Specific Factors and Income Distribution

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Chapter 4

Specific Factors
and Income


• Motivation
• The Specific Factors Model
• International Trade in the Specific Factors Model
• Income Distribution and the Gains from Trade
• Political Economy of Trade: A Preliminary View
• International Labor Mobility
• Summary

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• The Ricardian model implied that international trade

makes every individual better off.
• If trade is so good for the economy, why is there such
• Two main reasons why international trade has strong
effects on the distribution of income within a country:
• Resources cannot move immediately or costlessly from
one industry to another.
– Short-run consequences of international trade, see Chapter 4.
• Industries differ in the factors of production they use.
– Long-run consequences of international trade, see Chapter 5.

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The Specific Factors Model

• The specific factors model allows trade to affect

income distribution.
• Assumptions of the model:
– Two goods, cloth and food.
– Three factors of production: labor (L), capital (K) and land (T for
– Perfect competition prevails in all markets.
– Cloth produced using capital and labor (but not land).
– Food produced using land and labor (but not capital).
– Labor is a mobile factor that can move between sectors.
– Land and capital are both specific factors used only in the
production of one good.
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What Is a Specific Factor?
• In the model, there are two specific factors (land and capital)
which are permanently tied to particular sectors
– Economists usually think of factor specifity as a matter of time
– The machines for brewing beers can not be used for cloth production.
Given time, however, it is possible to redirect investment from breweries
to cloth production.
• In practice, there is also no clear distinction between mobile
and specific factor.
– In the model, labor is a mobile factor, however a coal miner would not be
able to become an IT specialist immediatelly.
– Fallick (1993, JLE) – after four years, a displaced worker in the U.S. has
the same probability of being employed as a similar worker who was not

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What Is a Specific Factor?

• Nevertheless, labor is relatively more mobile factor than

– Compare 4-year estimate for an average worker with the lifetime of a
machine (say 15 or 20 years) or with 30 to 50 years for structures (a
shopping mall, office building, or production plant).

• Kambourov, Manovskii (2009) – a displaced worker who is re-

employed in a different occupation suffers an 18% permanent
drop in wages (on average), while only 6% drop if he does
not switch occupations.
– Labor is a truly mobile factor only before a worker has invested in any
occupation-specific skills.

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The Specific Factors Model
• The production function for cloth gives the quantity of
cloth that can be produced given any input of capital
and labor:
QC = QC (K, LC) (4-1)
– QC is the output of cloth, K is the capital stock, LC is the labor
force employed in cloth
• The production function for food gives the quantity of
food that can be produced given any input of land and
QF = QF (T, LF) (4-2)
– QF is the output of food, T is the supply of land, LF is the labor
force employed in food

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Fig. 4-1: The Production Function
for Cloth
The production function is
upward-sloping and concave
The shape of the production
function reflects the law of
diminishing marginal
Adding one worker to the
production process (without
increasing the amount of
capital) means that each
worker has less capital to
work with.
Therefore, each additional
unit of labor adds less
output than the last.

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Fig. 4-2: The Marginal Product of
Labor Figure shows the marginal
product of labor, which is
the increase in output that
corresponds to an extra unit
of labor.
It is also equal to the slope
of the production function
from the previous figure.
Because of the law of
diminishing marginal
returns, each additional unit
of labor adds less output
than the last.
The marginal product of
labor therefore declines as
more labor is used.
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Production Possibilities

• For the economy as a whole, the total labor employed

in cloth and food must equal the total labor supply:
LC + LF = L (4-3)

• Using production functions (4-1), (4-2) and equation

of labor constraint (4-3) we can derive the
production possibilities frontier of an economy.

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Production Possibilities

• Use a four-quadrant diagram to construct production

possibilities frontier in Figure 4-3.
– Lower left quadrant indicates the allocation of labor.
– Lower right quadrant shows the production function for cloth
from Figure 4-1.
– Upper left quadrant shows the corresponding production
function for food.
– Upper right quadrant indicates the combinations of cloth and
food that can be produced.

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Fig. 4-3: The Production Possibility
Frontier in the Specific Factors Model

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Production Possibilities
• Why is the production possibilities frontier curved?
– Diminishing returns to labor in each sector cause the opportunity cost to
rise when an economy produces more of a good.
– Opportunity cost of cloth in terms of food is the slope of the production
possibilities frontier – the slope becomes steeper as an economy
produces more cloth.

• Opportunity cost of producing one more yard of cloth is

MPLF/MPLC pounds of food.
– To produce one more yard of cloth, you need 1/MPLC hours of labor.
– To free up one hour of labor, you must reduce output of food by MPLF
– The marginal product of labor in food rises and the marginal product of
labor in cloth falls, so MPLF/MPLC rises.

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Prices, Wages, and Labor
• How much labor is employed in each sector?
– Need to look at supply and demand in the labor market.
• Demand for labor:
– In each sector, employers will maximize profits by demanding labor up
to the point where the value produced by an additional hour equals the
marginal cost of employing a worker for that hour.
• The demand curve for labor in the cloth sector:
MPLC x PC = w (4-4)
– The wage equals the value of the marginal product of labor in cloth.
• The demand curve for labor in the food sector:
MPLF x PF = w (4-5)
– The wage equals the value of the marginal product of labor in food.

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Fig. 4-4: The Allocation of Labor
The demand for labor in the food
sector is measured from the
The horizontal axis represents
the total labor supply L.
The two sectors must pay the
same wage because labor can
move between sectors.
If the wage were higher in the
cloth sector, workers would
move from making food to
making cloth until the wages
become equal.
Where the labor demand curves
intersect gives the equilibrium
wage and allocation of labor
between the two sectors.
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Fig. 4-5: Production in the
Specific Factors Model
At the production point,
the production
possibility frontier must
be tangent to a line
whose slope is minus
the price of cloth
divided by that of food.
Formally, relation
between relative prices
and output is following:

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Prices, Wages, and Labor

• What happens to the allocation of labor and

the distribution of income when the prices of
food and cloth change?
• Two cases:
1. An equal proportional change in prices
2. A change in relative prices

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Fig. 4-6: An Equal-Proportional Increase in
the Prices of Cloth and Food

When both prices

change in the same
proportion, no real
changes occur.
The wage rate (w) rises
in the same proportion
as the prices, so real
wages (i.e., the ratios
of the wage rate to the
prices of goods) are
The real incomes of
capital owners and
landowners also remain
the same.
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Fig. 4-7: A Rise in the Price of
When only PC rises,
labor shifts from the
food sector to the
cloth sector and the
output of cloth rises
while that of food
The wage rate (w)
does not rise as much
as PC since cloth
employment increases
and thus the marginal
product of labor in
that sector falls.

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Fig. 4-8: The Response of Output to a
Change in the Relative Price of Cloth

The economy always

produces at the point
on its PPF where the
slope of PPF equals
minus the relative
price of cloth.
Thus, an increase in
relative price of cloth
causes production to
move down and to the
right along the PPF. It
results in higher
production of cloth and
lower production of

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Fig. 4-9: Determination of
Relative Prices
The previous figure shows
that an increase in the
relative price of cloth leads
to an increase in the
output of cloth relative to
that of food.
Thus, the relative supply of
cloth (RS) is upward
Equilibrium relative prices
and quantities are
determined by the
intersection of the relative
supply curve (RS) with the
relative demand curve
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Prices, Wages, and Labor
Suppose that PC increases
by 7%. Then, the wage
would rise by less than 7%.
Workers: cannot say
whether workers are better
or worse off. It depends on
the relative importance of
cloth and food in workers’
Owners of capital are
definitely better off. Why?
Landowners are definitely
worse off. Why?

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Fig. 4A-1: Output Is Equal to the Area
under the Marginal Product Curve

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Fig. 4A-2: The Distribution of
Income within the Cloth Sector

The real labor income is

equal to the real wage
times employment.
The rest of real output
accrues as real income to
the owners of capital.

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Fig. 4A-3: A Rise in PC Benefits
the Owners of Capital
A rise in price of cloth PC
leads to less than
proportional increase of
wage w, so the real wage
w/PC falls.
As a result, the real income
of capitalists rises.
Note, that the real income
of capitalists rises not only
in terms of cloth (price of
which has risen), but also
in terms of food (price of
which has unchanged).

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Fig. 4A-4: A Rise in PC Hurts
A rise in price of cloth PC
leads to an increase of
wage w, so the real wage in
terms of food w/PF rises.
As a result, the real income
of landowners falls.
Note, that the real income
of landowners falls not only
in terms of food (price of
which has not changed),
but also in terms of cloth
(price of which has risen).

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Fig. 4-10: Trade and Relative
Prices Let’s assume that there are no
differences in preferences of
consumers, so the home relative
demand is the same as the world
relative demand.
The relative price of cloth prior to
trade is determined by the
intersection of the economy’s
relative supply of cloth and its
relative demand.
Free trade relative price of cloth
is determined by the intersection
of world relative supply of cloth
and world relative demand.
Opening up to trade increases the
relative price of cloth in domestic
economy whose relative supply of
cloth is larger than for the world
as a whole.
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Fig. 4-11: Budget Constraint for a Trading
Economy and Gains from Trade
Without trade, the econom
y’s output of a good must
equal its consumption.
International trade allows
the mix of cloth and food
consumed to differ from the
mix produced.
The economy is able to
afford amounts of cloth and
food that the country is not
able to produce itself.
The budget constraint with
trade lies above the
production possibilities
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Income Distribution and Trade
• International trade shifts the relative price of cloth to
food, so factor prices change.
• Trade benefits the factor that is specific to the export
sector of each country, but hurts the factor that is
specific to the import-competing sectors.
• Trade has ambiguous effects on mobile factors.
• Trade benefits a country by expanding choices.
– Possible to redistribute income so that everyone is better off.
– Those who gain from trade could compensate those who lose
and still be better off themselves.
– That everyone could gain from trade does not mean that they
actually do – redistribution is usually hard to implement.
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Income Distribution and Trade
• Trade often produces losers as well as winners.
• Optimal trade policy must weigh one group’s gain against
another’s loss.
– Some groups may need special treatment because they are
already relatively poor (e.g., shoe and garment workers in USA).
• Most economists strongly favor free trade.
• Typically, those who gain from trade are a much less
concentrated and organized group than those who lose.
– Example: Consumers and producers in the U.S. sugar industry

• Governments usually provide a “safety net” of income

support to cushion the losses to groups hurt by trade (or
other changes).
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Trade and Unemployment
• Trade shifts jobs from import-competing sectors to export
– Process not instantaneous – some workers will be unemployed as they
look for new jobs.
• How much unemployment can be traced back to trade?
– From 2001 to 2010, only about 2% of involuntary displacements
stemmed from import competition or plants moved overseas.
• Figure 4-12 shows that there is no obvious correlation between
unemployment rate and openness to trade.
– Unemployment is primarily a macroeconomic problem that rises during
recessions. The best way to reduce unemployment is by adopting
macroeconomic policies to help the economy recover, not by adopting
trade protection.

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Fig. 4-12: Unemployment and Import
Penetration in the United States

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International Labor Mobility

• Like trade with goods, movements of factors of

production are politically sensitive and are often
• Why does labor migrate and what effects does it cause?
• Workers migrate to wherever wages are highest.
• Suppose two countries produce one non-traded good
(food) using two factors of production:
– Land cannot move across countries but labor can.

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Fig. 4-13: Causes and Effects of
International Labor Mobility
Start with OL1 workers in Home
earning a lower real wage (point C)
than the L1O* workers in Foreign (point
B). Why?
Workers in the home country want to
migrate to the foreign country where
they can earn more.
If no obstacles to labor migration exist,
workers move from Home to Foreign
until the purchasing power of wages is
equal across countries (point A), with
OL2 workers in Home and L2O* workers
in Foreign.
Emigration from Home decreases the
supply of labor and raises real wage of
the workers who remain there.
Immigration into Foreign increases the
supply of labor and decreases the real
wage there.
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Fig. 4-13: Causes and Effects of
International Labor Mobility
Labor migration increases world
The value of foreign output rises
by the area under its MPL* curve
from L1 to L2
The value of domestic output falls
by the area under its MPL curve
from L2 to L1
World output rises because labor
moves to where it is more
productive (where wages are
The value of world output is
maximized when the marginal
productivity of labor is the same
across countries.
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Fig. 4-13: Causes and Effects of
International Labor Mobility

Workers initially in Home

benefit while workers in
Foreign are hurt by inflows of
other workers.
Landowners in Foreign gain
from the inflow of workers
decreasing real wages and
increasing output.
Landowners in Home are
hurt by the outflow of
workers increasing real
wages and decreasing

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International Labor Mobility
• Does migration lead to the wage changes predicted?
– Wages do not actually equalize, due to barriers to migration
such as policies restricting immigration and natural reluctance to
• Is there at least tendency to their equalization?
• Table 4-1 shows that real wages in 1870 were much
higher in destination countries than in origin countries.
• Up until the eve of World War I in 1913, wages rose
faster in origin countries than in destination countries
(except Canada).
• Migration moved the world toward more equalized
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Tab. 4-1

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1. International trade often has strong effects on the

distribution of income within countries - produces
losers as well as winners.
2. Income distribution effects arise for two reasons:
– Factors of production cannot move costlessly and quickly
from one industry to another.
– Changes in an economy’s output mix have differential
effects on the demand for different factors of production.

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3. International trade affects the distribution of income in
the specific factors model.
– Factors specific to export sectors in each country gain from
trade, while factors specific to import-competing sectors lose.
– Mobile factors that can work in either sector may either gain or
4. Trade nonetheless produces overall gains in the sense that
those who gain could in principle compensate those who
lose while still remaining better off than before.
5. Most economists would prefer to address the problem of
income distribution directly, rather than by restricting

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6. Those hurt by trade are often better organized than

those who gain, causing trade restrictions to be
7. Labor migrates to countries with higher labor
productivity and higher real wages, where labor is
– Real wages fall due to immigration and rise due to emigration.
– World output increases.
– Real wages across countries are far from equal due to
differences in technology and due to immigration barriers.

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