Social Group Work Definition
Social Group Work Definition
Social Group Work Definition
Dr. Saravana K
Faculty, Department of Social Work
Kuvempu University
Dr. Saravana K
Content Characteristics
Dr. Saravana K
Social group work aims at the
development of persons through the
interplay of personalities in group
Situations, and at the creation of such
group situations as provide for
Cooley integration, cooperative group action for
common ends.
Dr. Saravana K
Social group work is a psycho social processes, which is
concerned no less than with developing leadership ability and
Hamilton cooperation than with building on the interest of the group for a
social purposes
Dr. Saravana K
Social Group work is a method through which
individuals in groups in social agency settings are
helped by worker who guide their interaction in
programme activities, so that they may relate
Trecker themselves to others and experience growth
opportunities in accordance with their needs and
capacities to the end of the individual, group and
community development
Dr. Saravana K
Dr. Saravana K
It’s a method of Social Work
Individuals are helped through Groups
and Social Agency setting
Meaning based
on definitions The role of Workers is to Guide
interaction Process
Dr. Saravana K
1. Group work practiced by group itself
2. It's based on humanitarian philosophy
3. It gives aspiration to help each other
Characteristics 4. Group work provides more
information and more skill
5. It develop human personality
Dr. Saravana K
To teach the individual to live & work together and
participate in the group activities for their intellectual
emotion& physical growth
To live a good life within the group and family. The
individual is also taught to work together with other
people & participate in different activities.
Purpose To develop individual personality& behaviour by using
different group work process
To prepare the individual to learn how to safe
responsibility in a democracy style of working.
Dr. Saravana K
To give opportunity to them who have potentiality, worth and
dignity of leadership
To make best use of leisure time
To learn division of labour & specialization of role just to
indicate to play individual role in the group
Dr. Saravana K
Dr. Saravana K