Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
What is lung cancer?
Lung cancer is cancer that starts in the
lungs. Cancer is a disease where
cancerous cells grow out of control,
taking over normal cells and organs
in the body.
1. Surgery
Pneumonectomy: one entire lung is removed
Lobectomy: a section (lobe) of the lung is
Segmentectomy/wedge resection: part of a lobe is
Laser surgery: a high-energy beam of light
destroys the cancer cells in a tumour
2. Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-energy
radiation to kill cancer cells.
3. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy means taking anti-cancer
drugs, either by swallowing them or by
How can I prevent lung cancer?
Kriteria hasil :
Nyeri hilang/terkontrol
Tampak rileks & istirahat dg baik
Berpartisipasi dl aktivitas
Intervensi :
Tanya ttg, pyb,verbal & non verbal nyeri
Ev ketidakefektifan tx obat.
Dorong menyatakan perasaan nyeri
Beri lingk tenang.
Bantu akt prwt diri, pernfs & ambulasi.
Kolaborasi : analgesic
4. Ketakutan/ ansietas b/d krisis situasi;
ancaman perub st kesh; anc kematian.
Kriteria hasil :
Mendiskusikan msl kecemasannya.
Menunjukkan rentang perasaan &
penamp wajah rileks.
Pengetahuan akurat.
Intervensi :
Ev pemahaman p/orang dekat
Akui rasa takut dorong ekspresikan
Beri kesemp bertanya & jawab dg jujur
Catat perilaku
Libatkan orang terdekat dl perenc prwt
Ca Paru bedah thorak
Perawat kritis
Hasil obtimal
Pre operatif
Perlu penkes
klien & klg paham
Hal Penting :
- Pengetahuan op
- Ruang perawatan ( RR, ICU )
- O2, obat-obatan
- Perawatan
Post Operasi
Fokus :