Memorandum of Association MOA: SS 4, 12 - 18 - CA 2013
Memorandum of Association MOA: SS 4, 12 - 18 - CA 2013
Memorandum of Association MOA: SS 4, 12 - 18 - CA 2013
SS 4, 12 – 18 - CA 2013
(SS 26 – 31, CA 1956)
(6) The MOA of a co. shall be in respective forms
specified in Tables A, B, C, D & E in Sch. I as may
be applicable to such Co.
Lawful purpose (12) v Object of the Co. (13)
Business v Trade
Main object – to conduct lottery & some were
philanthropic ?
S. 294-A, IPC
Will not save the Co. from being unlawful - Purpose
would still be illegal even where the illegal business is
merely annexed to the real one which is philanthropic
Universal Mutual Aid & Poor Houses Assn Ltd. v Thoppa Naidu (A
D) (1932) 2 Comp Cas 515 (Mad)
If the purpose of the Co. is not lawful
ROC may refuse to register – COI - if issued, cannot legitimize the
unlawful part of the business.
Performing Rights Society Ltd. v London Theatre of Varieties (1922)
1 KB 539;
R v ROC’s, ex parte Attorney General (1991) BCLC 476 (QBD)
Memorandum 2(56))- 2013
1956 - 2 (28)
Means - MOA of a Co.
As originally framed / as altered from
time to time
In pursuance of any previous Co. law /
of T/ Act;
Mode of Forming Incorporated Co.
Sec. 3 (1) & (2) – CA -13 (Sec. 12 -1956)
(Pvt. Co.)
3 (1) (c)
Who can be a subscriber?
Natural / Artificial persons having independent
existence & competent to contract
Body corporate - Whether registered as a Co.
U/T/CA or
A statutory corporation,
Co-operative society /
Any body being an incorporated body
Cannot subscribe his name to MOA
No bar to a minor becoming a member of a Co.
through the guardian, in respect of fully paid shares
Circular No. 312(43) CL-III/63, dated 30 September
Who can be a subscriber?
A Firm
Not a legal person - Individual partners must
A Hindu undivided family
Cannot be a subscriber - Not a juristic person for all
purposes - but the karta can be a subscriber
State & Central Govt.
Cannot be subscribers
Governor & / or President of India can be a subscriber,
through the Secretary to the respective Govt’s
Foreigner / a PROI
Provisions of the FEMA, 1999 must be complied
Subscriber & liability?
Subscribing – Is it an agreement between the
persons concerned to associate into a body
Is he bound to take shares – put against his
(Implies?) Person - Puts his signature to MOA -
in order to attract other subscribers - Duty to
Take Shares
Subscriber’s name is not entered in - Share
Register - Is subscriber still liable
Liable as a contributory in WU
J H Chandler & Co. Ltd. v H I Phillips, AIR 1926 All 550
Subscriber & liability?
Subscribers to MOA – who are 1st
directors - to pay for the shares - have
agreed to subscribe?
Pleading their own default in not allotting
shares to themselves?
No - They are still liable.
Naraindas Lahoredas, re (1934) 4 Comp Cas 127 (Sind);
Universal Transport Co. Ltd. v Jagjit Singh (1956) 26
Comp Cas 36 (Punj)
2(55), 2013
Member in relation to a Co., means -
Co Ltd. By Share / Guarantee?
Co. – “having no authorised capital” - cannot
be said – “Co. having a share capital” – it will be
only a Co. Ltd. by guarantee.
‘Capital;’ & ‘Share Capital’ – synonymous ?
Re, Yogam (S N D P) (1970) 40 Comp Cas 60 (Ker)
Liability of each SH is limited by the No. of shares
Cannot be called on to contribute beyond the amount
unpaid on his shares
In a Ltd. Co. - Liability of all / any of the directors /
manager may - if so provided by MOA - Be unlimited
(vide SS 322 & 323)
Obligation of Directors - Managers
New Law - Sec. 286 – CA 2013
In the case of a Ltd. Co. - Any person who is / has been a
director / manager - Whose liability is unlimited U/T/P/O/T/A –
Shall, in addition to his liability - if any - To contribute as an
ordinary member –
Be liable to make a further contribution as if he were at the
commencement of WU - a member of an unlimited Co.
P… A person who has been a director / manager shall not be
liable to make such further contribution –
A) If he has ceased to hold office for a year / upwards before the
commencement of WU.
B) In respect of any debt / liability of the Co. contracted after he
ceased to hold office;
C) Subject to AOA - unless NCLT deems it necessary to require the
contribution in order to satisfy the debts & liabilities, & the costs,
charges & expenses of the WU.
Purpose, Nature & Advantages of a Guarantee Co. -
Palmer’s Co. Precedents
Greater Elasticity - Utmost freedom
Holding of shares is in no sense an essential
feature of membership.
Large proportion of the Co’s Ltd. by guarantee -
are registered under a licence from the BOT –
See Sec. 8, CA, 2013 - Not for Profit Co -
Assn. formed for Promoting Commerce, Art,
Science, Religion, Charity / other useful object.
Palmer’s Co. Precedents
Other concerns adopt this mode of incorporation
as being better suited to their circumstances
In particular, Co’s for -
MOA – 4 - 2013
S. 4 (1)(a) - The MOA a Co. shall state -
(A) Name of the Co. - Public Limited Co. - Last word as
“Limited” (PLC) (INC – US)
Private Limited Company – Last word as
Private Limited (Pvt. Ltd.)
P… nothing in this clause shall apply to a Co. registered U/S 8
4(1)(d) - Liability of Members of the Co. -
Whether limited / unlimited
• (i) in the case of a Co. Ltd. by shares, that
liability of its members is limited to the
amount unpaid, if any, on the shares held
by them; &
S. 4(1)(d)(ii) - In the Case of a Co. Ltd. by Guarantee - Amount up
to which each Member Undertakes to Contribute
S. 4(1)(e)
In the case of a Co. having a Share Capital
(i) Amount of share capital with which the Co. is
to be registered &
Division thereof into shares of a fixed amount
No. of shares which the subscribers to MOA
agree to subscribe (shall not be less than one
share) &
(ii) No. of shares each subscriber to MOA
intends to take, indicated opposite his name.
(e) In the case of Co’s (other than trading corp’s) with objects
not confined to one State, the States to whose territories the
objects extend.
Co. Act, 1956
(2) MOA – Ltd. by shares / by
guarantee – NO CHANGE
(3) MOA – Ltd. Guarantee – NO
(4) In the case of a Co. having a share
capital – NO CHANGE
Members severally liable in certain cases - Sec. 3A
If at any time the No. of members of a Co. is reduced, in
the case of a PLC, below seven,
In the case of a Pvt. Co., below two, & the Co. carries
on business for more than 6 months
While the No. of members is so reduced, every person
who is a member of the Co. during the time that it so
carries on business after those 6 months &
Is cognisant of the fact that it is carrying on business
with less than 7 / 2 members, as the case may be,
Shall be severally liable for the payment of the whole
debts of the Co. contracted during that time, & may be
severally sued therefor.
Incorporation of Co. – S. 7
(1) There shall be filed with ROC within whose
Jurisdiction RO of a Co. is proposed to be situated, the
following documents & information for registration,
(a) MOA & AOA… duly signed by all the subscribers
to MOA in such manner as may be prescribed;
(b) Declaration in the prescribed form by
An advocate, a CA, Cost Accountant / CS in practice,
Who is engaged in the formation of the Co., &
By a person named in AOA as a director, manager / secretary
of the Co.,
That all the requirements of T/Act & the rules made
thereunder in respect of registration & matters precedent /
incidental thereto have been complied with;
(c) A Declaration (‘affidavit’ replaced in 2017) from
each of the subscribers to MOA & from persons named
as 1st directors, if any, in AOA that
He is not convicted of any offence in connection with
the promotion, formation / management of any Co., /
He has not been found guilty of any fraud / misfeasance
/ of any breach of duty to any Co. U/T/A / any previous
Co. law during the preceding 5 years
That all the documents filed with ROC for registration
of the Co. contain information that is correct &
complete & true to the best of his knowledge & belief;
(d) Address for correspondence till its RO is
(e) Particulars of name - including
Surname / family name - residential address -
nationality & such other particulars of every
subscriber to MOA along with proof of identity, as
may be prescribed, &
In the case of a subscriber being a body corporate,
such particulars as may be prescribed;
(f) Particulars of the persons mentioned in AOA
as 1st directors of the Co., -
Their names - including surnames / family names -
DIN - residential address - nationality & such other
particulars including proof of identity as may be
prescribed; &
(g) Particulars of the interests of the persons
mentioned in AOA as 1st directors of the Co. in
other firms / bodies corporate
Along with their consent to act as directors of
the Co. in such form & manner as may be
7(2) ROC on the basis of documents &
information filed U/Ss (1)
Shall register all the documents & information
referred to in that Ss in the register &
Issue a COI in the prescribed form to the effect that
the proposed Co. is incorporated U/T/A.
Sec. 7 - (3) (4) & (5)
(3) On & from the date mentioned in COI issued U/Ss
(2) - ROC shall allot to the Co. a CIN, which
Shall be a distinct identity for the Co. &
Shall also be included in the certificate.
(4) Co. shall maintain & preserve at its RO copies of all
documents & information as originally filed U/Ss (1) till
its dissolution U/T/A
(5) If any person furnishes
Any false / incorrect particulars of any information /
Suppresses any material information,
of which he is aware in any of the documents filed with
ROC in relation to the registration of a Co.,
He shall be liable for action U/S. 447.
Without prejudice to T/P/O/Ss (5)
Where, at any time after the incorporation of a Co.,
It is proved that Co. has been got incorporated by
Furnishing any false /
Incorrect information / Representation /
By suppressing any material fact /
Information in any of the documents /
Declaration filed / Made for incorporating such Co. /
By any fraudulent action
Persons named as 1st directors of the Co. &
Persons making declaration U/Ss (1)(b)
Shall each be liable for action U/S 447.
(7) Without prejudice to T/P/O/Ss (6),
Where a Co. has been got incorporated by
Any false / incorrect information /
Representation / by suppressing any material
fact / information in any of the documents /
Declaration filed / made for incorporating
such Co. /
By any fraudulent action
NCLT may, on an application made to it, on
being satisfied that the situation so warrants
(a) pass such orders, as it may think fit, for
regulation of the management of - Co. including
changes, if any, in its MOA & AOA, in public
interest / in the interest of the Co. & its
members & creditors; /
(b) direct that liability of the members shall be
(c) direct removal of the name of the Co. from ROC; /
(d) pass an order for WU of the Co.; /
(e) pass such other orders as it may deem fit:
P… before making any order U/T/Ss –
(i) Co. shall be given a reasonable
opportunity of being heard in the
matter; &
(ii) NCLT shall take into consideration
the transactions entered into by the Co.,
including the obligations, if any,
contracted / payment of any liability.