Digital Culture and Literacy
Digital Culture and Literacy
Digital Culture and Literacy
Digitized information
What are the benefits of digital technology?
1.Social connectivity
Digital technology has simplified the process of socialization by
enabling us all to communicate with family, friends and team-
workers when working remotely. With the uprise of social
networking apps and websites, digital technology has made it
possible to communicate via words (text messages), video (video
calls, virtual conferences, virtual events) and exchange media
(pictures, videos).
2.Communication speed
• Since it was first invented, the internet speed is constantly
improving, therefore, enabling us to transfer tons of information
instantly and access data virtually anywhere in the world.
What are the benefits of digital technology?
3.Learning opportunities
• By having access to the internet, nowadays we can all access different information within
seconds just by searching online. Long-gone are the days where we had to spend huge
amount of time searching for specific information within books or go to a a physical library to
have access to specific information.
• Now, digital technology has made it possible for everyone to have access to things like online
courses, training, books, journals, publications and other important information.
• In addition to the above, digital technology is also contributing to the automated processes
and machineries in different industries. This not only gives us more time to focus on other
areas but also provides us better standards of safety, saving us from heavy and risky tasks
(eg. Construction, minning, or other physical work).
• Moreover, it has cut the costs of different tasks by enabling us all to save money and not
paying intermediaries but having direct access to the final product or service (booking
holidays, hotels, plane tickets, or buying online).
What is digital media?
• What is meant by “Digital Media”?
• The world that we live in today is surrounded by digital media
products which enable and deliver experiences in all sorts of
industries, even in industries that aren’t associated with digital
media such as health, government and education. It can be found
in eCommerce, websites, social media, video and more.
• For some organizations it’s all about technology whilst for others
it’s about the new ways of engaging with customers or an entirely
new way of doing business. It’s important that business leaders
have a clear understanding of what digital means to them and
their business.
What is digital media?
• This brings us back to the overarching theme of digital culture
and how it is shaped by the emergence of digital technologies and
the technical processes.
• Most companies today have undergone some form of
digital transformation, whether that is digitising their data or
using technology to improve processes.
• This requires a digital culture to be embedded in the foundations
of the company. The absence of this can add friction to strategies
that require adaptability and cooperation, but if you have a strong
digital culture, it can help companies accelerate change and find
themselves ahead of their competitors.
Social Media and Social Capital
• Social Media and Social Capital
• There has been a lot of research into the effects of social capital and how it might impact social media, for example, the information and emotional support that people might
retrieve from their social network.
• Traditional social capital research has shown the benefits people can get from their social networks.
• Their strong ties provide them with emotional support however these previous assumptions have been challenged where individuals have larger and more
heterogeneous networks and can communicate in varied ways than previously.
• What are the benefits that people seek and receive from their social networks?
• When consumers access information from groups on social network sites they develop social capital in the form of bonding and building relationships within these groups.
• It’s important for your organization to understand social capital in order to boost your social media efforts. It’s a way for your brand to understand the value of its online social
• It’s important to understand and look at the following points:
1.Utility through accumulation – one way to look at social capital is like economic capital in the sense that the more you accumulate, the easier it becomes to affect your
environment.So, the more followers, interactions and engagement your brand receives on posts the more weight and influence it holds.
2.Inequality of distribution – how much social capital a brand has typically depends on how a brand engages with their key audience. It can indicate how well they know their
social platforms.
3.Trust – social media marketing is based upon developing trust and social capital is essentially a stockpile of your audience’s trust in your brand.You can build this in many
different ways but by being authentic and open about your values and motivations and by providing consistent quality with your services and products.When people become
disappointed, brands can maintain a trust by being honest and open about mistakes.
4.Measuring Social Capital – you can easily measure your brand’s social capital and by doing this it will give you unique insight into your buyer personas, behaviours and also their
KPI’s. But how do you measure your social capital?You can do this by analysing your brand’s online sentiment and influence and thanks to technology this is easier than ever. In
effect, it’s measuring your brands tone of voice in online conversations
This can be conducted by using sentiment metrics.It can also be conducted using influence metrics. Metrics like this will show how easily your brand is able to share knowledge on
social media.
• The goal with all your social media activity should be to accumulate more social capital. You can grow this by gaining with connections and through endorsements from
community members who also have high social capital.
• But it’s important that the brands you invest in are profitable for both parties. If not, your connections become less likely to invest themselves in your brand and ultimately
meaning your social capital will deplete.
Creating a digital culture in your organization