Formal Education and Non-Formal Education: Reported By: Jelly Anne de Luya
Formal Education and Non-Formal Education: Reported By: Jelly Anne de Luya
Formal Education and Non-Formal Education: Reported By: Jelly Anne de Luya
education and
– Formal education or formal learning usually takes place in the premises of the
school, where a person may learn basic, academic, or trade skills.
– The formal education is given by specially qualified teachers they are supposed
to be efficient in the art of instruction. It also observes strict discipline. The
student and the teacher both are aware of the facts and engage themselves in
the process of education.
Characteristics of formal education
– Learning in a classroom
– School grading/certification, college, and university degrees
– Planned education of different subjects having a proper syllabus acquired by
attending the institution.
Advantages of Formal education
– Sometimes, brilliant students are bored due to the long wait for the expiry of
the academic session to promote to the next stage
– Chance of bad habits’ adoption may be alarming due to the presence of both
good and bad students in the classroom
– Wastage of time as some lazy students may fail to learn properly in spite of
motivation by the professional trainers.
– Costly and rigid education as compare to other forms of learning
Non-formal Education
– The nonformal education is planned and takes place apart from the school
– The timetable and syllabus can be adjustable.
– Unlike theoretical formal education, it is practical and vocational education.
– Nonformal education has no age limit.
– Fees or certificates may or may not be necessary.
– It may be full time or part-time learning and one can earn and learn together.
– It involves learning of professional skills.
Examples of Non-formal Education
(People take part on their will)
Active participation
(People influence the learning process)
Group as a source of learning
(People learn through interaction with
(People are in the center of the educational
Experiential Learning
(Experience is a source for learning)
Value based
(It’s all about values)
Mission of Non-Formal Education in
the Philippines
– To empower the Filipino with desirable knowledge, attitude and values that will
enable him/her think critically and creatively, act innovatively and humanely in
improving the quality of his/her life and that of his/her family, community and
Advantages of Non-formal Education
– More naturally learning process as you can learn at anywhere and at any time from your
daily experience.
– It involves activities like individual and personal research on a topic of interest for themselves
by utilizing books, libraries, social media, internet or getting assistance from informal
– Utilizes a variety of techniques.
– No specific time span.
– Less costly and time-efficient learning process.
– No need to hire experts as most of the professionals may be willing to share their precious
knowledge with students/public through social media and the internet.
– Learners can be picked up the requisite information from books, TV, radio or conversations
with their friends/family members.
Disadvantages of Informal Education
– Information acquired from the internet, social media, TV, radio or conversations
with friends/family members may lead to the disinformation.
– Utilized techniques may not be appropriate.
– No proper schedule/time span.
– Unpredictable results which simply the wastage of time.
– Lack of confidence in the learner.
– Absence of discipline, attitude and good habits.