic Planning & Action Tool (5C’s): This provides us with a total understanding of
what the Leader is trying to achieve, their circumstances and scope and scale of the challenge
2. Team Dysfunction Diagnostic: Merriweather Survey; ‘Where are you now?’
3. Leadership Practices Inventory: Online survey / Comprehensive 360º reports generated

Merriweather’s Winning Approach

Our clients tell us that our rigorous approach can be best summarised as:

“Challenging, candid, informative, engaging, inspirational, participative, relevant and often fun”

Merriweather distinguish between the ‘What’ and the ‘How’.

We work with the Leader & team to ensure the ‘What’ is carefully considered and understood by all.

We then enable the ‘How’ to be achieved & sustained through Merriweather’s five phases of the Executive
Team and Business Improvement Programme.
The Methodology of the Merriweather Executive Team &
Business Improvement Programme

6 – 9 months phased programme

Executive Team & Business Improvement Programme

Strategic Action Challenge and support the leader
& Planning Tool Identify where the business challenges and gaps lie
1:1 Joe Matz
& Merriweather

Executive Team & Business Clarity of Purpose
Team Buy in
Improvement Programme
Business Challenges identified
For Joe Matz’s Leadership Team
Solutions to Business Challenges Focus and Alignment
Inspired and high performance teams Improved Leadership

Business Improvement Programme Lites Team Performance
For Joe Matz’s Direct Reports & their teams Leadership
Solving Business Challenges
Focus and alignment

All Hands Meeting All Hands Meeting Outputs:

Redmond Region EMEA/APJ Region - TBC Team Alignment
Sept 07 Date TBC
Executive Team “Journey” Timeline
Initial Diagnostic Phase Planning Delivery & Execution Review Delivery & Execution Review Delivery & Execution Review Delivery & Execution

Initial Qualifying Comprehensive Submit clear

Discussion with Needs robust Program Review
Strategic Leader Analysis proposal Initiate Initiate Initiate Initiate conducted with
Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 the client
Phase 1
Clarity 5 C’s

May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 Oct-07 Nov-07 Dec-07 Jan-08

May: Involve the key

stakeholders (or
equivalent) from the Coach / Measure Coach / Measure Coach / Measure
outset and throughout
the journey
Phase 1 - 5 C’s Phase 2 – Foundation Phase 3 – Focus on Phase 4 – Excellence Phase 5 – Inspired
workshop with for success. Establish embedding a culture in execution. Culture performance - goals
May: Understand and the Leader clarity, refine vision, of continuous of a high performing achieved.
adhere to the client’s TD mission, team improvement and team taking shape. Organisational Health
principles, preferred behaviors, business what’s not working. Monitoring of improved. Inspired
consulting process and challenges identified, inspiring change, progress – resolving leadership. Share
diagnostic tools and move towards planning, leadership, what’s not working – success factors,
comprehensive team solutions, culture, & what needs to change capture share best
buy-in. collaboration. and how practice, determine
what’s next.

Timing: With BIP Phases can vary from 2 – 3 months based on input from periodic reviews & your circumstances. We will tailor the actual
rollout schedule to coincide with the client’s business calendar.
Phase 1: The Start of the Journey
The 5C’s Strategic Action & Planning Tool to enable highly effective strategic
business focused Executive Team Development

Leaders around the world have made this tool their own. Once shown the benefits of this
approach and methodology, we see and hear of Leaders using it long after Merriweather
have completed their work.

The 5C’s 1:1 workshop is a proven, structured & rigorous thought process lead by a
Merriweather Consultant to guide, challenge and support the Leader to fully consider &
identify & capture their Strategic Plan and then map in the actions to achieve it.

The 5C’s workshop (4 to 8 hours) enables the leader to identify where the gaps and
challenges lie, where help is required and where to use the team to best advantage to
achieve the mission.

“ I now carry this simple tool with me to every meeting”

Andrew Goldney; Director, Baxter Healthcare
Merriweather takes you from vision, through strategy, to delivery

Corporate Vision
The “banner” under which all will align

Picture of
What success looks like
(Organisational Level)

Thematic Goal
Short term unifying rallying cry:
(Unifying Objective) a focus on 3 to 6 months

Short-Term Short-Term Short-Term A set of deliverables for each team

Commitments Commitments Commitments member over a 3 month period
(each team member) (each team member) (each team member)

Team Targets /
Metrics Your results
The delivery of benefits
through the phased Merriweather Executive Team &
Business Improvement Programme (BIP)

Anticipated BIP
Outcome / Benefit Alignment
Team aware of the start of the journey – informed on the go-forward roadmap Phase 1 & 2

Measurable improvement to business performance – contribute to closure of performance gaps Phase 2 & 3

Stakeholders realising positive impacts from the interventions Phases 1 – 5

Team members take the learnings into their own teams – self proliferating Phases 1 – 5

Embedded and enriches the organisation – role modeling Leadership capabilities Phases 1 – 5

Net reduction in terms of competing approaches, increase in common language, framework, overall
Phase 3 & 5

Team has enhanced capability to diagnose team issues on their own Phase 3 – 5
Becomes the valued way we do things around here Phase 3 – 5
Internal capability increases so that over time we are less reliant upon external suppliers and
Phase 4 – 5
How we Manage Effective Client Relations with our Clients

Joe Matz

Director of Centre of Head of Training &

Account Director Client Support Manager
Excellence Development
Richard Merriweather Caroline Kay
Malcolm Brown Nick Henderson

Programme & Training

Coaches & Facilitators

Merriweather agrees to be compliant with your requirements of what Suppliers must deliver.
Merriweather takes the Client/Consultant relationship very seriously and continually updates and coaches all our team on how
to maximise the client value achieved from a Merriweather consultant and minimise the room for any client dissatisfaction.
Our Programme process and methodology ensures that both the client and Merriweather consultant s work together to achieve
outstanding success from the outset – every time.
Balancing the personal relationship with professionalism is a critical part of the success of the engagement. At Merriweather we
know it is imperative that disciplined relationships exist – we recognise the value in continuity of our team, knowing your people,
sector challenges & circumstances.
The most successful consulting projects help people develop at a personal level – which is what you can expect from us. Our
approach to consulting is that we must add significant value and respect your valuable & limited time.
Pricing Structure for Assignments/Fees & Rates
The Merriweather Executive Team & Business Improvement Programme comprises of:

Pre-programme preliminary diagnostics and interface with Joe Matz & Jill Keenan
Programme design / tailoring in liaison with Joe Matz & Jill Keenan
5C’s Strategic Action & Planning workshop (1:1 Joe Matz & Merriweather)
4 x 2 day quarterly programmes
Coaching & support throughout for Joe Matz & team members
Measurement and post programme survey after each intervention
Regular meetings with Joe Matz & Jill Keenan
Programme / Event Management and coordination
Outstanding account management

This equates to a project price of:

$70,000 per team, per annum

These costs work on a Leadership team consisting of 10 people.

Outside of our Business Improvement Programme pricing structure, Merriweather Business Improvement Consultants charge rates varying
between $1,500 - $4,000 per day depending upon region for delivery and the scope of the work .
Harvard Business Review
Boris Groysberg, Ashish Nanda and Nitin Nohria

“Justifying consulting and training costs is becoming top of mind for many businesses.
Conducting an ROI analysis (comparison of benefits to costs) - can be painstaking and
time consuming. There are some basic ways to determine whether training meets and
organisational goals and objectives are met”.

Measure participants’ reaction and satisfaction. Surprisingly, many companies fail

to collect this most basic of key data. A simple survey can assess the quality of the
consulting engagement and the effectiveness of the programme.
Identify specific tangible commitments – track progress over the duration of the
program – conduct post mortem reviews and consolidate results to determine
As part of a manager or senior Leadership team review, analyze participant’s
learning and ability to utilize the new information through us of a 360 Review
Survey or similar tool(s).

“Leading through change and bringing my team with me would not have been so successful without the outstanding support of Merriweather’s
Executive Team & Business Improvement Programmes.”
Natalie Ayres; Director; Microsoft Corporation
Senior Team Development with Merriweather for 10 years
The measurement of success (Impact / ROI) of Merriweather
Team development programmes
We take the defined outcomes from the 5C’s in Phase 1 and measure the success in 3 performance areas :

Business Performance
Team Performance
Leadership Performance

1 Business Performance:
Use Client’s scorecard to measure the delivery of the Leader’s & team’s annual customer & commercial objectives
Use Merriweather Dashboard to measure delivery of short term (quarterly) goals *
Use Merriweather Business Performance Tracker (four part, rolling, 12 month, narrative report) recording the
journey *

2 Team Performance:
Use the Merriweather Team Performance survey throughout the programme *

3 Leadership Performance:
Leadership 360’ survey (before & after). Typically our clients will have their preferred or existing tool, otherwise we
recommend the Leadership Practices Inventory Online Survey – as this provides the additional benefit of ranking
your leaders in a pool of 4000 other Leaders from the world’s leading organisations.
Unique Selling Point & Differentiators
What you can expect from Merriweather:

Our Great People: We know you need to work with highly experienced coaches, facilitators & Account Directors who have achieved
success in their own right

Clarity and Accountability: Through our programmes our clients all know what they are trying to accomplish and what success will look
like & they are inspired to enable others to act

Our Intellectual Property & Trusted Processes: The ‘5C’s and the other phases of the ‘Executive Team & Business Improvement
Programme’, ensures that our clients have the edge over their competition

Our drill-down, interrogative processes and goal setting through the “Merriweather Dashboard” are proven tools which have consistently
enabled teams to achieve their business objectives

Through the programmes we instill an overall ‘culture of accountability’ Our programmes continually challenge & support team members
to move towards becoming more exemplary Leaders

We believe in candid and crucial conversations

Tenacity: The persistence & intensity of our insistence to drive teams and their leaders to perform, never fails to amaze and impress our
clients – we get the job done!

Personal Account Management & our Customer Centric mindset: Our promise and commitment to you is to demonstrate where our
dedication to your success through superior account management makes us a leader in the industry today – our clients enjoy working
with us
Case Studies
Pharmaceutical Global Team - GlaxoSmithKline
The Challenge
A global team of eight senior academics was working across a multitude of cultures to develop new drugs that had the potential to save millions of lives. Improving the time to market was therefore crucial for the organisation.

The group members were not natural business managers, and tended to work in silos across the organisation, which created a number of challenges. There was an urgent need to speed up working processes, cut costs and create much clearer communication channels within their own team and
also with the sales & marketing teams, as they are continuously pressurised to deliver to the team new drugs.

The Solution
The Merriweather Executive Team & Business Improvement Programme was put in place to develop a strong, collaborative team with a high level of trust. The cultural issues were addressed so that the managers understood their colleagues’ needs. Best practice was shared, ensuring that the
constant ‘reinventing of the wheel’ ceased and standardised processes were put in place and used across all regions. The team developed one clear message and a common purpose.

The Results - Business Metrics:

Costs went down and speed to market improved. Three years on, this programme is still in process within the organisation and has been cascaded down to the wider team of 50 managers. The VP who managed the international group has subsequently moved on to another organisation in a more
senior position and continues to use the Merriweather Executive Team & Business Improvement Programme there.

Organisational Health Indicators:

The senior team’s communication improved dramatically. There was a feeling of shared responsibility and a realisation that each team member was confronted with many similar challenges. The team members also became much more effective leaders.

“I’ve had so much positive feedback about the programme; everyone wants to maintain the momentum. I am keen to see how we
can harness this enthusiasm and energy and improve overall effectiveness within my management team. We look forward to
your continued coaching, both as an executive group and as individuals.”
Mike Devoy; Senior VP; GlaxoSmithKline
Case Studies
The Challenge
Telecom Sales Team - BT
A sales group in a fast-growing sector was experiencing increasingly tight resources and stretching sales targets. The senior sales director ran four sales teams, with four separate managers and each with their own sales targets, but also one group sales target. It was crucial that they reach their collective financial goals without
breaking into silos and becoming competitive. It was also important that they work to reduce stress levels and the consistently high levels of pressure they were facing.

The Solution
If the team was to achieve its common goal, there needed to be a highly supportive environment. The Merriweather Executive Team & Business Improvement Programme focussed the team, instilling a very strong sense of purpose in each team member. It opened up channels of communication, created a clearer understanding
of each individuals needs, and a group mission was developed. This collaboration relieved much of the stress and encouraged high levels of performance.

Because each individual took responsibility for the group as a whole, the team became identified by its product group, rather than by its team leader. The four direct reports changed their behaviour, becoming stronger leaders and empowering each team member so that each person felt they were making a strong contribution to
the overall goal.

The Results - Business Metrics:

The teams hit and exceeded their financial targets, winning the Team of the Year Award at BT for their achievements.

Organisational Health Indicators:

The team dramatically improved their scores in all sectors. There was significant improvement in team working and morale, and there was high motivation to build a further more challenging business plan.

“Without doubt this programme has been the catalyst to helping us over achieve our results this year. Not only do the
Merriweather team focus on our business objectives but also the team’s morale and effectiveness have increased
Tremendously. Their support and guidance has made my job easier”
Chris Jones; Director BT
Thank you
from Merriweather

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