Parts of Research-Chapter 1
Parts of Research-Chapter 1
Parts of Research-Chapter 1
Chapter 2 – Methodology
Statement of the Problem
• This is one of the most important parts of a
research work.
• Read a lot.
• Define your interest.
• Continue reading the literature.
• What special aspects about your interest did
you gather? Can you identify some
How do you state the problem?
limited ones.
Question Form
• Example 1.
The study tries to find out the leadership skills of the middle managers.
Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:
– Example:
• Is there a relationship between long exposure to x-
rays and cancer among radiologists?
What are the three levels of Inquiry?
• Level 3: Research questions which assume
relationship and effects and ask the “why” of the
– This type of question involves more variables,
outcomes and predictions.
– To what extent do mental ability and home
environment factors influence learning of
students in Topology?
– How effective is the prediction on grades in
English when information on hours of study
habits and mental ability are known?
What are the major types of Research
• Dickoff (1968) says that there are four major
types of research questions and these are:
– Factor - isolating
– Factor - relating
– Situation - Relating
– Situation - Producing
Factor Isolating - the questions
generally starts with a “what”.
• Examples
• What are the problems faced by
AIDS victims?
• What are the different major
sources of stress met by school
administrators of XYZ University?
Examples :
• How will early diagnosis of breast cancer
affect the length of survival of patients?
• How will the NCAE results improve the
quality of college entrants in various
Situation - Producing