Revised Leave Rules, 1980

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Revised Leave Rules 1980

S.R.O. 1313 (I)/80.- In exercise of the powers conferred

by section 25 of the Civil ervants Act, 1973 (LXXI of
1973), the President is pleased to make the following
rules, namely:-
1. Short title, application and commencement.- (1)
These rules may be called the Revised Leave Rules,
(2) They shall apply to all civil servants other than those
who were employed before the first day of July, 1978,
and opted not to be governed by the Revision of Leave
Rules issued under the Finance Division's Office
Memorandum No.F.1(2)-Rev.I/78, dated the 21st
September, 1978.
(3) They shall come into force at once.
Earned Leave
2. When leave earned.-
(1) All service rendered by a civil servant qualifies
him to earn leave in accordance with these rules
but shall not be earned during the period of leave.
(2) Any period spent by a civil servant in foreign
service qualifies him to earn leave provided that
contribution towards leave salary is paid to the
Government on account of such period.
Earning and accumulation of leave
3. Earning and accumulation of leave.-
(1) A civil servant shall earn leave only on full pay
which shall be calculated at the rate of four days for
every calendar month of the period of duty
rendered and credited to the leave account as
"Leave on Full Pay", duty period of fifteen days or
less in a calendar month being ignored and those of
more than fifteen days being treated as a full
calendar month for the purpose.
(2) If a civil servant proceeds on leave during a
calendar month and returns from it during another
calendar month and the period of duty in either
month is more than fifteen days, the leave to be
credited for both the incomplete months shall be
restricted to that admissible for one full calendar
month only.
3. There shall be no maximum limit on the
accumulation of such leave.
Leave on full pay
5. Leave on full pay.- The maximum period of leave
on full pay that may be granted at one time shall be
as follows:-
(a) Without medical certificate....... 120 days
(b) With medical certificate.......... 180 days
(c) On medical certificate
from leave account in
entire service............. 365 days
Leave on half pay
6. Leave on half pay.- (1) Leave on full
pay may, at the option of the civil
servant, be converted into leave on
half pay, the debit to the leave
account will be at the rate of one day
of the former for every two days of
the latter, fraction of one-half
counting as one full day's leave on full
(2) The request for conversion of leave
referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be
specified by the civil servant in his
application for the grant of leave.
(3) There shall be no limit on the grant
of leave on half pay so long as it is
available by conversion in the leave
Leave to be applied, etc., in terms of days
7. Leave to be applied,
etc., in terms of days.-
Leave shall be applied for,
expressed, and sanctioned,
in terms of days.
Extraordinary leave (leave without pay)
9. Extraordinary leave (leave without pay).-
(1) Extraordinary leave without pay may be granted
on any ground upto a maximum period of five years
at a time, provided that the civil servant to whom
such leave is granted has been in continuous
service for a period of not less than ten years,
EOL when no completion of 10 years service

Allowed or Not ?
 and, in case a civil servant has not completed
ten years of continuous service, extraordinary
leave without pay for a maximum period of
two years may be granted at the discretion of
the head of his office:
Provided that the maximum period of
five years shall be reduced by the
period of leave on full pay or half pay,
if granted in combination with the
extraordinary leave.
(2) Extraordinary leave up to a
maximum period prescribed under
sub-rule (1) may be granted,
subject to the conditions stated
therein, irrespective of the fact
whether a civil servant is a
permanent or a temporary
(3) Extraordinary leave may be
granted retrospectively in lieu of
absence without leave.
Recreation leave
10. Recreation leave.-
Recreation leave may be granted
for fifteen days once in a calendar
year, the debit to the leave
account may, however, be for ten
days leave on full pay
Leave not due
11. Leave not due.- (1) Leave not due may be granted
on full pay, to be offset against leave to be earned in
future, for a maximum period of three hundred and
sixty-five days in the entire period of service, subject
to the condition that during the first five years of
service it shall not exceed ninety days in all.
(2) Such leave may be converted into leave on half
(3) Such leave shall be granted only when there are
reasonable chances of the civil servant resuming duty
on the expiry of the leave.
(4) Such leave shall be granted sparingly and to the
satisfaction of the sanctioning authority.
Special leave
12. Special leave.- (1) A female civil servant, on the
death of her husband, may be granted special leave on
full pay, when applied for a period not exceeding one
hundred and thirty days.
(2) Such leave shall not be debited to her leave account.
(3) Such leave shall commence from the date of death
of her husband and for this purpose she will have to
produce death certificate issued by the competent
authority either alongwith her application for special
leave or, if that is not possible, the said certificate may
be furnished to the leave sanctioning authority
Maternity leave
13. Maternity leave.-
(1) Maternity leave may be granted on full pay,
outside the leave account, to a female civil servant
to the extent of ninety days in all from the date of
its commencement or forty-five days from the date
of her confinement, whichever be earlier.
(2) Such leave may not be
granted for more than
three times in the entire
service of a female civil
Maternity Leave after
Third Baby
(3) For confinements beyond
the third one, the female civil
servant would have to take
leave from her normal leave
Disability leave
14. Disability leave.-
(1) Disability leave may be granted, outside the
leave account on each occasion, up to a maximum
of seven hundred and twenty days on such medical
advice as the head of office may consider
necessary, to a civil servant, other than a seaman or
a civil servant in part-time service, disabled by
injury, ailment or disease contacted in course or in
consequence of duty or official position.
(2) The leave salary during
disability leave shall be equal to
full pay for the first one hundred
and eighty days and on half pay of
the remaining period.
Leave ex-Pakistan
15. Leave ex-Pakistan
(1) Leave ex-Pakistan may be granted
on full pay to a civil servant who
applies for such leave or who
proceeds abroad during leave, or
takes leave while posted abroad or is
otherwise on duty abroad, and
makes a specific request to that
(4) Such leave pay shall be
payable for the actual period of
leave spent abroad subject to a
maximum of one hundred and
twenty days at a time.
(6) Leave ex-Pakistan will be
regulated and be subject to
the limits and conditions as
Leave preparatory to
Maximum leave preparatory to retirement
16. Leave preparatory to
retirement.- (1) The maximum
period up to which a civil servant
may be granted leave preparatory
to retirement shall be three
hundred and sixty-five days.
Leave preparatory to
retirement on full pay or
not ?
(2) Such leave may be taken,
subject to availability, either
on full pay, or partly on full
pay and partly on half pay, or
entirely on half pay, at the
discretion of the civil servant.
Leave preparatory to
retirement for officers in BS:
21 & 22
(3) An officer of BPS 21 or BPS 22 who,
on or after the 19th day of February,
1991, opts to retire voluntarily after he
has completed twenty-five years of
service qualifying for pension may be
granted leave preparatory to retirement
equal to entire leave at his credit in his
leave account on full pay or till the date
on which he completes the sixtieth years
of his age, whichever is earlier.
Encashment of refused leave
preparatory to retirement
17. Encashment of refused leave preparatory to
(1) If in case of retirement on superannuation or
voluntary retirement on completion of thirty years
qualifying service a civil servant cannot, for reasons
of public service, be granted leave preparatory to
retirement duly applied for in sufficient time, he will,
in lieu thereof, be granted lump-sum leave pay for
the leave refused to him subject to a maximum of
one hundred and eighty days leave on full pay.
2) Such leave can be refused
partly and sanctioned partly
but the cash compensation
shall be admissible for the
actual period of such leave so
refused not exceeding one
hundred and eighty days.
(5) In case a civil servant on leave
preparatory to retirement dies
before completing one hundred
and eighty days of such leave his
family shall be entitled to lump-
sum payment equal to the period
falling short of one hundred and
eighty days.
18. Power to refuse leave preparatory to
retirement, etc.-

(1) Ordinarily, leave

preparatory to retirement
shall not be refused.
Power to refuse leave preparatory to retirement
(2) All orders refusing leave preparatory to retirement to a civil
servant and recalling civil servant from leave preparatory to
retirement shall be passed only by the authorities specified below:
(i) For civil servants of BPS 20 Chief Executive
and above.
(ii) For civil servants of Appointing Authority
in BPS 17 to 19 prescribed in
rule 6 of the Civil Servants (Appointment,
Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973; and
(iii) For civil servants in BPS 16 Appointing Authority
and below prescribed in rule 6 of the
Civil Servants (Appointment,
Promotion and Transfer)
Rules, 1973; and]
Encashment of leave
preparatory to
Encashment of leave
for 365 days
18-A. Encashment of leave preparatory to
(1) A civil servant may, fifteen months before the
date of superannuation or thirty years qualifying
service on or after the 1st July, 1983, at his option,
be allowed to encash his leave preparatory to
retirement if he undertakes in writing to perform
duty in lieu of the whole period of three hundred
and sixty-five days or lesser period which is due and
Provided that a civil servant
who does not exercise the
option within the specified
period shall be deemed to
have opted for encashment
of LPR
In-service death
19. In-service death, etc.
(1) In case a civil servant dies, or is declared
permanently incapacitated for further
service by a Medical Board, while in service,
a lump-sum payment equal to leave pay up
to one hundred and eighty days out of the
leave at his credit shall be made to his
family as defined for the purposes of family
pension or, as the case may be, to the civil
Reasons to be specified in
leave request or not ?
20. Reasons need not be
specified, etc.- (1) It shall not
be necessary to specify the
reasons for which leave has
been applied so long as that
leave is due and admissible to
a civil servant.
Leave applied for on medical
(2) Leave applied for on medical
certificate shall not be refused:
Provided that the authority competent
to sanction leave may, at its discretion,
secure a second medical opinion by
requesting the Civil Surgeon or
Medical Board, as the case may be, to
have the applicant medically
Leave when starts and ends
[forenoon or afternoon]
21. Leave when starts and ends.-
Instead of indicating whether leave
starts or ends in the forenoon or
afternoon, leave may commence from
that day following that on which a civil
servant hands over the charge of his
post and may end on the day preceding
that on which he resumes duty.
Recalling from leave [ Yes or No ?]
22. Recall from leave, etc.-
(1) If a civil servant is recalled to duty
compulsorily with the personal approval of the
head of his office from leave of any kind that he
is spending away from his headquarters, he may
be granted a single return fare plus daily
allowance as admissible on tour from the station
where he is spending his leave to the place
where he is required to report for duty.
(2) In case the civil servant is
recalled to duty at headquarters
and his remaining leave is
cancelled, the fare then admissible
shall be for one way journey only.
(3) If the return from leave is
optional, the civil servant is
entitled to no concession.
Overstay after sanctioned leave
23. Overstay after sanctioned leave, etc.-
(1) Unless the leave of a civil servant is extended by
the head of his office, a civil servant who remains
absent after the end of his leave shall not be entitled
to any remuneration for the period of such absence,
and without prejudice to any disciplinary action that
may be taken against him, double the period of such
absence shall be debited against his leave account.
(2) Such debit shall, if there is insufficient credit in
the leave account, be adjusted against future
Any type of leave
may be applied
24. Any type of leave may be applied.- A civil
servant may apply for the type of leave which is due
and admissible to him and it shall not be refused on
the ground that another type of leave should be
taken in the particular circumstances, for example, a
civil servant may apply for extraordinary leave or
leave on half pay even if leave on full pay is
otherwise due and admissible to him, or he may,
proceed on extraordinary leave followed by leave on
half pay and full pay rather than that on full pay, half
pay, and without pay.
Combination of
different types of leave
25. Combination of different types of leave, etc.-
One type of leave may be combined with
joining time or with any other type of
leave otherwise admissible to the civil
Provided that leave preparatory to
retirement shall not be combined with
any other kind of leave.
26. Civil servant on leave not to
join duty without permission
before its expiry
26. Civil servant on leave not to join duty without
permission before its expiry.-

Unless he is permitted to do so by
the authority which sanctioned his
leave, a civil servant on leave may
not return to duty before the
expiry of the period of leave
granted to him.
Manner of handing over charge
when proceeding on leave
28. Manner of handing over charge when
proceeding on leave, etc.-
(1) A civil servant proceeding on leave shall hand
over the charge of his post, and if he is in Grade
16 and above, he shall, while handing over
charge of the post sign the charge
relinquishment report.
(2) If leave ex-Pakistan has been sanctioned on
medical grounds, the civil servant shall take
abroad with him a copy of the medical
statement of his case.
Assumption of charge on
return from leave
29. Assumption of charge on return from leave,
(1) A civil servant, on return from leave, shall
report for duty to the authority that sanctioned his
leave and assume charge of the post to which he is
directed by that authority unless such direction has
been given to him in advance.
(2) In case he is directed to take charge of a post at
a station other than that from where he proceeded
on leave, travel expenses as on transfer shall be
payable to him.
30. Accounts offices to maintain leave account.
(1) Leave account in respect of a civil servant shall
be maintained as part of his service book.
(2) The accounts offices shall maintain the leave
accounts of civil servants of whom they were
maintaining the accounts immediately before the
coming into force of these rules.
31. Leave to lapse when civil
servant quits service.-
All leave at the credit of a civil
servant shall lapse when he
quits service.
Leave application, its sanction
38. Leave application, its sanction, etc.-
(1) Except where otherwise stated, an
application for leave or for an extension of
leave must be made to the head of office
where a civil servant is employed and, in
the case of the head of office, to the next-
above administrative authority and the
extent of leave due and admissible shall be
stated in the application.
Enquiry about
request of leave
(2) An audit report shall not be
necessary before the leave is
(3) When a civil servant submits a
medical certificate for the grant of
leave, it shall be by an authorized
medical attendant or other
registered medical practitioner in the
form attached to these rules.
(3-A). No civil servant, who has
been granted leave on medical
certificate, may return to duty
without first producing a
medical certificate of fitness in
the form attached to these
Notification of leave
(4) Leave as admissible to a civil
servant under these rules may be
sanctioned by the head of a
Ministry, Division, Department,
Office or any other officer
authorized by him to do so and,
when so required, leave shall be
notified in the official Gazette.
Where all the applications for
leave cannot be sanctioned
simultaneously by different
(5) In cases where all the applications for leave
cannot, in the interest of public service, be
sanctioned to run simultaneously, the authority
competent to sanction leave shall, in deciding the
priority of the applications, consider:-
(i) whether, and how many applicants can, for the
time being, best be spared;
(ii) whether any applicants were last recalled
compulsorily from leave; and
(iii) whether any applicants were required to make
adjustment in the timing of their leave on the last
Relaxation of Rules
40. Relaxation of Rules.-

The Federal Government may in a case

of hardship, relax all or any of the
provision of these Rules:
Provided that such relaxation shall not
be less favourable to any benefit
available to a Civil Servant under these
Casual Leave
Casual Leave

Authority: Home Affairs Division Office

Memorandum No-34/27/48 public dated 13th
March, 1948
Casual Leave:
 20 days per calendar year.
 15 days casual leave may be granted at a time
 Casual leave may be prefixed or suffixed to a
closed or optional leave
 If a closed or optional leave falls between two
days of casual leave, it should be counted as a
casual leave
Absence from
Headquarter during
leave,holidays or
casual leave
The Government
Servant is to take
permission to leave
Bar against leaving
place of duty without
waiting for sanction
of leave

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