Mobile Code Security
Mobile Code Security
Mobile Code Security
Mobile Phone Generations
2G (includes 2.5, 2.75)
Digital, mostly GSM, circuit switched
High speed IP data networks and mobile broadband), packet switched
All IP networks. Use of Internet, LAN, high Speed; Anytime, anywhere etc.
Late 2010’s; supports WWWW; interactive multimedia, TV etc.
Cell Phone Channels
Carriers are allocated a number of channels
per city/geographical area
One channel = 1 form of communication
There is therefore a capacity on each cell
Each phone call needs 2 channels for full duplex
And some channels are reserved for control
Software agents are programs that act on
behalf of their creators.
Mobile code (agents ) are software codes
(agents ) that have the ability to travel from
one place to another to do the work
assigned to them autonomously.
Agent (Mobile Code)
Mobile Code
The mobile code paradigm encompasses programs that can be
executed on one or several hosts other than the one that they
originate from.
Mobility of such programs implies some built-in capability for each
piece of code to travel smoothly from one host to another.
A mobile code is associated with at least two parties: its producer
and its consumer – the consumer being the host that runs the
Mobile code systems range from simple applets to intelligent
software agents.
Advantages of Mobile codes
Better network performance and
Automation of a sequence of tasks on
different locations
Distribution and Update of software
Mobile Code (Agent) Applications
Data collection from many place
implement a network backup tool
Searching and filtering
visitmany sites, search through the information
available at each site to match a search criterion
E.g. in a stock market host, wait for a certain stock to
hit a certain price, notify its user or even buy some of
the stocks on behalf of them .
Targeted information dissemination
Distribute interactive news or advertisements
Mobile Agent Applications / cont.
Parallel processing
processes easily over many computers in
the network
A mobile agent could do your shopping, including
making orders and even paying
Games , players
negotiateto establish a meeting time, get a
reasonable price for a deal
Mobile Code Security
In the past, mobile code was machine
dependent and could only run on very
specific machine architectures, today this
is not the case we are becoming
increasingly vulnerable to malicious
attacks and defective software roaming
the internet
security of mobile code is emerging as one
of the most important challenges facing
computer research today
Basic Concepts
Security is based on the notion of trust.
Basically, software can be divided into two
categories, trusted software (All software
from our side) and un trusted software (All
software not from our side)
Safety Policy
A code is safe if it follows
Control Flow, Memory, and Stack Safety
Mobile Code Security Dimensions
the host from a
malicious Mobile Code.
Code Signing
Proof-carrying code
Mobile Code from the
Execution Environment
Active and Passive attacks
Protecting the Host
There are various ways by which a malicious
agent can harm the host.
An agent may steal or manage to get illegal
access to some private data, e.g. the financial
data of a company from a database residing on
the host.
An agent may damage or consume the host
resources like deleting some files, consume a lot
of processing power or network bandwidth or
cause denial of services as well
Protection of a host from a mobile code
Code signing is the process by which a code is digitally signed by the code producer
in order to assure strong authentication and integrity of the code to the code
Code Signing
Idea is to authenticate the mobile code
before it is actually executed .
The producer of the code is required to
sign it. And the code consumer verifies
the signature of the producer before using
Digital signatures are created using RSA
Code Signing Details
RSA takes longer time for signing long
documents. So the usual practice is to sign
the hash of code and distribute it along with
the code.
This method saves time and insure integrity
The host first asks to be sent a proof that the code respects the policy
before he actually agrees to run it.
The code producer then sends the program and an accompanying proof,
using a
set of sound axioms and rewriting rules, as defined by the chosen logic, and
shared by the code producer and the code consumer.
After receiving the code, the host can then check the program with the
guidance of the proof (see figure). This can be seen as a form of type check
PCC process
Step 1:
the producer prepare the un trusted code he adds annotations to the code, which
helps the code consumer to understand the safety-relevant properties of the
code. then he sends the annotated code to the code consumer to execute it.
PCC process
Step 2:
The code consumer performs a fast but
detailed inspection of the annotated code.
This I accomplished using a program, called
VCGen and produce safety predicate
Step 3:
Upon receiving the safety predicate, the producer
attempts to prove it, and sends a formal proof back to
the code consumer.
PCC process / cont.
Step 4:
The code consumer performs a proof validation
Step 5:
after the executable code has passed both the
VCGen checks and the proof check, it is trusted not to
violate the safety policy and It can be safely installed
for execution, without any further need for run-time
Protecting the Agent
Protecting the Agent during the Transfer
Protecting the Agent during the Execution
Protecting the Agent during the
As a mobile agent moves around the
network, its code as well as its data is
vulnerable to various security threats.
There are two known types of attacks
passive attacks and active attacks
Passive Attacks
Passive Attacks
Anadversary attempts to extract some
information from messages exchanged
between two Agents without modifying the
contents of the messages (eavesdropping).
Usually cryptographic mechanisms, such as
RSA and ElGamal cryptosystems are used to
protect against this kind of attacks
Active Attacks
Attacker in this case is able to modify the data
or the code of a mobile agent to benefit from
them or impersonate a legitimate principal in
the system and intercept messages intended for
that principal
Data integrity mechanisms can be used to
protect against tampering (message digest
technique )
Collision-Free Hash Functions
Authentication mechanisms can be used to
protect against impersonation.
Protecting The Agent during the
In general, it is very difficult to protect an
Agent from the environment that is
responsible for its execution.
Therefore, protecting an agent is more
difficult and challenging than protecting the
host resources from a malicious agent
Dangers to Agents
A host may simply destroy the agent and hence
impede the function of its parent application.
A host may steal sensitive information carried
by the agent such as a private key of the agent’s
A host may modify the data carried by the
agent for its favor. For instance, it might change
the price quoted by another competitor. Or
modify the agent’s code to perform some
dangerous actions when it returns to its home
How to Protect the Agent during the
Limited blackbox security
Computing with encrypted functions.
Cryptographic traces
Limited blackbox security