Lesson 13 - Exponential Functions, Equations &
Lesson 13 - Exponential Functions, Equations &
Lesson 13 - Exponential Functions, Equations &
1. f(x) =5x 2
2. f(x) = 7 2x – 1
3. 5 2x + 1
= 625 4. 3 < 27
5. 2 > 4x 6. 42x = m
Determine whether the given is an exponential
function, an exponential equation, an
exponential inequality, or none of these, & find x
1. 49x = 72 2. 3 < 9x
3. y = 81x 4. 3(15x) = 45
5. 2 = 32
6. 5 > 25 2x
7. 2x = 16
8. A = 20 (3) x
PROJECT: Use short size bond paper,
computer generated or through the
email address iolacahs@yahoo.com