Duty Report Muzaini UAP
Duty Report Muzaini UAP
Duty Report Muzaini UAP
Consultant incharge : dr. Kino, SpJP (K)
Residen incharge : dr. Putri Handayani/ dr. Deddy/ dr. Sisca/ dr.
Riski/ dr. Medika
Old Patient New Patient Problemed Died
3 8 2 - 2 - - - -
Patient in consult
Present Illness
Chest pain since 10 hours before admission, in the middle of chest, duration < 30 minutes, radiation (-), diaphoresis
(-), nausea (+) and vomiting (-). History of chest pain (+) 1 stent in prox-mid LAD (2017), 1 stent in prox-mid LCX
(2018), 1 stent in mid-distal LAD (2018). Patient routinely controlled with cardiologist and got therapy bisoprolol
1x5mg, amlodipine 1x5mg, ASA 1x100mg, Imidapril 1x5mg, Short acting insulin 1x12 IU, Long acting insulin 3x12
Shortness of breath (-). DOE (-), OP (-), PND (-), leg swelling (-)
Palpitation (-), dizziness (+) since 3 hours before admission, syncope (-).
Patient was referred from SPH and diagnosed with UAP and already got therapy Enoxaparin 2x0.6cc, ASA 1x100mg,
Bisoprolol 1x7.5 mg, Amlodipin 1x10mg, Imidapril 1x10mg, NTG 20mcg/min, Short acting insulin 1x12 IU, Long
acting insulin 3x12 IU, Lansoprazole 1x30mg.
At emergency : chest pain (+) with scale 2/10
Risk factors
Ex Smoker (+), stop smoking since 2 years ago
Hypertension (+) since 10 years ago controlled with amlodipine 1x10mg, imidapril 1x10mg
DM (+) >5 years ago, controlled by insulin
FH (-)
Dislipidemia (?)
Past Illness
asthma (-), gastritis (-), stroke (-)
Physical Examination
General appearance : Moderate
Sens : CMC
Blood Pressure : 158/85 mmHg
Pulse Rate : 66 x/min
Resp Rate : 20 x / m
Neck : JVP 5+0 cmH20
SaO2 : 98 % Room Air
insp : Symetric right = left
palp : Fremitus right = left
perc : Sonor right = left
ausc : Vesiculer (+), rales -/-, wheezing -/-
Cor :
insp : Ictus cordis not visible
palp : Ictus cordis palpable at LMCS 5th ICS
perc : Upper : 2nd ICS
Right: LSD
Left : at LMCS 5th ICS
ausc : S1N-S2N reguler, murmur -, gallop -
insp : Supel
palp : Hepar and lien was not palpable
perc : Tympani
ausc : Peristaltic sound (+) N
Extremities :
Edema -/-, warm
ECG at ER (13/8/2020 )
SR, QRS rate 60 x/m , Axis LAD, P wave N, PR int 0,16 s, QRS dur 0,06s,
ST – T change (-), LVH (-), RVH (-)
Laboratory Findings
Hb : 13.5 g/dl Ur/Cr : 28/1 mg/dl
Ht : 40 % RBG :
Platelet : 274.000 /mm3
Trop I : 22 ng/L
Na/K/Cl/Ca : 140/3.7/107/8.1
pH : 7.41
pCO2 : 33
pO2 : 168
HCO3 : 20.9
BE : -3.7
SAO2 : 100%
Normal BGA
Chest X-Ray
◦ UAP TIMI 4/7 GS 87
◦ ASHD post PTCA 1 stent in prox-mid LAD (2017), 1 stent in prox-mid LCX (2018), 1
stent in mid-distal LAD (2018)
◦ HT stg II
◦ Type II DM
Therapy in ER
NTG 20 mcg
Enoxaparin 2x0.6cc
ASA 1x100mg
CPG 1xx75mg
Bisprolol 1x25mg
Amlodipin 1x10mg
Imidapril 1x10mg