A Feasibility Study On Potable Water Supply For Purok Sagrado

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“A Feasibility Study on

Potable Water Supply

for Purok Sagrado”
• Absalon, Jen Arceli V. • Azuro, Anna Mae G.
• Capada, Allyssa Joy L. • Custodio, Irah Mae E.
• Intong, Marvin V.
• Engr. Joe Hamilton D. Dilag
• Engr. Paulo Emmanuele D. Betita
Potable water consists of nutrients most people do not
know. Indeed, it is the basis of fluids of all living organisms
and absolutely necessary to sustain life. People around
the world faces water scarcity. In the Philippines, an
average of 4,200 people die every year due to unsafe
drinking water (United for Healthier Kids PH 2017). This
study is all about determining the feasibility of a potable
water supply for Purok Sagrado, Barangay Estefania.
The factors considered in determining the feasibility of
this study are market, technical, finance, socio-economic,
and management aspects. The absence of potable water
supply in the area and the arising cases of water related
diseases caused by dirty water are the main reasons why
this study is conducted.
Background of the Study
The community of Purok Sagrado is one of the 45
puroks/subdivisions in Barangay Estefania, Bacolod City.
The present Purok Sagrado community is the relocation
site given by the Gonzaga family to the residents of
Hacienda Sagrado which the family owned. Residents of
the hacienda with the Gonzaga farm have to move due to
the selling of the property to a developer of the East
Home Subdivision. Majority of the residents are farmers
of the sugarcane fields.
It was in 2007 when the farm workers started to transfer
residence from the old hacienda to their new residence in
what is now known as Purok Sagrado. The Geographical
conditions of the site is flat.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the feasibility of a potable
water supply for Purok Sagrado. Specifically, the study
attempted to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demand of water by the residents?
2. Will the supply of potable water be maintained up to
its intended service life?
3. Can it be managed successfully to its intended
4. What will be the process needed to make the water
5. How much will it cost to implement this proposed
6. Will the water be affordable for the residents?
7. Who will finance the project?
8. Will the money invested be recovered during the
operation period?
9. Can it be operated with minimum expense?
Significance of the Study
The purpose of our study is to determine the feasibility of
the potable water supply for Purok Sagrado which will
meet their demand of water and can be maintained up to
its intended service life managed by the barangay
through purok officials. This study could be highly
significant and beneficial specifically to the following:
A. The Residents. One of the socioeconomic beneficiary
of this study. They are the consumers of the service this
study will give.
B. The City Government. The study will be presented to
the government for evaluation by the city development
council of Bacolod City which they can use to address
the need of potable water supply of the residents.
C. The Barangay. The study will give awareness to the
barangay officials, to give attention to the needs of the
residents in terms of the unavailability of potable water
supply in the area. The data gathered will help them in
addressing and resolving the said problem/s.
D. The School Administrators. The result of the study
will support school community outreach program.
The Potable Water Supply for Purok Sagrado is not
Conceptual Framework
Scope and Limitation
This study focuses on determining the feasibility of
potable water supply for Purok Sagrado, Barangay
Estafania, Bacolod City.
The researchers will only focus on the analysis and
evaluation of the results of the assessment to determine
the feasibility of potable water supply by checking
market, technical, finance, socio-economic, and
management aspects.
This will be conducted by the 5th year Civil Engineering
students of Colegio San Agustin Bacolod from June to
March, A.Y. 2017-2018.

One of the limiting factor is the population growth of
Purok Sagrado, which cannot be projected accurately.
The study will not cover the design of sewer and
drainage system but will be suggested as a new study.
The study will only focus on zone 1 and zone 2 of Purok
Sagrado. Furthermore other uncontrollable factors that
can affect the study are; rain, geographical condition of
the area and flood.
Definition of Terms
Terms here are conceptually and operationally defined
for better understanding of the readers.
Potable Water
- Conceptually, this means water fit for drinking, being
free from contamination and not containing a sufficient
quantity of saline material to be regarded as a mineral
water. (Jill Manning Hudkins)
- In our study this refers to a water that is safe to drink or
to use for food preparation, without risk of health
Demand of Water
- Conceptually, this means the measure of the total
amount of water used by the customers within the water
system. (SPC Water Sanitation Program).
- In our study this refers to the total quantity of water the
residents will consume.
- Conceptually, this means to be capable of being used or
dealt with successfully. (Investopedia)
- In our study this refers to an analysis of how
successfully a project can be completed, accounting for
factors that affect it such as economic, technological,
legal and scheduling factors. 
Per Capita
- Conceptually, this means the average per person in any
number of statistical observances. (Investopedia)
- In our study this refers to the individual consumption of
potable water by the residents.
Water Supply System
- Conceptually, this means a system of engineered
hydrologic and hydraulic components which provide
water supply.
- In our study this refers to a system that collects,
transmits, treats, stores and distributes water from
source to consumers.
Production process
- Conceptually, this means the mechanical or chemical
steps used to create an object, usually repeated to create
multiple units of the same item. (Business dictionary)
- In our study this refers to the steps of processing the
water to be treated and supply to the residents.
Management Study
- Conceptually, this means the study of the technique,
practice, or science of managing a company, business,
etc. (Collins English Dictionary).
- In our study this refers to the analysis of the operations
and procedures including the construction of program
evaluation review technique and the selection of critical
Chapter 2
This chapter presents a review of related literature and
its relevance to our feasibility study. This chapter serves
as a valuable source of ideas and bases for the concept
of the project and the conceptual model of the study.
Market Study
Factors affecting the demand and supply of potable water
is reflected from the historical background of the
residents’ water consumptions. Water consumption
according to Dr. Mohsin Siddique is influenced by the
Climate conditions, Characteristics of the population,
Metering, Cost of water and more. An article from
Kohler.ph state that “the average household consumes
1,000 to 1,500 liters of water a day but an article found
from https://issuu.com/ryacat/docs/pidspn9911 DOH
research says that the per capita use of water is 54
Of that, about one-fifth of that comes from flushing the
toilet, as every person on average flushes the toilet five
times a day”. The demand of water can be forecasted
using the different applicable formulas depending on the
characteristics of the population growth of the residents.
Technical Study
All methods and process to be used are in accordance
with Water Code of the Philippines and National
Plumbing Code of the Philippines where different
sections suggest the requirements, criteria’s and
standards in putting up water supply system. National
Plumbing Code of the Philippines suggested different
water problem corrections such as Water Purification
which removes one or more materials that make the
water unsuitable for a given use, this could be done by
settling or sedimentation, filtration, adsorption/
flocculation-coagulation, aeration, distillation, or
Other methods are aeration, coagulation – flocculation,
filtration and disinfection/ chlorination. However on the
feasibility study entitled Drinking Water from Air by M.
Grande, et.al, they suggested Chlorination and Activated
Carbon Filtration as the treatment to be used due to its
satisfactory results.
Finance Study

The most crucial part of the project feasibility study is the

financial aspect. From the feasibility study entitled “A
Proposed Water Purifying Station (for deep-well and rain
water) by Escare et. al,” their study covers source of
investment, project financial status, job and qualification
of personnel, and operational cost. The presentation of
how they computed and estimated the expenses gives
the researcher concrete basis in finance study.
Socio Economic Study

Socio-Economic aspects studied in this research is based

on the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality 3rd edition,
following the criteria provided by World Health
Organization (WHO). It states that “A number of studies
and considerable field experiences have shown that the
introduction of water treatment technology without
consideration of the socio-cultural aspects of the
community and without behavioral, motivational,
educational and participatory activities within the
community is unlikely to be successful or sustainable.
Therefore, initiatives in water, hygiene and sanitation
must include community participation, education and
behavior modification. The affordability, costs and
willingness to pay of household water treatment
technologies are important considerations for their
implementation, use and sustainability.
Management Study

This aspect of feasibility where researchers will undergo

analysis of the operations and procedures including the
construction Program Evaluation Review Technique and
the selection of the critical path. Plumbing Design and
Estimates by Fajardo Jr. together with Costing Improved
Water Supply Systems for Low-Income Communities a
Practical Manual by F.Carlevaro and C.Gonzalez are the
references we used which gives information about the
factors to be considered, with diagrams illustrating steps to
generate a water supply system.
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the research design, research
instrument, subjects and respondents of the study, the
data gathering procedures and statistical treatment used
to answer the problems presented in the study.
Research Design
This is a descriptive and applied type of research utilizing
self-made survey questionnaire. The descriptive aspect
looked into the extent of use of the tools in gathering of
the needed quantitative information that can be tabulated
in numerical form, such as the average of the survey
results, the number of residents in the community the
distance between each household, its elevations with
respect to the location of the source and other numerical
data. While the applied aspect pursues to have solution
to the problem, which in our case is to determine the
feasibility of potable water supply suitable for the area.
Furthermore, the details of the assessment is discussed
Population and Sample
  researcher considered the residents of zone 1 and 2
of Purok Sagrado Barangay Estefania comprising of 48
households (257 residents) to be the respondents of this
study. In determining the sample size for this study we
used the Slovin’s Formula to estimate a random sampling
size and is given by the formula;
  n = no. of samples, N = total Number of
Families, e = margin of error
N = 48 Families
e = 5% (we are 95% confident that the result will be in
favor of our prediction)

Since the number of population and sample size only

differed by a small number, we decided to conduct the
survey to all the households under zone 1 and zone 2 of
Purok Sagrado, Barangay Estefania, Bacolod City.
Research Instrument
This study make used of the self-made questionnaire in
data gathering. The instrument consist of five (5)
questions, these are combined simple questions that
asks respondents to answer in yes or no, and some
questions required to pick an answer among choices.
Questions are designed to assess the need of potable
water supply by the community and to answer
information needed for analysis. This was used because
it gathers data faster and reliable than any other method.
The questionnaire is translated in dialect since not all
respondents are literate enough to understand the
questions clearly and to avoid confusion. The copies
of questionnaire were distributed personally by the
researcher to the respondents and are retrieved after
few hours. See Appendix 3-1 – questionnaire.
Validity of Questionnaire
The validity of the self-made questionnaire follows the
criteria developed for evaluating survey questionnaire
set forth by Carter V. Good and Douglas B. Scates. A
jury of experts have evaluated the self-made survey
questionnaire specifically designed for the study. Their
corrections and suggestions will be incorporated in the
draft for the next stage of validation. See Appendix 3-2 -
Validation Sheet. The jury of experts are composed of
the following: Engr. Jerome M. Mongcal (MaEd.), Jury 1;
Engr. Eddie Santillan, Jury 2; Engr. Jose Marcus Bedrio,
Jury 3.
Data Collection
• Generally the data used in assessment are reflected
from the questionnaires sent to 48 households of zone
1 and 2 of Purok Sagrado. Other source of information
is taken from the different following government and
private agencies; Philippine Statics Authority (PSA), the
New Government Center (NGC), Barangay Estefania
Hall Office, Colegio San Agustin – Bacolod (CSA-B)
Community Extension Program Office, Purok Sagrado
The interpretation and procedures of data analysis is
based on the provided method by the book “A Business
Planning Manual”, J.H. Cuyugan 2005. Below are
discussions of the method used in conducting each
aspect of feasibility and is furthermore discussed in the
next chapter.
Market Study
Demand of Water: The total demand of water at zone 1
and 2 of Purok Sagrado is estimated from the domestic
use of water by respondents. The water demand at the
end of the design life of the project is usually the basis for
design. The per capita water demand is assumed to be
fairly constant.
Supply of Water: The estimation of the design flowrates
for components of the potable water supply system is
done by computing a forecast of the population at the
end of the design life, which is then multiplied by the per
capita water demand to yield the design flowrate
To project the growth of population after nth decades we
used the formula given by PSA:
Pn = 0.0178P
Pn = Population after nth decade,
P = Number of Population in the preceding year.
Technical Study
Service/s. This study will provide a service offering
potable water supply system for Purok Sagrado.
Production process. The production follows the
simplest way of extracting the water from the deep well
and treat to make safe for drinking and supply to each
Materials and Equipment. Materials and equipment for
production are dependent to the consideration of the
design of piping system and the method of extracting and
treating the water. The following data are to be used:
• Demand of water needed for the period of service which
includes the volume of water per capita use.
• Suggestions of the different individuals consulted for
• The assumed service life of the equipment.
• The cost of the equipment.
Technological Assistance. The researcher asks
assistance to some of the government agencies in the
data gathering procedure to collect needed existing
Location of the Water Source. The location of the water
source is selected by finding an elevated area that will
result to lower power requirement to distribute water to
each households.
Finance Study
Total Project Cost. The total cost is calculated through
summing up the estimates of production cost and other
cost requirements.
Production Cost. The cost of production is computed by
estimates, in which the materials and equipment used
are tabulated with corresponding costs.
Socio Economic Study
Beneficiaries. We state here, all the possible benefits
people, businesses and organization and other than our
projects proponents and the government will receive as a
result of the implementation of our project.
Project Management Study
The researcher follows the guidelines provided by Jorge
H. Cuyugan in his book “A Business Planning Manual”
from pages 31-33.
Data Analysis
•In  the interpretation of the data gathered from our
questionnaire, the researchers used the mean or
average method of statistical treatment which will
indicate the average level of agreement of the
respondents in each item of the questionnaire.
Which is solved using the formula;

Where: X = Mean,
= Sum of all scores,
N = number of cases
  getting the mean of the results of each number, we
then get the percentage of the results for an easy
comparison. We use the formula for Frequency and
Percentage Distribution given as;

Where: % = Percentage, = Frequency, N = number of

To test for reliability of the result obtained from our
instrument we used T-test statistical treatment to
determine the significant difference between two (2)
variable means.
The system of tabulation of results will tell if there is a
need to implement the project plan, otherwise they do
Reliability of Results and
Self-made Survey Questionnaire
The survey is conducted twice to compare the results of
the first and second survey to obtain a reliable result for
data basis. A tabulated breakdown of results found on
appendices. The statistical survey is conducted last July
2, 2017 (Initial Survey) and July 9, 2017 (Final Survey).
Other Survey Results.
A certification signed by different individuals where we
get the information/data is attached in this study to prove
that all data were reliable.
A certification signed by different professionals with
expertise and knowledge whom we consulted for the
design is attached in this study to prove that all data were
Chapter 4
Statement of the Market Study
This aspect of feasibility involves data
collection, analysis and forecasting. We
study the demand of potable water by the
residents in their daily consumption and the
factors affecting it and present in an
organized table shown below with the
corresponding bar charts and line graphs for
a better analysis.
This aspect will determine if the supply
of potable water can attain
sustainability. Hence it is essential that
the market study be given prime
The consumers are the residents of
Purok Sagrado under zone 1 and 2
composed of 48/63 families (76.19%) of
the total number of families living in
Purok Sagrado with 257/304 residents,
(84.54%) of the total population.
A forecast of the population starting
from year 2017 to 2027 shown in
Figure 4-1 using the formula given by
the Philippines Statistics Office (PSA)
to project population growth. The
average increment is 5 person per year
for a total of additional 50 persons after
a decade.
Figure 4-1. Bar chart of Population Forecast of the Residents under Zone 1 &2 of
Purok Sagarado
(See Appendix 4-1 for detailed tabulation)










2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027


The demand of water by the residents is
forecasted with the assumption that each
resident consumes 54 liters of water per
day. Table 4-1 shows the breakdown of
consumption of water per capita.
Table 4-1. Domestic Consumption of Water
Using these data, we forecast the
demand of water by the residents for a
period of 10 years or from 2017 to
2027. Shown below in Figure 7 is the
demand forecast of potable water by the
Figure 4-2. Bar chart of Demand Forecast of the Residents under Zone
1 &2 of Purok Sagarado
(See Appendix 4-2 for detailed tabulation)
D e m a n d o f P o ta b le w a rte r (c u .m )










2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027



Factors Affecting Demand
Factors considered in computation of
demand are as follow;
Climate conditions. Bacolod City is a
dry region which tends to have high
consumption rate of water.
Characteristics of the population.
Considering the purchasing power of
the consumers, the residents will be
likely to have a lower per capita
consumption than those in high value
residential areas.
Metering. Metered water will lower the
water consumption of the residents, and
will show a stable water use pattern.
Water quality. Consumer perception of
bad water quality can decrease the water
usage rate, vice versa.
Cost of water. Low cost water will
increase the water consumption of the
residents, vice versa.
Water conservation. Public awareness
and implementation of water
conservation programs by utilities will
have an impact on the water usage rate.
The supply of potable water is
forecasted considering the following
significant assumptions;
1. Deep well is assumed to be
sustainable and not to dry out during
summer season. See Miscellaneous File
13 for the deep well capacity analysis.
2. Deep well capacity is assumed to
deplete 3% every year, right after the
operation time See Miscellaneous File
14 for assumption reasoning.
3. Water tank operates with a volume
capacity of 4.0 cubic meter.
4. The capacity of tank must be 20% ≥
the total volume of water during
maximum peak hours.
5. Peak use of water is from 5 A.M. to
10 A.M. (5 hours), and 5 P.M to 8 P.M.
(3 hours).
6. The actual per capita demand of
potable water by the residents is ≤54
7. Pump capacity is 0.066 m /min.3

remains constant and do not deplete

through time.
Figure 4-3. Line graph of Supply Forecast for the Residents under
Zone 1 &2 of Purok Sagarado
S U P P L Y O F P O T A B L E W A T E R (c u .m )

(See Appendix 4-3 for detailed tabulation)


Suppl y Curve









2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Factors Affecting Supply
Climate conditions. The amount of
water may deplete during summer
Pressure head. Pump efficiency
depletion per year may cause longer
time to fill storage tank with needed
potable water.
Power shortage. During black outs, tank
capacity is only 4 cubic meter which is
only about 29% of the demand per day
of the residence.
Demand and Supply Analysis
Demand and supply are two important
things we considered in this aspect and
the factors affecting them. Analysis is
made of the purpose that supply of
water must meet the required demand
by the residents to attain sustainability.
Shown below in Figure 4-4.a. & 4-4.b. is
the forecast of demand and supply of
potable water for a decade (10 years).
Figure 4-4.a. Demand and Supply bar Chart of Residents under Zone 1
and 2 of Purok Sagrado
(See Appendix 4-4 for detailed tabulation)
V o lu m e o f p o ta b le w a te r (c u .m )











2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Figure 4-4.b. Demand and Supply Line Graph of Residents under Zone
1 and 2 of Purok Sagrado
V O L U M E O F P O T A B L E W A T E R (C U .M )

(See Appendix 4-4 for detailed tabulation)












2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028



As shown above a fluctuation on supply
of potable water happens during the 8 th

year of the operation, it indicates that

the capacity of water tank is adjusted by
adding another 100 L, resulting to a
3.60 cubic meter water tank capacity to
meet the demand needed by the
Statement of the Technical Study
This aspect of feasibility discussed the
methods, computations, drawings and
specifications of structures, equipment,
materials and techniques used. The design
of the potable water supply for Purok
Sagrado take account of the work of a
Chemical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer,
Electrical Engineer and a Civil Engineer.
Hence it is necessary to take guidance
and recommendations of persons with
expertise in this field.
Water Treatment
Water treatment is designed according
to the required treatment based on the
results of water analysis and
bacteriological test from Bacolod City
Water District (BACIWA) following the
standards for potable water shown in
Table 4-2 & 4-3.
Table 4-2 Water Analysis Result
(See Appendix 4-5 for Original Document)
Table 4-3 Bacteriological Examination Result
(See Appendix 4-6 for Original Document)
Filtration. This is the passage of fluid
through a porous medium suspended matter
which did not settle by gravity. In water
purification, matter to be removed includes
suspended silt, clay, colloids, and
microorganisms including algae, bacteria,
and viruses. A filter bed consists of a
granular non-porous material held one
place by the force of gravity or by the
direction of flow.
1. Rapid Sand Filter. Rapid sand
filtration is a purely physical drinking
water purification method. Rapid sand
filters (RSF) provide rapid and efficient
removal of relatively large suspended
Chlorination. This is the most important
process used in the production of water
of a safe and sanitary quality.
Chlorination is the method of
introducing a controlled amount of
chlorine to the water in order to attain a
desired degree of disinfection.
Technology, Machineries, and Equipment
Specification and Function
Storage tank
Unit: Bestank WT -4000
No. of unit (s): 1
Capacity: 1000L = 1 m3 = 264 gallons
Dimension: D = 0.987 m L= 1.654 m
Function: Serves as a storage for the
processed potable water.
Sand filter
Unit: YP – well water filter ZX-JY
No. of unit (s): 1
Capacity: 120-360 m3/m2 -day (filtration
Dimensions: (see appendix page)
Function: The sand filter is typically used for
the removal of suspended matter, as well as
floating and sinkable particles.
Chlorination Tank (Chlorine Vertical Storage Tank)
Unit: Bestank WT 600 Horizontal
No. of unit (s): 1
Capacity: 156 gallons
Dimensions: Length = 41.14” Width = 33.86”
Height = 30.41”
Function: The chlorination tank is used with
chlorine granules to help comply with strict
drinking water standards.
Booster Pump
Unit: Bolzano booster pump
No. of unit (s): 1
Capacity: 3400 r/min, Suction H. Max = 9m, 35
L/min discharge
Drive: 0.5 HP, 450 volts, 330 watts (corded
Dimensions: 1”x1”
Function: The booster pump is typically used to
increase the pressure of a fluid.
Suction Pump
Unit: DJM 100 Shallow Well Jet Pump
No. of unit (s): 1
Capacity: 68 PSI, 66 L/min, 48m maximum
Drive: 1 HP, P2 = 1.1 kW, P1 = 0.75 kW, 220 V
Function: The shallow well jet pump is used
when the pump is located above the water
source, drawing water from 25’ depth to water or
less vertically.
Head loss Computation
In computing for head losses we take
consideration of the following;
1. Major Head Loss – these losses are
associated with frictional energy loss
per length of pipe depends on the
velocity, pipe length, pipe diameter,
and a friction factor based on roughness
of the pipe, and whether the flow is
laminar or turbulent using Reynolds
number of flow.

2. Minor Head Loss – these are the

losses due to bends, fittings, and sudden
Figure 4-5.a Hydraulic Grade Line of Zone 1
(See Appendix 4-7 for Detailed Computation)
H y d ra u lic g ra d e lin e (Z o n e  
Head (mts.)









0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00
Distance from source (mts.)
Figure 4-5.b Energy Grade Line of Zone 1
(See Appendix 4-7 for Detailed Computation)
E L IN E (Z O N E 1 )



Head (mts.)





0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00

Distance To Source (mts.)

Figure 4-6.a. Hydraulic Grade Line of Zone 2
(See Appendix 4-8 for Detailed Computation)
Head (mts.)




10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00






Distance To Source (mts.)

Figure 4-6.b. Energy Grade Line of Zone 1
(See Appendix 4-8 for Detailed Computation)
E n ergy grad e lin e (zon e 2)



Head (mts.)

10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00





Distance To Source (mts.)

Shown above are the results of the
computation for head losses on pipes.
We found out that the potable water
supply will not be able to reach all the
households at zone 2 requiring a
pressure head of 20 m, with that we
added a booster pump with a rated
capacity of 35 m head.
This feasibility study consist of three (3)
1.) Water Treatment – the design of
water treatment consist of the schematic
design of water treatment, production
process and time allocation of each
2.) Water Station – the design of water
station consist of architectural, structural,
electrical, and, mechanical lay out.
3.) Pipe network – the design of pipe
network consist of topographic data of
zone 1 and 2, detailed pipe network, and,
detailed connections.
Water Treatment
A. Schematic Design of Water Treatment
B. Production Flow
Storage Operation Inspection Transportation Delay


Extract water from deep well

To rapid sand filter (B)

Free water from particles

To chlorination tank (C) 3 TANK

Contact time
Check water
STORAGE TANK   To storage tank (D)

Store potable water

Supply (E)
The whole process from Extraction to
Storage takes 41.10 minutes for a complete
cycle which is repeated 6.67 times to full
the storage tank (4000 L) with an equivalent
time of 4.60 hours, with that the tank can be
filled 5 times per day. Table 4-4 below
shows the time allocation for each process
of production. See Appendix 4-9 for the
computation of time for each process.
Table 4-4. Time Allocation of Each Process
Water Station
A. Architectural Plan

Reflected on the Architectural Plan are;

1. Vicinity map, site development plan

and perspective (See Drawing A-1).
2. Floor plan, elevations (right & left),
schedule of doors and windows (See
Drawing A-2).
3. Elevations (front & rear),
longitudinal section (See Drawing A-
B. Structural Plan
1. Foundation plan, wall footing detail,
roof framing plan and truss detail (See
Drawing S-1).
2. Water tank platform detail (See
Drawing S-2 & S-3).
C. Electrical Plan
1. Electrical lay out, schedule of loads,
single line diagram, specifications, and
computation. (See Drawing E-1).
D. Mechanical Plan
1. Pump, and Equipment details (See
Drawing M-1).
Pipe Network
A. Topographic Data of Zone 1 & 2
The topographic survey is administered
by RASA Survey Realty headed by Mr.
Zax Aguana with the assistance of the
researchers. See Appendix 4-10 for the
tabulated topographic data of Purok
Sagrado (Zone 1 and 2).
Reflected in the design of pipe network
1. Topographic data of zone 1 (See
Drawing D-2).
2. Side view of zone 1 with main branch
lay out (See Drawing D-2).
3. Top view of zone 1 with detailed road
way dimensions (See Drawing D-2).
4. Side view of zone 2 with main branch
lay out (See Drawing D-3).
5. Top view of zone 2 with detailed road
way dimensions (See Drawing D-3).
B. Detailed Pipe Network
Reflected in the design of pipe network are;
1. Horizontal distance of each household to
the source Zone 1 & 2 (See Drawing D-4).
2. Pipe Network of Zone 1 with detail of
distance of branch pipe from Main Branch
to households water meter (See Drawing
3. Pipe Network of Zone 2 with detailed
distance of branch pipe from Main
Branch to households water meter (See
Drawing D-6).
4. Vertical Distance of main branch pipe
of households from the established level
ground of zone 1 and 2. (See Drawing
C. Detailed Connection of Pipe
Reflected in detailed connection of pipe are;
•Depth detail of main branch pipe, branch
pipe and minimum distance of main branch
pipe to road way (See Drawing D-8).
•Purok Sagrado Potable Water Supply
System (See Drawing D-9).
Statement of Financial and
Financing Study
The most crucial part of the feasibility
study is the financial and financing
aspect. This determines the financial
feasibility of this project through
different economic factors.
This section specifically aims:
- To determine the total investment needed
to support the project;
- To identify the different sources of funds
for the investment and terms or conditions
to be met to obtain these funds;
- To prepare projected financial statement
and analysis.
Scope of Financial Study
This financial study covers the following
- Investment
- Demand and Price Ceiling
- Operational and Administrative Cost
- Financial Position, Financial
Performance, and Cash Flow
Source of Financing
Barangay Estefania has its budget for an
Annual Investment Project (AIP) which
accounts Php 345,000.00. Also, Barangay
Estefania has its yearly budget based on
the number of residents.
Also other source of funding are;
•Department of Public Works and Highways
•Philippine Development Assistance Fund
•City Development Council
Major Assumptions
1. All operational and administrative
activities of the water treatment facility
will be delegated and performed by the
existing officers and members of the
barangay. These activities include minimal
cleanliness and maintenance activities,
billing, and transaction recording.
2. A 20% of the total investment cost is
allocated as provision for any deviation in
the estimated cost of materials for the
3. Supplies account refers to assets used for
the operational and administrative activities
of the project. These shall include materials
for billing and cleaning materials for
4. Supplies are prepaid purchases for three
years. Its coat is projected to increase at
10% every three years to account for
inflation and increase in quantity.
5. Administrative expenses is projected
to be 5% of the total sales. These
include additional care and maintenance
coat or non-operational activities such
as payment for contract workers and
additional cost that may be incurred in
the process of selling the project's
6. Major maintenance cost that are specific
for equipment and machineries are
projected to be 10% of their total
acquisition cost.
7. Financial transactions of this project
shall be recorded in the books of the
barangay and shall be subject for
government accounting principles. For
purpose of this project, a separate and
independent financial position,
performance, and cash flow analysis is
Investment Cost
Table 4-13. Summary of Expenses
Sales Projection.
A. Demand.
The demand on use of the facility is
based on the water consumption of the
target families. The population of the
project consists of 48 families for a total
of 257 residents.
For billing purposes, the average number
of members in a family is multiplied to
the per capita demand of 54 liters per day
per person to derive to the average water
consumption per family. See Appendix 4-
2 for the forecast of the demand on the
project’s product for the succeeding 10
years upon the start of its operations.
B. Price Ceiling.
The current demand for water is supplied by
water refilling stations and Bacolod City
Water District (BACIWA). The costing
scheme chosen for this project is the
competitive pricing. The maximum
purchasing power of the project's population
is only the amount they pay for the current
With this, the Php 24.45 per cu.m cost set
by the Bacolod City District Water was
chosen to be the most feasible price
ceiling of the project. From here on,
projections may be shifted to lower
product cost that may be enjoyed by the
population. For purpose of the succeeding
financial projections, the price to be used
will be Php 24.45.
C. Sales Computation
Table 4-14. Sales Forecast

Depreciation and Other
Expenses Schedule
Table 4-15. Depreciation Schedule
Table 4-16. Electric Bill, Supplies & Other Expenses
Financial Statements
A. Statement of Financial Position
(See Balance Sheet).
B. Income Statement
(See Balance Sheet).
C. Cash Flow Statement
(See Balance Sheet).
D. Financial Analysis
(See Balance Sheet).
Statement of the Socio-Economic Study

This aspect of feasibility determines the

community living conditions and
awareness about potable water supply by
studying the results of our self-made
questionnaire, and the data gathered from
the Purok President of Purok Sagrado and
Barangay Officials of Barangay Estefania.
Socio-Economic Background of the
Source of Income
For every working adult person, it is
important to decently earn a living to provide
for one’s self and the basic needs of one’s
family. The level of permanency and the type
of nature of job determines the stability of
the person’s work and income.
Below is a table showing the
distribution of the population based on
Table 4-5. Distribution of Population by Occupation
(Source: Socio Economic Survey of Purok Sagrado (Zone 1 & 2) By: Purok Officials)
The result of the local survey in Purok
Sagrado showed that out of the 86 work
force of the community, the women
sector accounted the highest in number
as housewives. They belong to 39.53%,
more than quarter of the total work
force of the community. This is
followed by the tricycle drivers with
16.28% of the total work force.
The top three (3) common source of
income of the males comes from
working as a tricycle driver,
construction worker and trisikad driver.
They made up the 31.40% of the total
working force.
Average Family Income per Month
Survey shows only 33.46% are income
earners in the community out of the 257
total population. This accounts to 86
members of the community that sustains
the daily and basic needs of the remaining
66.54% or 171 dependent members of the
Table 4-6. Distribution of Population by Salary
(Source: Socio Economic Survey of Purok Sagrado
(Zone 1 & 2) By: Purok Officials)
Data shown above demonstrates that
majority of the male workers earn an
average amount of Php.7, 500.00 and
above from their salary. And majority of
the female workers earn Php.1, 501.00
to 3,000.00.
Water Supply System Background of Purok Sagrado

In the community of Purok Sagrado, most

of the household depends on deep wells,
artesian wells, and purified water sold by a
water refilling station near the community.
Below is the actual distribution of water
supply by domestic use.
Figure 4-7. Distribution of Drinking Water use
(Source: Socio Economic Survey of Purok Sagrado
(Zone 1 & 2) By: Researchers)
Figure 4-8. Distribution of Water for General use
(Source: Socio Economic Survey of Purok Sagrado
(Zone 1 & 2) By: Purok Officials)
Data shows the distribution of water
supply for general use of the community
residents. Different households use water
from artesian wells or deep wells which is
highly abundant and available for majority
of the residents.
Other Beneficiaries
The City Government. Just like any
other business, government can benefit
in this project with the fees this business
will pay during the operation. Also this
project is by the government through
Barangay Estefania and Purok Sagrado
The Barangay. This project will benefit
the barangay financially since they will
be the ones to manage the operation.

The School Administrators. This project

will support school community outreach
program of Colegion San Agustin
Bacolod since the researchers are
students of the institution.
Statement of the Project
Management Study
This aspect of feasibility presents the
Management Aspects of the study which
includes the Project Cycle, GANTT- Chart
of activities, Project Evaluation Review
Technique – Critical Path Method (PERT-
CPM), assignment of activities and, the
budgeting and costing of each activity.
We analyze and evaluate methods and
techniques to come up for design of
implementation activities for this
Project Cycle
•Project Conception and Identification.
This stage of project cycle where
researchers decides for their chosen
project. Researchers are expected to do
this in 3-5 working days.
•Preparation of Feasibility Study. This
stage of project cycle where researchers
undergo different activities and procedures
in gathering and analyzing information,
below are the activities involved in this
Social Assessment Impact Survey. This
stage of project cycle determines the
population characteristics, community
structures, political and social resources
and, community resources. This type of
survey activity is independent of other
activities regarding the project and can be
done in less time. Researcher are
expected to do this in 3-5 working days.
Topographic Survey. This stage of project
cycle which provides the major information
required for the water supply master plan
preparation. All the engineering designs
and modeling activities of the project are
directly dependent on this activity.
Topographic survey include alignment
survey, and land level survey. Researcher
are expected to do this in 2-5 working days.
Geographical Information Mapping. This
stage of project cycle incorporates
topographic survey outputs in digital
format, which will make it easy to
interpret for future use. Researcher are
expected to do this in 5-7 working days.
Population Projection. This stage of project
cycle where Forecasting population is
made under the Market Aspect of this
study. Researcher are expected to do this in
5-7 working days.
Water Demand Assessment. This stage of
project cycle where assessment and
analysis on the demand and supply of
water by the residents is made under the
Market Aspect of this study. Researcher
are expected to do this in 5-7 working
Ground Water Modeling. This stage of
project cycle deals with the water
quality assessment of the raw material,
the design of extraction and treatment.
Researcher are expected to do this in 7-
12 working days.
Surface Water Modeling. This stage of
project cycle were pipe sizing and
equipment selection and canvassing is
made. Researcher are expected to do this in
3-7 working days.
Design and Digitalization of Pipe Network
and Model Building. This stage of project
cycle where designing of pipe network,
water station and water tank platform is
made under the Technical Aspect of this
study. Researcher are expected to do this in
5-12 working days.
•Presentation of Feasibility Study. This
stage of project cycle where researcher
presents the results of the feasibility study;
market, technical, financing, financial,
socio-economic, and project management
study to the respective board of panels.
Researcher are expected to do this in 1
working day.
•Project Approval. This stage of project
cycle is the result of the presentation of
feasibility study where the study is ready
for project implementation. Researcher are
expected to do this in 1 working day.
•Project Financing. This stage of project
cycle where researcher ask for budget to the
financiers of the project. Researcher are
expected to do this in 7-30 working days.

•Legal Registration. This stage of project

cycle where all papers for legalities is
administered. Below are the different
agencies to commerce.
Department of Trade and Industry. Where
you register for the name of your business
(name of business is subject to change, if
and only if there is an existing business
with the same name of your business).
Researcher are expected to do this in 7-14
working days.
City Government. Where you register your
business to obtain a Mayors Business Permit,
Building Permit and Licenses. Researcher
are expected to do this in 14-30 working
Bureau of Internal Revenue. After
registering to DTI and LGU’s the last step is
to register to BIR to have your BIR Permit.
Researcher are expected to do this in 7-14
• Detailed Design. This stage of project
cycle where designs are detailed for
design for water station, pipe network, and
water tank platform can be done
simultaneously (usually this stage is only
a post finalization of the designs made
during technical study). Researcher are
expected to do this in 14-30 working days.
Water Station. The design of the station
must pass all the standards set by the
NSCP, and Building Code of the
Pipe Network. This is the major activity of
water supply master plan preparation. This
activity is entirely dependent on other
prior activities for data support and model
Water Tank Platform. The design of
water tank platform must be made to
ensure that the platform can withstand
seismic load.
• Supervision for Management. This
stage of project cycle where management
of the business is to be establish, selecting
or finding personnel to stand as the;
Manager, Bookkeeper, Administrative
Assistant, Technical Assistant, and Front
Liner. Researcher are expected to do this
in 2-5 working days.
•Supervision for Operation. This stage of
project cycle where all the plans and
papers are put into action. This stage is
divided into five (5) category; supervision
for operation of Land, Facility, Machinery,
Raw Material and Policy System Design.
Below are the activities involved in each
a. Land.
Site Clearing for Pipelines. Clearing the
site/area for pipeline. Laborers are
expected to do this in 2-3 working days.

Pipe Line Excavation. Excavating the

soil for the pipeline. Laborers are
expected to do this in 2-3 working days.
Back Filling. Backfill always follows
pipe installation as closely as possible.
This protects the pipe from falling
boulders, eliminates the possibility of
the pipe getting lifted due to flooding of
the open trench, and avoids the pipe
shifting out of line due to cave-ins.
Laborers are expected to do this in 2-3
working days.
Site Clearing for Station. This is the
process where the site for the
construction of the pump house is
prepared. This includes demolition,
clearing and excavation for foundation
construction. Researcher are expected to
do this in 2-3 working days.
b. Facility.
Pipe Stringing. Plumbers are expected to do
this in 2-3 working days.
Pipe Laying. This is the placement of the
pipes into the trench. This includes the
preparation and preliminary inspection of
the pipes to ensure that these are free from
damage and the insides are clean. Plumbers
are expected to do this in 3-5 working days.
Foundation Construction. The first step
to build the pump house is to construct
its foundation which includes the
installation of the footings. Construction
workers are expected to do this in 2-3
working days.
Construction of Station. – This includes
the construction of the columns and
beams. Follows next is the installation of
the roof truss and the construction of the
walls. Researcher are expected to do this
in 7-14 working days.
Installation of Platform. Welding works
for the platform and installation of the
storage tank. Researcher are expected to
do this in 3-5 working days.
c. Machinery.
Installation of Equipment. This process
includes the preparation and installation of
the equipment to be used such as the
pumps and tanks. Researcher are expected
to do this in 3-5 working days.
d. Raw Material. This category of
Supervision is the stage of Project Cycle
where Management check the station if
everything is put into place, if the raw
material is safely connected to piping
with the equipment. This is expected to
be done in 2-3 working days.
e. Policy System Design. This category
of Supervision is the stage of Project
Cycle where Management impose to
public or community their business
policy. This is expected to be done in 2-
3 working days.

• Dry Run of Operation.

Project Monitoring. This stage of project
cycle where the system is being
monitored by its function. This is usually
done by a person with authority. This is
expected to last for 30 working days.
Project Post Monitoring. This stage of
project cycle where an authority comeback
for a check-up of the performance of the
system. This is expected to last for 30
working days.

Start of Normal Operation. This is the

final stage of project cycle where the
business starts its normal operation.
Project Evaluation Review
Technique (PERT)
Program Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT) is used to compute the
expected time duration of each activity.
Optimistic time (O), pessimistic time (P)
and most likely time (M) is derived from
the previous time estimates of the activities
in former phases of the project.
Expected time (TE) is calculated using
the most common equation of PERT
analysis giving maximum weights to the
most likely time:
(TE) =
Below is the tabulated computation of the
expected time of each activity.
Activity Breakdown
Table 4-10. Activity Breakdown of Project
(See Appendix 11 for the GANTT-Chart of
Critical Path Method
Figure 4-10. PERT-CPM
(See Drawing 10 and 11 for Clearer Diagram)

Critical path: START-A-B-C-D-E-H-I-J-L-

Estimated project duration = 192 days.
Slack Computation
Table 4-11. Slack Time of Each Activity
Budget and Costing of Each
Table 4-12. Budget Cost per Activity

Only those activities under the Investment Phase have pre-operation costs.
Chapter 5
Conclusion of the Study
These conclusions are directly related to the hypothesis,
statement of the problem, and all aspects that were
defined and studied during the course of this study:
• This feasibility study entitled “A Feasibility Study on
Potable Water for Purok Sagrado” is feasible.
• The existing situation of the community of Purok Sagrado
tells us that the residents are in need of Potable Water
• The demand of water by the resident starting at year 1
(2018) is 5,085 cubic meters and will be 5,960 cubic
meters in year 10 (2028).
• The design of potable water supply system for Purok
Sagrado is sustainable and projected to last up to year
• The proposed project will be managed with supervision
of the different selected personnel to run the operation.
• The proposed project is cost efficient with maximum
eligibility for funding through the Barangay Annual
Investment Plan Budget.
• The methods to be used in water treatment are;
Filtration to separate suspended solids and Chlorination
for disinfection.
• Cost to implement the project is 180,911.87 pesos.
• Price of water is P24/cu.m which is affordable in sense
that each family spends P30/gallon on a commercial
purchase of water.
• Return of Investment (ROI) will be during the 4th year of
• Operational cost is only 32% of the Revenue which
means 68% of the monthly revenue will be the profit of
the business.
Recommendation for Action
and Implementation
The following actions should be taken to implement the
results of this feasibility study;
• Take account of the demand of water by residents if
possible update population forecast every 3-4 years.
• Replacement of pump after 3 years is advised, but this
may vary depending on the performance of the pump.

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