Guidelines For Enquiry Officer.
Guidelines For Enquiry Officer.
Guidelines For Enquiry Officer.
If you fail to comply with this order without lawful excuse, you will be subject to the
consequences of non-attendance laid down in Section 9 of Public Servants (Inquiries) Act.,
1850. Inter alia entailing you prosecution under Section 174 on Indian Penal Code.
Given under my hand and the seal of this Inquiring Authority this day of _____ (Name of
the month)_____200__
Inquiring Authority.
Annexure ‘B’
Request for Transmission of Summons to be Served on a
Witness in a Departmental Inquiry
[Section 2 of the Punjab Departmental Inquiries (Powers) Act, 1955 read with
Section 8 of Punjab Servants (Inquiries) Act, 1850 {Act No. 37 of 1850}]
______________( Name and address of the District Judge
______________ concerned)
Inquiring Authority
The recourse of mode mentioned
above, may be had only in
exceptional circumstances.
And shall not be resorted to in
summoning Government employee
of documents in custody of the
Government as the same can be
obtained otherwise.
Standard of Proof
Letter No. (GOI)2S-II-75/35048, dated 4th/8th September, 1975