Newborn Adaptation To Extrauterine Life: A Systemic Approach To Life in This World
Newborn Adaptation To Extrauterine Life: A Systemic Approach To Life in This World
Newborn Adaptation To Extrauterine Life: A Systemic Approach To Life in This World
Extrauterine Life
In c re a s e s In c re a s e s In c re a s e s
O 2 c o n s u m p ti o n s tre s s o n b a b y O 2 dem and
Respiratory Rate Vasoconstriction
Heat Production
Vasomotor control—constriction of
peripheral vessels manifested as acrocyanosis
Phototherapy –
Bililights overhead in hospital setting
Quartz high intensity lights in hospital
Wallaby blanket wrapped around infant at
1mg (0.5ml) IM >1500 gm
0.5mg(0.25ml)IM<1500 gm
GI Adaptation - COOL facts...
BEFORE BIRTH, baby has already swallowed
and peristalsis begins
stomach holds 50-60 ml (2 ounces)
GI tract mature 36-38 wks gestation
By 24 hours, the intestines are air filled
Saliva is hardly produced until 3 months
Babies regurgitate due to immature sphincter
Newborns lose 5-10% body wt. in 5-10 day
insensible water loss & low caloric intake
Urinary Adaption
Kidneys mature by 35 wks gestation
Limited ability to dispose of excess
Most void immediately after birth
First 2 days: 2-6 times/day
After that: 5-25 times/day!!!!
Cool facts...
first void is cloudy due to mucous
“brick dust” urine- noted in diaper
from urates (uric acid crystals)—
may indicate dehydration
Pseudomenstruation = Vaginal
discharge noted as blood in diaper
Neuromuscular Status
Examples of neonatal reflexes
Reactivity States in the Newborn
First period of reactivity - first 40 min.
Baby is alert,responsive, eager to explore the
Sleep period - 1-3 hours after birth. May
continue for 3-6 hrs. Baby is in a deep sleep,
difficult to arouse. Resp. rate & heart rate decrease.
Second period of reactivity – 3-6 hours after
birth. Baby is awake, respirations are rapid,
irregular, and may have periods of apnea. May
cough and regurg mucus, etc. Keep bulb syringe
handy. Heart rate again increases.
Brazelton’s NBAS
Each baby is born with their own
traits and personality. This scale
helps parents identify and get to
know what is special and unique
about their newborn.
1.) easy child
2.) slow-to-warm-up child
3.) difficult child
6 categories of the NBAS
Habituation Variation
Orientation Self-quieting
Motor Social
maturity behaviors
Read about each of these in your OB text--
Pp.749-750. Link from March of Dimes
Brazelton’s Infant State Chart
SLEEP states
Deep or quiet
Active REM-light
ALERT states
quiet alert (wide awake)
active alert
Know the characteristics of these states
and when is the BEST time for
interaction with the neonate!! (Pp.701-2)
What to Teach Parents
Bathing Skin Care Thermo-