14 What Drives Attraction
14 What Drives Attraction
14 What Drives Attraction
Learning Objective
To describe different
theories related to attraction
and liking
Key Understanding
Knowledge of different theories
related to attraction and liking
Key Question
What are the different theories
related to attraction and liking?
Theories Related to
Liking and Attraction
Theories Related to
Liking and Attraction
Theories Related to
Liking and Attraction
3. Similarity. We often like people who we
have similarities with, such as social class
background, religious beliefs, age, and
education. We are often attracted to like-
minded persons and those who have
similar beliefs and values as ours.
Similarity is a strong factor in friendship
and in the selection of a mate because it
promotes intimacy, trust, empathy, and
long-lasting relationships.
Theories Related to
Liking and Attraction
4. Reciprocity. We like people who like us
back. reciprocity is a stronger basis for
liking another person than similarity. The
more we are liked by someone we
equally like, the more we behave in
ways that promote mutual feelings of
Theories Related to
Liking and Attraction
5. Physical Attractiveness. Physical
attractiveness is a major factor in liking
someone, and usually, first impression
counts a lot, too. Both male and female
are equal in their preference for physical
attractiveness. It connotes positive
health and reproductive fitness, which
are both essential to human survival.
Theories related to
liking and attraction
6. Personality Characteristics and Traits.
People get attracted to two characteristics
that lead to liking the other person, these
are: empathic persons, who exude
warmth and sympathy and who are also
optimistic and maintain positive views;
and socially competent persons, who
are good communicators and enjoy good
Other Personality Traits Found
Desirable in Almost All Cultures
•Some women also consider integrity,
income potential, and stability as
attractive and desirable for long-term
Ways to Express One’s Attraction to
Another Person