United Nations
United Nations
United Nations
The United Nations is an
international organization
founded in 1945. It is
currently made up of 193
Member States. The
mission and work of the
United Nations are
guided by the purposes
and principles contained
in its founding Charter.
UN Headquarters in New York City
The United Nations can take action on the
issues confronting humanity in the 21st
century, such as peace and security, climate
change, sustainable development, human
rights, disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian
and health emergencies, gender equality,
governance, food production, and more.
Each of the 193 Member States are admitted to
States of the United membership in the UN by
Nations is a member of a decision of the General
the General Assembly. Assembly upon the
recommendation of the
Security Council.
environmental issues,
implementation of internationally agreed
development goals.
It has 54 members, elected by the General
Assembly for overlapping three-year terms. It is
the United Nations’ central platform for
and innovative thinking on sustainable
4.Trusteeship Council
The Trusteeship Council was The Trusteeship Council
established in 1945 by the suspended operation on 1
UN Charter, to provide November 1994. By a
international supervision for resolution adopted on 25 May
11 Trust Territories that had 1994, the Council amended its
been placed under the rules of procedure to drop the
administration of seven obligation to meet annually and
Member States, and ensure agreed to meet as occasion
that adequate steps were required -- by its decision or
taken to prepare the the decision of its President, or
Territories for self- at the request of a majority of
government and its members or the General
independence. By 1994, all Assembly or the Security
Trust Territories had attained Council.
self-government or
The Secretariat, one of the main organs of the UN,
is organized along departmental lines, with each
department or office having a distinct area of action
and responsibility. Offices and departments
coordinate with each other to ensure cohesion as
they carry out the day to day work of the
Organization in offices and duty stations around the
world. At the head of the United Nations
Secretariat is the Secretary-General.