Problem Solving Session One
Problem Solving Session One
Problem Solving Session One
decision making
Problem Solving and
Ethiopian Management Institute
General Objective
learned to:
• Apply problem-solving steps and tools
• Analyze information to clearly describe problems and
Identify appropriate solutions
• Select the best approach for making decisions
• Create plans for implementing, evaluating, and following
• Avoid common decision-making mistakes
• Make correct and timely decisions
• Use problem-solving model and toolkit
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• Refers only to the process of identifying
alternative solutions and choosing from among
• It is about deciding what action to take;
• it usually involves choice between options.
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Goal Setting
• Clarifying your goals will help you gain the most from the time you
spend completing this 3 days training . Take a few minutes to
complete the following activity.
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Ethiopian Management Institute
• The ability to solve problems is a basic life skill and is essential to our
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able to,
• Discuss the relationship among objectives,
problem solving, and decision making and their
relationship among the management functions.
• Understand “What is a Problem?”
• Identify causes of a problem
• Analyze problematic situations to discern their
nature and manage them.
• Utilize effective problem-solving strategies
• Solve problems in their daily lives.
Problem Definition
Problem is a discrepancy (difference)
between an existing and a desired state.
“The manager has resigned, and we need
another manager”
Here the phrase “manager has resigned”
reflects the current state while “need
another manager” represents a desired
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Definition of a problem
What is Problem
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Structured problems
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Unstructured problems
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Crisis problems
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Problem environment
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In certain environment
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In Risk environment
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In uncertain environment
Problem Solving as a Team
• A problem is a difference between reality
(what you have) and expectations (what you
Problem Solving as a Team
• Problem solving is the process of making an
expectation a reality. The methods used to
solved problems are the same for teams and
• Employers expect their workers to be able to
solve problems. Solving problems as a team
will involve the same basic steps as solving
them as an individual.
Pareto Principle
• Originally, the Pareto Principle referred to the
observation that 80% of Italy’s wealth
belonged to only 20% of the population.
• Life Isn’t Fair
– What does it mean when we say “things aren’t
distributed evenly”?
– The key point is that each unit of work (or time)
doesn’t contribute the same amount.
• So Why Is This Useful?
• The Pareto Principle helps you realize that the majority of
results come from a minority of inputs. Knowing this, if…
• The examples go on. The point is to realize that you can often
focus your effort on the 20% that makes a difference, instead
of the 80% that doesn’t add much.
Why is problem solving important?
• Good problem solving skills empower you not
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Why Problem Solving
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Ethiopian Management Institute
• System problems
• People problems
• Process problems
People problems
• May be difficult to resolve because
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Process problems
• Process problems occur
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• Mechanical
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• Electrical
• Electronic
• Chemical information
• These problems are usually logical but
complex thereby requiring a high level of
technical knowledge
System problems
• Systems are in place to ensure that to the
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Reflection activity one
Ethiopian Management Institute
Allow 30 minutes
•Analyze the nature of problems in your organization
(if any) in line with systems, people and processes
•After going through the problem identification,
suggest working remedies for each of the problems
identified by your group
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Ethiopian Management Institute
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Basic requirements for problem solving
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people process
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Basic requirements for problem solving
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Resources Attitude
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How to recognize existence of problems
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Problem solving
The six matchsticks
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must be
• Suitable for the organization
• Robust enough to survive
• Simple enough to be understood
• Implementable
• Seen to be effective and transparent
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Ethiopian Management Institute
The Six Step Problem Solving
The Six Step Problem Solving Model
Ethiopian Management Institute
Advantages of Six-Step
Problem Solving
Ethiopian Management Institute
• It ensures consistency, as everyone understands the
approach to be used.
• By using data, it helps eliminate bias and preconceptions,
leading to greater objectivity.
• It helps to remove divisions and encourages collaborative
Advantages of Six-Step
Problem Solving
Ethiopian Management Institute
The Six Step Problem Solving
Group exercise
Ethiopian Management Institute
The Six Step Problem Solving
Ethiopian Management Institute
Step One: Define the Problem
• Once all the symptoms are found and the problem diagnosed and
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• Recognize that there is a problem and
• identify the right cause of the problem.
• To really solve the problem, it's important
to find out the root cause.
What is Fishbone analysis?
Cause and Effect Diagram
Ethiopian Management Institute
• Helps identify stakeholder ideas about the causes of
• Allows the user to immediately categorize ideas into themes
for analysis or further data gathering
• When identifying possible causes for a problem
• having difficulty understanding contributing factors or
causes of a system failure
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5-Why Analysis Template
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Ethiopian Management Institute
• Your client is refusing to pay for the leaflets you
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Evaluate Alternatives
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Step Four: Select a Solution