GR No 169752 PSPCA Vs COA
GR No 169752 PSPCA Vs COA
GR No 169752 PSPCA Vs COA
By the time of the enactment of Act No. 1285 year 1905, the
original Corporation Law (Act No. 1459) was not yet in
existence or any other general law under which may be
organized or incorporated, nor a Securities and Exchange
In order to enhance its powers, PSPCA was initially imbued with 1)
power to apprehend violators of animal welfare laws and 2) share
of 50% of the fines imposed and collected through its efforts
pursuant to the violators of related laws.
First, the court agrees that the “Charter Test” cannot be applied.
The ‘Charter Test’ provides that the test to determine
whether a corporation is government owned or controlled, or
private in nature is simple. Is it created by its own charter for
the exercise of a public function, or by incorporation under
the general corporation law? Those with special charters are
government corporations subject to its provisions, and its
employees are under the jurisdiction of the Civil Service
Commission, and are compulsory members of the GSIS.
And since the “charter test” had been introduced by the 1935
Constitution and not earlier, it follows that the test cannot
apply to PSPCA, which was incorporated by virtue of Act No.
1285, enacted on January 19, 1905.