What Is Digital Image? Intensity Gray Level
What Is Digital Image? Intensity Gray Level
What Is Digital Image? Intensity Gray Level
Log Transformation:
The expression for this is s=clog(1+r)
where c is a constant,
It is used٧ to expand the values of dark pixels in the image while
compressing the higher level values.
Power law transformation:
It has the basic form s=cr٧(gamma),
where c & ٧ are positive constants.
Power law curves with fractional values of ٧ map a narrow range of
dark input values into a wider range of output levels , with the
opposite being true for higher values of input levels.
For the formula s=T(r) ,0<=r<=1 that produces a level s for pixel
value r in the original image but T(r) satisfies some conditions:
The difference between two images f(x,y) & h(x,y) expressed as,
Isotroic filters are rotation invariant in the sense that rotating the
image & then applying the filter gives the same result as applying the
filter to image first & then rotating the result.
The distance from any point (u,v) to the center of the Fourier
transform is given by
The FT of original image f(x,y) & blurred image g(x,y) are related in
the frequency domain G(u,v) = H(u,v) F(u,v).
H(u,v)is the filter function &
G & F are FT of the two images.
In spatial domain g(x,y)= h(x,y)* f(x,y)
where h(x,y) is the inverse Fourier transform of
filter function.
Butterworth lowpass filters:
The T.F of the Butterworth high pass filter of order n & with cutoff
frequencies of order n & locus at a distance Do from the origin is
given by
H(u,v)= 1 / 1+ [Do/D(u,v)]^2n .
As in the case of low pass filters , we can expect Butterworth high
pass filters to behave smoother than IHPS .