Differential Diagnosis Low Back Pain: Disusun Oleh: Ahmad Fauza Surya
Differential Diagnosis Low Back Pain: Disusun Oleh: Ahmad Fauza Surya
Differential Diagnosis Low Back Pain: Disusun Oleh: Ahmad Fauza Surya
back pain
Disusun oleh : Ahmad Fauza Surya
• Vertebral fractures
• Ligamentous injury
• Joint strain
• Muscle tears METABOLIC
• Osteoporosis
• Ankylosing spondylitis
• Rheumatology disorders
Cause of low back pain Acquired
• Osteomyelitis – acute and chronic • Metastases
• TB
• Discitis
• Osteoarthritis
• Intervertebral disc lesions
General - orthopedic
• Tiba-tiba E.c trauma atau lesi pada discus intervertbralis
• Bertahap (gradual) E.c degenerative disease (OA, OS)
Karaktersitik nyeri :
• Ketika Bergerak nyeri dan ketika istirahat, nyeri hilang mechanical (HNP, OA, OS)
• Ketika bergerak dan istirahat nyeri terjadi secara terus menerus susp. Malignansi
Tambahan :
(+) gejala neurologic (retensi urin) ketika bergerak - keterlibatan discus intervertbralis
Lakukan pemeriksaan
neurologis (full)
Normal appearance by X-rays
Vertebral fracture
Anterior wedge-compression
fracture with less than 20 per
cent loss of vertebral body
Wedge compression fracture caused
by slliiped at the top of the staris
Ligamenteous injury and muscle tears
Ligamenteous injury
Fever, malaise, local tenderness (discomfort), and spasm
Intervetebral disc • Sudden onset of pain radiating down the back of the leg (by
lesion N. sciatica).
• movement, coughing and straining (worsen)
• (+) neurologic symptomps, weakness of a limb, bladder
Examination there will be limitation of spine movement, lordosis and neurological symptoms of the
lower limbs
disc lesion
Full neurologic examination
MRI and discography (a) The lateral T2-weighted MRI shows a small posterior disc bulge
at L4/5 and a larger protrusion at L5/S1. (b) The axial MRI shows the disc prolapse
encroaching on the intervertebral canal and the nerve root on the left side. (c) Discography,
showing normal appearance at the upper level and a degenerate disc with prolapse at the
level below.
Osteoarthritis in spine