Factors and Theories Career Development
Factors and Theories Career Development
Factors and Theories Career Development
Career Development
"Career development is a process of planning the series of
possible jobs one may hold in an organization over time and
development strategies designed to provide necessary job
skills the opportunities arise".
01 It is an ongoing process
Vocational Personalities
Structural Theory and Environment Theory
Socioeconomic Theory
Super’s Theory
Cognitive Theory
Structural Theory
The structural theory focus on individual characteristics
and occupational tasks.
Trait and Factor Theory
The theory began with the persons who proposed that a choice of a
vocation depended up on an accurate knowledge of self, thorough
knowledge of job specification, and the ability to make a proper
march between the two.
Trait and Factor Theory
3 Broad Factors:
• Clear understanding of self, aptitude, abilities, interests,
ambitions, resources and limitations.
• Thorough knowledge of the requirement and conditions of
success, advantages and disadvantages, compensation,
opportunities, and prospects in different line of work
• True reasoning on the relations of these two groups of acts.
Trait and Factor Theory
Major assumptions:
• Individuals and job traits can be matched
• Those close matches are positively correlated with job success
and satisfaction.
Vocational Personalities and
Environment Theory
The theory propounded by John Holland. According to the
profounder, people can function and develop best and find job
satisfaction in work environments that are compatible with their
Vocational Personalities and Environment Theory