Material Balance - IAP
Material Balance - IAP
Material Balance - IAP
Be able to develop :
- the material balance equation
- straight–line plotting function for black-oil
Be able to develop :
- the material balance equation
- straight–line plotting function for dry and wet gas
Be able to calculate original hydrocarbons in-place using the correct material balance
equation to estimate :
- original hydrocarbons in-place
- Gas cap volume
No original or final gas cap
No water influx or production
By volumetric balance
Original volume = Final volume
Note that:
Solving for N:
To simplify, note:
V is oil volume.
Recall: formation volume factor is defined as
ratio of volumes of a mass of oil at reservoir
and standard conditions.
The equation should be used for estimating
OOIP above bubble point where rock and
water expansion are not negligible. Difficulty
in measuring cf and cw may limit accuracy
Determine the OOIP for the undersaturated
reservoir given the data
“Gas solution drive+Gas cap”
The volumetric balance becomes:
To simplify note that:
The total volume of the hydrocarbon system
(P.V) (1 − Swi)
N Boi + m N Boi = (P.V) (1 − Swi)
Ginj Bginj +Winj Bw
The general MBE with account for water
encroachment, injection, production; as well
as gas injection and production is presented
As we have seen in previous two examples, by
considering a case only above or only below
bubble point, some terms are zero or
negligible and the general equation can be
simplified. Further simplifications can be
made depending on a particular case of
reservoir drive mechanism, for example if no
aquifer present We =0.
Material balance
Data requirement
Assembling the data set
Data QC
Water influx
Now that we have derived the general form of
the black oil material balance equation, we
will focus on its application in black oil
reservoirs. Later, we show how the material
balance equation can be applied in natural
gas and aquifer driven reservoirs.
Data requirement
Potential error
-date of first recor date of first production
- innacurate reporting of non comercial
-wrong set of wells
Cumulative production data volumes are
generally the easiest information to obtain.
Most operators keep records of monthly
volumes of oil, gas, and water production from
a reservoir. Public data can have many errors
associated with them. Old wells may not have
early production reported. Also,
noncommercial phases (water and injection
volumes) may not be reported. Injection
records are rarely available from public
Data preparation
from reservoir
Assemble fluid PVT data
Average reservoir pressure
Average reservoir pressure can be estimated by
shutting in wells and observing their pressure
response over time as shown by the figure
above. If a well is shut in long enough, the
bottomhole pressure in the well may
represent the average reservoir pressure.
Methods for Estimating Average Reservoir Pressure
1) Long term shut-in
2) Pressure transient analysis (well testing)
Black oil material balance
Etotal = Eo+mEg+Efw
Typical straight-line techniques F/E
total cumulative oil production
The material balance equation straight-line form
can be written
F = NEtotal;
The plots of OOIP vs. Cum Oil and F/Eo vs. Eg/Eo should always
be used to ensure that the correct reservoir model and fluid
description are used in the analysis.
Common pitfall
incorrect reservoir model
As we have just illustrated, all straight-line
techniques should be used. The plots above
show how the incorrect reservoir model is
easily identified by the character of the F/Etotal
vs. cumulative oi production graph.
Analysis techniques
Common Pitfalls
In this section of the course we will show how the
general form of the material balance equation can be
greatly simplified for gas reservoir material balance.
Using this simplified solution, we will develop and
discuss the assumptions associated with straight-line
analysis techniques.
Derivation of P/Z Equation
Example Plot
Aquifer influx
Abnormally pressured reservoir
◦ Estimate OGIP range
◦ Estimate gas recovery factor versus reservoir pressure
◦ Identify drive mechanism
Methodology for analysis
◦ Plot versus cumulative gas produced (G p)
◦ If the plot gives a straight line, the reservoir is volumetric
Extrapolate the line to =0
OGIP = Gp @ =0
Find the ultimate gas production at (P/z)abandonment
For a normally pressurized gas reservoir, the
rock/water volume changes are negligible
◦ Change in Gas Volume =
◦ G: initial gas volume, at standard conditions,
◦ Gp: volume of gas produced, at standard conditions
◦ Bg: Gas formation volume factor =
Production is considered to be isothermal
Substituting Bg in the material balance equation
GE g
G p Bg
We Bw W p Bw
G p Bg
Common gas reservoir models
From the equation above, it can be seen that plotting p/z vs.
cumulative equivalent gas production will result in a straight line
with a y-intercept equal to (p/z)i and an x-intercept equal to the
original equivalent gas in place.
Assumption of geopressured wet gas
reservoir model
Straight –line analysis techniques
This plot is analogous to the OOIP vs. cumulative
oil production plot we have previously worked
with. A plot of calculated original gas in
place vs. cumulative gas production should yield a
horizontal straight line representing the original
gas in place. If the general trend of the
data is not a horizontal straight line, then either
the incorrect reservoir model has been chosen or
the fluid PVT relationships are not correct.
This plot can be used to estimate original gas in place; however, other
straight-line techniques sometimes provide better estimates of this
parameter (especially when there is a lot of scatter in the data). The
most useful applications of this plot are:
In the plot above, OGIP was calculated at each pressure using the
three different reservoir models we have previously discussed. It is
clear that the geopressured model should be used for this reservoir
since the trends of the volumetric reservoir models are sloping
P/Z vs. cumulative gas production
The straight-line plot of p/z vs. cumulative gas production is the
simplest material balance approach for estimating original gas in
place. It can also be used to estimate recoverable gas in place if
the average reservoir pressure at abandonment can be estimated. The p/z vs.
cumulative gas production plot is based
on the gas material balance equation for volumetric dry gas
The methods for overcoming these problems are also the same.
1) Plot the pressure vs. time for each well in the analysis to identify
erroneous pressures and wells that may be in separate reservoirs.
2) Check the plot of OGIP vs. cumulative gas production to ensure
that the correct reservoir model is being used.
3) Make sure to use best-fit lines only when appropriate and
4) Check results to ensure they make sense with the available
reservoir description.
Aquifer driven reservoir
So far, we have assumed closed reservoir
systems and ignored the effects of water
influx. When a reservoir is connected to an
adjacent aquifer, withdrawals from the
reservoir will cause the reservoir pressure to
decline. This drop in pressure causes water
from the aquifer to flow into the reservoir.
This influx tends to maintain, either partially
or wholly, the reservoir pressure.
Small aquifer reservoir model
Limited aquifer reservoir model
Infinite aquifer reservoir model
The three most common aquifer models used
to calculate water influx are the small aquifer
model, the limited aquifer model, and the
infinite aquifer model. The primary difference
between these models is the size of the
We will discuss the assumptions and
applicability of each model and show how to
predict water influx using each of these
Small aquifer model
Limited and infinite aquifer models
Aquifer water can expand faster than it can
follow into the reservoir
td - dimensionless time
Wd - dimensionless cumulative water influx
rd - dimensionless aquifer radius
4) limited aquifer
Application of superposition to
Van Everdingen and Hurst solution
Since the pressure in the reservoir is changing over time, we must use
superposition to calculate cumulative water influx with
the constant pressure inner boundary solution.
The figure above shows how we can discretize the variable pressure history into
a series of constant pressure steps, where:
Does not require superposition
The Carter and Tracy method is a good approximation to the
Van Everdingen and Hurst method. Rather than use a
constant pressure inner boundary condition for each
timestep, this
approach assumes a constant rate inner boundary condition for
each timestep. This assumption allows the calculation of
water influx without using superposition.
The incremental water influx during a timestep is given by the
And J is the aquifer productivity index. We will
present equations for calculating the aquifer
productivity index on the next page.
Notice that the equation above requires us to
estimate the aquifer pressure. We can
accomplish this by performing a material
balance calculation on the aquifer. The
equation for the aquifer material balance is:
Calculating aquifer productivity idex
The slide above shows equations for calculating the
value for productivity index for various aquifer
geometries in outer boundary conditions. The
pseudosteady-state outer boundary condition
represents an aquifer that is closed along its outer
boundary. The steady-state outer boundary condition
represents an aquifer that is being recharged at an
outer boundary by water flowing across the boundary
at constant pressure. The steadystate outer boundary
condition can be physically represented by
an aquifer that is being recharged at a surface outcrop.
Van Everdingen and Hurst aquifer model
Van Everdengin and Hurst presented solutions to the diffusivity
equation that are more rigorous than the other methods that we
have discussed. However, to solve the diffusivity equation, they
had to assume that the geometry of the reservoir aquifer system
was either radial, linear, or a wedge. Also, the solutions were not
presented in terms of real time but rather Laplace space. To
apply these solutions, the values for dimensionless, cumulative
water influx must be obtained from tables or obtained by
numerically inverting the Laplace transform. Furthermore, these
solutions require superposition to be correctly calculated. This is
a very time-consuming process.
Carter and Tracy aquifer models
To eliminate the need for superposition, Carter and Tracy
provided a close approximation to the rigorous Van Everdingin
and Hurst solution. This solution correctly handles the transition
from transient to pseudosteady-state flow, just as the Van
Everdingin and Hurst solution; however, solution does not require
the use of superposition. Similar to the Van Everdingin and Hurst,
Carter and Tracy had to assume that the aquifer was either radial,
linear, or wedge shape to solve the diffusivity equation. Also, the
solutions are presented in terms of Laplace space and must be
inverted back to real time using a numerical inversion technique.
Fetkovich aquifer models
The simplest aquifer solution, from a calculation
standpoint, is the Fetkovitch aquifer model. This
solution does not require superposition and
presents the final equations in terms of real
time. To accomplish this, Fetkovitch assumed that
the flow in the aquifer is dominated by boundary
effects; thus, transient flow isignored. If the
aquifer is very large compared to the reservoir,
using this model will result in significant errors.
Modifying material balance equation
for water in flux
Black oil
Wet gas :
Estimating initial hydrocarbons in
place aquifer driven reservoirs
balance equation
Match water influx with analytical model
Include the model rate into material balance
(NP *Bo Np *Bg *(RP Rs ) WP *Bw Wi Gi *Bg N*(Bo Boi )
Pi P
(N*Boi *(Cw *Sw Cf )/(1Sw))
Pi P f p 0