Marasigan, Samantha-PETA1 in PERDEV
Marasigan, Samantha-PETA1 in PERDEV
Marasigan, Samantha-PETA1 in PERDEV
What is Stress?
• Stress is defined as a reaction of the mind and
body to a stimulus that disturbs the well-being,
state of calm or equilibrium of a person.
What is Stress?
• The teenage years are ripe with new experiences, opportunities and
challenges. Also during this time, teenagers’ brains are changing, and
they want more independence and autonomy. During this time, there
are also many stressors. For example, teenagers might worry about
starting tertiary school, looking a particular way, fitting in with friends,
final examinations/schoolwork. Now more than ever, teenagers have
even more worries with political affairs, the pandemic, not to mention
social media.
Symptoms of Stress
Symptoms can include:
• Emotional changes: Teens might appear agitated, anxious, and/or depressed.
Pay attention to changes in behavior.
• Physical changes: Teens under stress are likely to get sick more often and
complain of headaches, stomachaches, and other aches and pains.
• Behavioral changes: Changes in eating or sleeping habits, and avoidance of
normal daily activities.
• Cognitive changes: You might notice decreased concentration, forgetfulness,
and/or the appearance of carelessness.
What triggers my Stress?
• Academic Stress
- Worrying about meeting academic demands, pleasing teachers and
parents, and keeping up with my classmates. Sometimes feeling
overwhelmed by the amount of work.
• Social Stress
- In an effort to establish and maintain friendships and worrying about
what others think of me which can engage in behavior outside of my
comfort zones to appease my peers.
What triggers my Stress?
• Significant Life Changes
- Starting a new school and changes in every of my age. These big
changes is overwhelming and can be confusing for me sometimes.