Overview: Theoretical Foundations in Nursing: Abigail N. Filio-Monge, M.A.N. Instructor
Overview: Theoretical Foundations in Nursing: Abigail N. Filio-Monge, M.A.N. Instructor
Overview: Theoretical Foundations in Nursing: Abigail N. Filio-Monge, M.A.N. Instructor
in Nursing
• By giving nurses a sense of identity,
nursing theory can help patients,
managers and other healthcare
professionals to recognize the unique
contribution that nurses make to the
healthcare service (Draper 1990).
Providing a definition of nursing
theory also helps nurses to
understand their purpose and role in
the healthcare setting.
1. Definition of Terms
• Theory • Knowledge
• Concept • Phenomenon
• Principle • Nursing
• Nursing theory • Nursing paradigms
• Philosophy • Paradigm
• Conceptual models • Hypothesis
• Science • Research
• A set of statements that tentatively describe, explain,
or predict relationships among concepts that have
been systematically selected and organized as an
abstract representation of some phenomenon (Power
and Knapp, 1995). These systematic organized
perspectives serve as guides for nursing action in
administration, education, research, and practice.
• A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of
the natural world; an organized system of accepted
knowledge that applies in a variety of
• An expectation of what should happen,
barring unforeseen circumstances.
• A coherent statement or set of
statements that attempts to explain
observed phenomena.
• An explanation for some phenomena
that is based on observation,
experimentation, and reasoning.
• A comprehensive explanation of a given
set of data that has been repeatedly
confirmed by observation and
experimentation and has gained general
acceptance within the scientific
community but has not been yet
decisively proven.
• A set of concepts,
definitions, relationships,
and assumptions that
project a systematic view
of a phenomena
• It may consist of one or
more relatively specific and
concrete concepts and
propositions that purport
to account for, or organize
some phenomenon
(Barnum, 1988)
• Parker (2001) A theory is an organized,
coherent set of concepts and their
relationship to each other that offers
descriptions, explanations and
predictions about phenomena.
• Kozier (2008) is a supposition or system
of ideas that is proposed to explain given
• A mental idea of a phenomenon.
Assumptions or
• A theory is composed of interrelated concepts.
• Concepts help to describe or label phenomena.
• The definition within the description of a
theory convey the general meaning of the
concepts in a manner that fits the theory.
These definitions also describe the activity
necessary to measure the constructs,
relationships, or variables within a theory.
(Chinn and Kramer 2004)
• Are statements that describe concepts or
connect two concepts that are factual.
Assumptions are the “taken for granted”
statements that determine the nature of the
concepts, definitions, purpose, relationships
and structure of the theory.
• A phenomenon is an aspect of reality that can
be consciously senses or experienced. (Meleis,
1997). Nursing theories focus on the
phenomena of nursing and nursing care.
• Examples of phenomena in nursing include
caring, self-care and client responses to stress.
Why on earth do we study
nursing theory?
• Everyday practice enriches theory
• Both practice and theory are guided by values and
• Theory helps to reframe our thinking about nursing
• Theory guides use of ideas and techniques
• Theory can close the gap between theory and research
• To envision potentialities (Gordon, Parker, & Jester,
5. Purposes Of Nursing Theory
In Relation To:
• Education
– nursing theory was used primarily to
establish the profession’s place in the
– provide a general focus for curriculum
– guide curricular decision making.
• Research
– nursing research identifies the philosophical
assumptions or theoretical frameworks
from which it proceeds.
– offer a framework for generating
knowledge and new ideas.
– assist in discovering knowledge gaps in
specific field of study.
– offer a systematic approach to identify
questions for study, select variables,
interpret findings and validate nursing
• Practice
– the primary contribution of nursing theory
when employed in a clinical setting is the
facilitation of reflection, questioning, and
thinking about what nurses do.
– assist nurses to describe, explain, and
predict everyday experiences.
– serve to guide assessment,
intervention, and evaluation of
nursing care.
– provide a rationale for collecting
reliable and valid data about the
health status of clients, which are
essential for effective decision
making and implementation.
– help to establish criteria to measure the
quality of nursing care.
– help build a common nursing terminology to
use in communicating with other health
professionals. Ideas are developed and
words defined.
– enhance autonomy (independence and self-
governance) of nursing by defining its own
independent functions.
• Experience without theory is blind, but theory without
experience is mere intellectual play. Immanuel Kant
6. Nursing Paradigms
• Nursing has a model or paradigm that explains
the linkages of science, philosophy, and theory
that is accepted and applied by the discipline.
The elements of nursing paradigm direct the
activity of the nursing profession, including
knowledge development, philosophy, theory,
educational experience, research, practice and
literature identified with the profession
(Alligood and Marriner-Tomey, 2002).
• Are patterns or models used to show a
clear relationship among the existing
theoretical works in nursing.
• Ethical
• Aesthetics
• Personal