Introduction To Art App
Introduction To Art App
Introduction To Art App
Prepared by:
Ms. Vivian S. Leocadio, MAELT
What is
Definition is debated through decades but how do we define art?
Art is an expression of thoughts, emotions, intuitions, and desires.
Visual art
Elements of Art
• Line
• Shape
• Form
• Value
• Texture
• Color
• Space
A line is a path that a point takes through space. Lines can be thick,
thin, dotted or solid. They can make straight movements, zig-zags,
waves or curls.
They may be
Horizontal Lines are generally restful, like
the horizon, where the sky meets land
Vertical lines seem to be reaching, so they may seem inspirational like tall majestic trees or church steeples
Diagonal lines tend to be disturbing. They
suggest decay or chaos like lightening or
falling trees
Lines can convey emotion as well. They may
show excitement, anger, calmness, tension,
happiness and many other feelings.Because
of this, some are said to be expressive.
Expressive Lines tend to be found in nature
and are very organic
Other lines that are very measured, geometric,
directional and angular are called Constructive lines.
They tend to appear to be man-made because of their
Shape is created when a line becomes connected and
encloses space. It is the outline or outward
appearance of something. Shapes are 2 Dimensional
(2-D) which means there are 2 ways they can be
You can measure its HEIGHT and its WIDTH.
The 2 types of shape
• The 2 types of shapeGeometric shapes have smooth even edges and
are measurable. The include the square, the circle, the triangle and
the rectangle.
Organic shapes have more complicated edges and are usually found in nature. Leaves, flowers, amoeba, etc.
• A Form is a shape that has become 3- Dimensional (3-D) Form has
HEIGHT, WIDTH and DEPTH--which is the 3rd dimension.Depth shows
the thickness of the object. Forms are NOT flat like shapes are!
Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. Value makes objects
appear more real because it imitates natural light. When showing
value in a work of art, you will need a LIGHT SOURCE.
Ways value can be added
Stippling is the use of dots to create shade. This is
accomplished by
placing dots very
close together to
create dark values
and farther apart
to create lighter
Cross-hatching is when you use irregular lengths of
parallel lines
that cross over each
other diagonally. The
closer together the
lines are placed, the
darker the value.
There are 3 primary colors:
Red, Yellow and Blue