Approaches To Organize Social Science Curriculum

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UNIT-2 (A)


• The term Curriculum is derived from the Latin word ‘Currere’ which stands for ‘a race’,
‘a course’ , hence it signifies a ‘race-course’ to be run by a student for achieving the
Aims & Objectives of Education.
• There is a popular saying by the famous educationist Cunningham ‘the curriculum is the
tool in the hands of the artist (teacher) to mould his material (the student) according
to his ideals (objectives) in his studio (the school).
• Earlier, Curriculum was limited to deciding about the subjects of the course only, but
according to Modern Concept of Curriculum, it includes not only subjects of course of
study but also, teaching methodology, teaching aids & materials, evaluation
techniques, administration, supervision, inspection, etc. In fact Curriculum includes
everything that is involved in teaching-learning process.
• The realization of Aims and Objectives of Education is entirely dependent on selection &
framing of proper Curriculum.
• According to D. Samuel:-
“The Curriculum is the sum total of the experiences of the pupil that he receives
through the manifold activities that go in the school, in the classroom, in the
laboratory, in the workshop, in the playground and in the numerous informal
contacts between the teacher and pupil.”

• According to the Education Commission (1964-1966):-

“We conceive of the School Curriculum as the totality of learning experiences that
the School provides through all the manifold activities in the school or outside, that
are carried on under its supervision.”
1.  It includes all the activities involved in the  It includes only contents & subjects of the
teaching-learning process. course of study.
2.  Here emphasis is given on all-round  Here emphasis is given only on intellectual
development of the child. development of the child.
3.  Scope of Curriculum is wider.  Scope of Syllabus is narrow.
4.  It doesn’t promote cramming & rote-  It promotes cramming & rote-memorization.
memorization.  Syllabus doesn’t bring change in the behavior of
5.  Curriculum helps in bringing about different the child.
behavioral changes in the student.
6.  It suggests different teaching methods for It doesn’t not talk about teaching-learning
educating the child. methodology.
7.  It is practical in nature.  It is bookish & theoretical in nature.
8.  It is experience-centered .  It is subject-centered.
9.  It is collection of all learning experience.
 It is collection of just topics & contents of different
10  It is framed keeping in mind the Cognitive,  It is framed keeping in mind only cognitive
Affective & Psychomotor domains of domain of Educational objectives.
Educational Objectives.
• Principle of Objectives:- While framing Curriculum the objectives of Education must be
taken into account. Education is aimed at realizing the aims & objectives of Education.
Curriculum must be framed in such a way that syllabus, methods & procedures etc. help
in achieving these aims & objectives.
• Principle of Child-Centeredness:- While framing the Curriculum the needs &
requirements of the child must be taken care of.
• Principle of Activity Centeredness:- Curriculum should provide enough scope of active
learning with the help of variety of learning activities. Different purposeful classroom &
outdoor activities should be promoted through Curriculum.
• Principle of Individual Difference:- All the students are not equal. They differ from each
other in relation to their intelligence, personality, interests, attitudes, aptitudes, etc.
Hence, Curriculum must be constructed by taking into account the individual differences
of the students.
• Principle of Principle of Flexibility:- Curriculum should not be rigid & provide the element
of flexibility for better implementation. Teachers & Students should be provided some
liberty in making some variations in the recommended Curriculum as per their local needs.
• Principle of Variety:- Curriculum should be having enough variety for fulfilling the needs of
the different types of the learners. Curriculum should allow for individual differences &
adaptation to individual needs & interests. Curriculum following the principle of variety will
accommodate the needs and maintaining the interest level of varied category of learners.
• Principle of providing Real Experiences:- While framing Curriculum, such methods,
activities & materials should be suggested which would provide real experiences to the
• Principle of Integration:- This principle states that the Curriculum should make the
learners’ able in connecting the different branches of the study & assimilating the
knowledge gained.



• Curriculum Approaches are the different ways suggested for improving the overall
efficiency of the Educational System by connecting the thoughts with the actual

• Talla (2012):- “Curriculum organization is a technical process. It involves a number of steps

such as selecting facts, ideas & concepts which are important from individual and social
point of view. The various elements of the content are integrated whole.”


• The Correlated Approach emphasizes interrelating various subjects . Correlation approach is
that approach which integrate knowledge with Actual Life. It maybe carried on rather
successfully without any formal plan, provided the teacher had a wide range of information &
is understanding the similarities, differences and relationships.
• Every item of knowledge must be correlated with student’s life. It should be taught with
reference to his practical needs or with reference to physical or social environment.
• Mainly the following types of Correlation can be kept in mind while seeking to follow the
Correlated Approach:
 Correlation of Social Sciencess with the life and day-to-day activities if the students.
 Correlation of Social Sciencess with the other subjects of the School Curriculum.
 Correlation and interdependence of the various Social Sciencess disciplines comprising the subject
Social Sciencess.
 Correlation within the different topics and learning experiences comprising the subject material of
the subject Sciences.
 Correlation of Social Sciencess with the work experience & co-curricular activities.
Correlation within
the Subject

Correlation with
KINDS other Subjects

Correlation with Life &

• In this type, teacher tries to tie up the topic • It is planned beforehand or consciously in a
or the event that students are studying with systematic manner. Teacher makes
the related knowledge that he has learned deliberate attempt to teach a particular
elsewhere. Naturally the extent of this type topic in such a way that he may go on
of Correlation will depended upon the explaining other things as well. P
• Materials of other subjects are chose in such
• For e.g. a teacher who is teaching a manner that while teaching they can be
production of cloth may explain to the brought in use at the time of need.
students the Geographical factors like Soil,
• For e.g. If the teacher wants to teach the
Climate that are responsible for the
production of cotton. History of Indus Valley Civilization, he has to
explain the climate & the effect of the
• For e.g. A teacher teaching success of Shivaji climate on the civilization before telling
would tell about the Geographical conditions about the development & the downfall of it.
of that place.
• When learning situations are correlated with real-life situations, knowledge becomes
more meaningful and real for the students.
• Correlation Approach integrates various subjects & provides concentrated form of
• This approach achieves Unity & Integration of Knowledge.
• This approach motivates learning.
• Correlation is useful to widen the mental horizon of the students.
• Correlation simplifies the task & learning situations.
• Correlation is a purposeful activity.
• It makes the subject matter more simplified & interesting.
• This approach lay emphasis on Practical Knowledge as it provides effective learning by
Correlating various subjects.

• Concentric Approach gives more weight-age to the learner, his immediate environment & it is
based on the psychological principles and maxim of simple to complex.
• The various relevant Social Sciences subject key themes, concepts, generalizations, etc. related to
the learners immediate environment form the content of the subject and these are introduced in
the early grades. These key themes are expanded at successively Higher levels as students move
through the grades.
• The priority is given upon taking into consideration learners’ age and level while organizing the
Social Sciences content.
• A topic is divided into a number of portions which are allotted to different classes. The criterion for
allotment of a particular portion of the course to a particular class is to the difficulty of the portion &
power of comprehension of the students in the age group. Thus, it is mainly concerned with year-
to-year teaching but its influence can also be exercised in day-to-day teaching. Knowledge being
given today should follow from knowledge given yesterday & should lead to teaching on following.
• This approach is also termed as expanding horizon approach which means that the level of difficulty
and content increases with the age and maturity of the learners.
• The first method of Grade-I
Organizing the Social
Home & Family
Sciences content is by
selecting different Grade-I I
elements/ topics. Neighborhood

• For e.g. at the lower level Grade-III

topics like home and family, 5 4 3 2 1 Village & City
are included in the Social
Sciences content and topics Grade-IV
like neighborhood, village, Country
city, life, country, continents Grade-V
& world are included at the Continents
next level. & World
• The second method of organizing
Grade-VI India’s
the Social Sciences content is by
Freedom Struggle selecting single element/topic and
arranging the content by the
Grade-VII India’s
difficulty level of the topic as the
Freedom Struggle mental level and class level of the
Grade-VIII India’s
Freedom Struggle
1 2 3 45 • For e.g. the main element/topic can
be India’s Freedom Struggle and we
can select the content/topics
Grade-IX India’s
related with this main element in all
Freedom Struggle
the classes but expansion and the
difficulty level will keep on
Grade-X India’s
Freedom Struggle increasing as we proceed to the
Higher Levels.
At this stage, only the names of various Political Parties are
introduced and their names are to memorized by them by showing
STAGE relevant signs and pictures.

At this stage, only the names of various Political Parties are SECONDARY
introduced and their names are to memorized by them by showing
relevant signs and pictures.

HIGHER At the Higher Stage, critical evaluation of these political parties and
STAGE examined.
• This approach is based upon the Psychological Principles of learning i.e. simple to complex which stress
upon presenting the simple themes/knowledge of Social Science as a whole in the first instance and
gradually proceeds with the increase in the grade and mental level of the learners.
• This approach makes the Social Science learning experience simple and stress free. For the learners.
• Concentric Approach provides enough repetition opportunity to the learners which make learning easy
and permanent.
• Concentric Approach develops strong subject-base, in-depth knowledge & develop confidence level
among the learners which helps in increasing the achievement level of the students in the subject of Social
• This approach is also suitable for the slow learners as adequate repetition help such students in better
understanding the subject content.
• This approach also helps in delimiting the vast Social Sciences content and in making proper selection
regarding what to teach to the students
• This approach improves the interest level of the students in the subject of Social Sciences as learners
become more confident as they already have some knowledge about the topics which the find in the Social
Sciences textbooks and syllabus.
• This approach requires creative, talented and energetic Social Sciences teachers having
the capability of making use of the various teaching skills and audio-visual aids for
maintaining the interest of the students.
• Repetition of the same topics in all the classes makes the Social Sciences learning and
teaching quite challenging for the students and teachers.
• This approach fails to do justice with a vast area of the Social Sciences as the content is
delimited to some selected themes.
• This approach increases the mastery of the Social Sciences students in some themes but
they fail to have the knowledge of many recent developments related with the Social
Sciences going around the world.
• This approach lacks novelty as learners fail to find any new topic in Social Science
textbooks and syllabus.

• In this approach the Social Sciences content is divided in the form of
different topics as it takes topics as a Unit.
• Thesetopics once included in the syllabus of any class are completed as a
whole in the same class.
• This approach is useful in the Higher Stages of learning as easy and difficult
portions of the topic are presented in the same time.
• The selection of the topics will be done as per their relevance to the
particular grade and will not be repeated again the next grade. The topics
selected for the lower grades will be simpler and having less description in
comparison to the topics selected for the Higher Grades.
Land (Lithosphere)
Water (Hydrosphere) NATURAL
Air (Atmosphere)

HUMAN Components of
Individual, Family,
Community, Religion,
Educational, Economic,

MANMADE Buildings, Parks,

Bridges, Roads, Industries,
• Topical Approach do justice with the comprehensive nature of the Social Science as through this
approach it is possible for the Curriculum, Organizers to include lot many different topics in the
Social Sciences content at various levels and provide vast knowledge to the students.
• This approach is helpful in meeting the challenges of maintaining the curiosity level of the students.
• Topical Approach maintains and increases the interest level of the students in the Social Sciences
• Topical Approach is suitable for the students of Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels and also
recommended approach for the students having higher IQ level as this approach avoids repetition
and provide some new content/topics and challenges at each grade.
• Topical Approach provides liberty to the Social Sciences content organizers to select the topics as
per the age, level, interest and aptitudes of the learners.
• This approach reduces the Social Sciences content burden as the selection and presentation of the
content is in the form of different topics which is done as per the required need and mental level of
the learners.
• Topical Approach does not consider the basic psychological principles of learning as the
topics once included at any level are not repeated again.
• The Social Sciences topics are quite complex and lengthy and it is tough to cover these
by organizing them through topical approach.
• The slow learners face more problems when the Social Sciences content is organized
through this approach. Such students find every time something new in the form of
topic without the sound knowledge base related to that topic developed in their
previous class.
• This approach does not provide the in-depth knowledge of the content as the
description provided is quite brief and tough for teachers to spare time for conducting
different learning activities for the better understanding of the learners.

• The word Unit refers to the idea of studying a topic as a whole. It is a grouping of related lessons i.e.
about major units to be divide into an average of 6,7 or 8 lessons each provides a feasible course of
action both in planning instruction and in comprehending the scope of the course.

• The Social Science Curriculum is organized through Unit Approach by selecting some social science
themes which are further broken into sub-themes units which are further organized in the form of
the chapters and are discussed fully in the selected grade according to the suitability to the age and
mental levels of the students.

• This approach presents a unit in a chapter as a whole and in a logical sequence so that they are
helpful for students in their learning. With a view to encourage student’s participation in teaching,
question-answer strategy is employed.






What is Govt?

Diversity &
Key Elements
1) Title: Stating the theme, problem or Topic

2) Objectives: Clearly stated Teaching Objectives

3) Overview: Mentioning interestingly the broader view

4) Outline of the Content:- Giving the detail of the content covered

5) Activities & Experiences: Should be mentioning the related activities

6) Culmination: Stating the conclusions drawn from the Unit

7) Evaluation: Provide enough scope of learner’s evaluation

8) Instructional Resources: Suggesting the reference material & resources

• UnitApproach allows for understanding by going more in-depth. Teachers
and students are forced to identify the fundamental ideas of a subject.
• It
provides the structure and compact down the wide Social Sciences
Curriculum which provides more clarity to the learners.
• It
helps learners in understanding the connections between the themes,
sub-themes and connect it with the real world.
• It
brings gives a sense of unity to study the Social Sciences which plays a
positive role in developing the interest of the learners in the Social Science.
• It contributes positively in developing and broadening sound Social Science
base. These selected units are complete in itself and learners get full
mastery over the specific theme.
• UnitApproach is a challenging task for Social Sciences Teachers as this approach
requires appropriate context creation, selection and making use of the activities
which are directly connected with the real world for effective learning.
• It
requires more hardworking, creative, organized and skilled Social Science Teachers
as well as visionary Curriculum planners who can make better choices of the themes.
• Making Social Sciences Curriculum balance at each level through the Unit Approach is
also a challenging task as some Social Sciences themes can be more comprehensive &
difficult task for the Curriculum Organizers to be completed at one level.
• It
also fails to make the Social Sciences content connected with the content learned
by the students at previous level.
• Thisapproach makes the Social Sciences content understanding tough and quite
complex for the slow learners as the content/theme are different at each level and are
not repeated at different levels.

• Chronological Approach arranges the whole Social Sciences facts/contents as per the
chronological order of their occurrence. This approach is based on Linear Progression.
• In simple words, the Social Sciences content is organized in context of starting from its
beginning or Past and is discussed up to the Present.
• This approach is mostly suitable for arranging the History related content of the Social

Ancient Medieval Modern

History History History
• The Chronological Order of the Social Sciences content help in better understanding as
the whole content is organized in the way of its occurrence and more logically.
• In the case of the arranging Geography content it can be started from———

Origin &
Evolution of Theories of Geological Earth Formation of
our Planet Origin of Earth Time Scales Movements Types of Rocks

• The Social Sciences content arranged through the Chronological Approach provides te
systematic presentation of the content and helps the students in better memorization,
understanding and retention.


• TheSocial Sciences content organized through Chronological Approach is more
systematic and provides better learning experience to the students.
• It
provides the whole information to the students from its beginning to present
and contributes in better understanding of the Social Sciences.
• It is more structured approach and also improves the understanding of the Social
Sciences context of time and place, causes and effects.
• It
is helpful in the increasing the interest level of the students in the subject of
Social Science.
• It is the best recommended approach with respect to History content part of the
Social Sciences subject.
• This
approach follows linear order and makes the transitions from one unit to
another more smoother for Social Sciences students and teacher.
• The content of the Social Sciences is quite comprehensive and it is a tough task to
arrange such a large variety of the content by making use of the Chronological Order.
• This approach fails to follow the Psychological Principles of learning as the content is
organized with respect to Chronology and cannot be arranged from Simple to
Complex Order.
• It makes the Social Sciences learning tough for the average and slow learners.
• Chronological Approach is quite rigid and fails to provide any liberty to the organizers
to pick and choose or skip the order while arranging the Social Science content.
• This approach not repeats the content covered in the previous level and increases the
chances that students might forget the content covered at the lower or previous
• It increases the chances of fragmentation of the topic while adopting the Chronology
of occurrence.


NCF 2005




At the Upper Primary Stage, Social Sciences will draw its content from
History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. For this purpose:
History will take into account developments in different parts of India, with
sections on events or developments in other parts of the world.
Geography can help develop a balanced perspective related to issues concerning
the Environment, Resources and Development at different levels, from Local to
Political Science students will be introduced to the formation and functioning of
Government at Local, State and Central Levels and the Democratic Processes of
The Economics components will enable students to observed Economic
institutions like the Family, the Market, and the State.
There will also be a section that will indicate a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to
these themes.

At the Secondary Stage, the Social Sciences comprise History, Geography, Sociology,
Political Science and Economics. Here, in the Organization of the Learning experiences:
 The focus will be on Contemporary India, and the learners will be initiated into a deeper understanding of the
Social and Economic challenges being faced by the Nation. Efforts should be made to relate the content as
much possible to the children’s everyday live.
 In History, India’s Freedom Movement and other aspects of its Modern History as well as significant
developments in other parts of the world can be studied. History should be taught with the intent of enabling
students better understand the world and to help them discover processes of change and continuity in their
 Geography should be taught keeping in mind the need to inculcate in the child a critical appreciation for
conservation and environmental concerns along with developmental issues.
 In Political Science, the focus should be on discussing the Philosophical, foundations that underlie the value
framework of the Indian Constitution, i.e. in-depth discussion of equality, liberty, justice, fraternity, secularism,
dignity, plurality and freedom from exploitation.


The Higher Secondary Stage is important as it offer a choice of Subjects to
students. For some students, this stage may be the end of their Formal
Education, leading to the world of work and employment; for others, it is the
foundation for Higher Education. Accordingly:-
 They may choose either specialized academic courses or job-oriented vocational
courses. The foundation at this stage should equip them with basic knowledge and
the necessary skills to make a meaningful contribution in the field they choose.
 A range of courses from the Social Sciences and Commerce may be offered and
students may exercise their choice.
 Subjects need not be grouped into separate ‘streams’ and students should have the
freedom to opt for subjects or courses according to their need, interest and aptitude.
 Social Sciences will include disciplines like Political Science, Geography, History,
Economics, Sociology and Psychology and Commerce may include Business Study
and Accountancy.


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