Anti-Tussives-Mucolytics-Expectorants-Feb 2015
Anti-Tussives-Mucolytics-Expectorants-Feb 2015
Anti-Tussives-Mucolytics-Expectorants-Feb 2015
• Antitussives, mucolytics and expectorants are drugs that are used in the
management of cough
• Cough is the sudden and forceful release of air from lungs. It is often an
involuntary (protective) reflex
• Cough is a useful physiological mechanism that serves to clear the
respiratory passages of foreign material and excess secretions
• Cough is produced by the cough reflex, which is integrated in the cough
centre in the medulla
• The initial stimulus for cough arises in the bronchial mucosa, where
irritation results in bronchoconstriction
• Cough receptors (specialised stretch receptors) in the trachea and
bronchial tree, send vagal afferents to the cough center and trigger the
cough reflex
Mechanism of cough
Drug management of cough
• Antitussives are drugs that suppress cough and produces symptomatic relief
• Mechanism of action of antitussives: Decrease sensitivity of the cough centre to
peripheral stimuli and decrease mucosal secretions
• Use of antitussives: cough suppression for non-productive irritating coughs
• Drugs with anti-tussive effect include opiates and diphenhydramine
• Examples of opiates that are used for cough suppression include: codeine, hydrocodone,
hydromorphone, pholcodeine, noscapine and dextromethorphan
• Antitussive actions of codeine, hydromorphone and hydrocodone occur at doses lower
than those required for analgesia. However, they produce constipation, nausea and
respiratory depression.
• Dextromethorphan, noscapine and pholcodeine do not have analgesic properties and are
not addictive and are less constipating
• Diphenhydramine is an H1 receptor antagonist that acts centrally to decrease the
sensitivity of the cough centre to afferents
Expectorants are agents given orally to liquefy respiratory secretions
and allow for their easier removal
Expectorants stimulate the production of a watery, less viscous
Guaifenesin (glyceryl guiacolate)
• Increases the volume and reduce the viscosity of secretion in
trachea and bronchi by increasing respiratory tract fluid
• Acts directly via the GIT to stimulate the vagal reflex
• Near emetic doses are required for beneficial effect
• Taken by mouth
• Available as single drug and in combinations with other drugs
Expectorants …. cont’d
• Mucolytics liquefy the viscous tracheobronchial secretions. They designed to
alter the viscosity of bronchial secretions, thereby making them easier to clear
by cough or ciliary transport.
• Mucolytics react directly with mucus to make it more watery resulting in the
cough becoming more productive
• Mucolytics include bromhexine, acetyl cysteine, carbocisteine, mecysteine
• Uses of mucolytics: to facilitate expectoration of sputum in conditions such as
cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Acetylcysteine, carbocisteine and mecysteine
• MOA: reduce the viscosity of mucus and sputum by cleaving disulfide bonds in
the mucoproteins contained in them
• Aceytylcysteine is given by inhalation while carbocisteine and mecysteine are
given orally
• MOA: thinning & fragmentation of mucopolysaccaride fibers