CO1508 - Week 05
CO1508 - Week 05
CO1508 - Week 05
Week 05 – Cryptography – Part 3
Asymmetric Cryptography
2019-2020 (Semester 1) 1
Last time …
We looked at symmetric cryptography algorithms
such as DES and AES
The idea was to use the same key to encrypt
and decrypt
The main problem with this method is the keys
distribution: How can the sender secretly
shares/agrees the key with the receiver?
Today, we’ll look into a different way. 2
Lecture’s Objectives
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Asymmetric Cryptography
Contrary to the symmetric approach, asymmetric
cryptography assumes two different keys:
Encryption key often called public key
Decryption key often called private key
These two keys are different (they’re not the
same key)
However, they’re strongly related as we’ll see
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But before moving on … Math!
Prime numbers
An integer n 2 is said to be a prime number
if its only positive divisors are 1 and itself.
2, 7, 19 are primes
-3, 0, 1, 6 are not primes
Any integer can be expressed as a unique
product of prime numbers raised to positive
integer powers. 5
Prime Factorisation
Prime decomposition of a positive integer n:
n = p1e1 x … x pkek
200 = 23 x 52
7569 = 3 x 3 x 29 x 29 = 32 x 292
5886 = 2 x 27 x 109 = 2 x 33 x 109
4900 = 72 x 52 x 22
This process is called Prime Factorisation 6
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two positive
integers a and b, denoted gcd(a, b), is the largest
positive integer that divides both a and b
gcd(18, 30) = 6 gcd(0, 20) = 20 gcd(-21, 49) = 7
Two integers a and b are said to be relatively prime if
gcd(a, b) = 1
15 and 28 are relatively prime 7
Modular Arithmetic Again
Modulo operator for a positive integer n
a mod n = r is equivalent to a = r + kn
29 mod 13 = 3 is equivalent to 29 = 3 + 213
-1 mod 13 = 12 is equivalent to 12 = -1 + 113
Modulo and GCD:
gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a mod b)
gcd(21, 12) = 3 can be also expressed as:
gcd(12, 21 mod 12) = gcd(12, 9) = 3 8
Back to Asymmetric Cryptography
As we mentioned before, the keys used to
encrypt and decrypt are different.
Anyone who wants to be a receiver needs to
“publish” an encryption key, which is known as
the public key, KB and keep the private key, Kv
a secret.
Anyone who wants to send data to the receiver
needs to know KB only, which is public.
Hence, no need to agree/share a secret key!
Public Key Infrastructure
Alice wants to send a secret message m to Bob
Bob should have 2 keys: public KB and private Kv
m Ciphertext m
Message Encryption Message
Source Source
Alice Bob
2019-2020 (Semester 1) Public domain 10
Public Key Infrastructure
It should not be possible to deduce the
plaintext from knowledge of the ciphertext
and the public key.
It should not be possible to deduce the
private key from knowledge of the public key.
Public key cryptography is based on One-
Way Functions (OWF)
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One-Way Functions (OWF)
A one-way function is a function that is
“easy” to compute and “difficult” to reverse
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OWF: Multiplying Two Prime Numbers
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OWF: Modular Exponentiation
However, given a, and ab mod n (when n is
prime), calculating b is regarded as a hard
This difficult problem is often referred to as the
discrete logarithm problem.
In other words, given a number a and a prime
number n, the function f(b) = ab mod n is
believed to be a one-way function.
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Discrete Logarithm Problem
Take 33 = 27
Now 33 mod 7 = 6
If we’re asked the following question: assume
that 3b mod 7 = 6, can you find b?
Yes, it’s 3!
No, it can also be 9
Try 39 mod 7 … believe me the result will be also
Other solutions? 17
RSA Cryptosystem
It is named after it inventors Ron Rivest, Adi
Shamir and Len Adleman.
First published in 1977
It is the most widely used public key encryption
algorithm today.
It provides confidentiality and digital signatures.
Its security is based on the difficulty of integer
factorisation and discrete logarithm problem
2019-2020 (Semester 1) 18
RSA: Choosing Keys
Choose two large prime numbers p, q. (e.g.,
1024 bits each)
Compute n = pq, z = (p-1)(q-1)
Choose e (with e<z) that has no common factors
with z (i.e., e, z are “relatively prime”).
Choose d such that ed-1 is exactly divisible by z.
(in other words: ed mod z = 1 ).
Public key is KB =(n,e), Private key is Kv=(n,d). 19
RSA: Choosing e & Calculating d
Let’s consider p=17 and q=11. n = 187. What choices of
e and d are acceptable?
In this case z = (p-1)(q-1) = 16 x 10 = 160. Any suitable
choice of e must have the property that there are no
numbers that divide both z and e except for 1.
e= 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 20, … are no good. Why?
e= 7 is valid option
Calculate d where ed mod z = 1
Let’s say d = 23? (7x23 mod 160) = 1? YES
Public key (187, 7), Private key (187, 23) 20
RSA: Encryption, Decryption
Given (n,e) and (n,d) as computed before
To encrypt a bit pattern, m, compute
c = me mod n (i.e., compute the remainder when
me is divided by n)
To decrypt a received bit pattern, c, compute
m = cd mod n (i.e., remainder when cd is divided
by n)
Magic d
m = (m e mod n) mod n
c 21
RSA Example – Encryption
Say Bob has public key KB =(n, e) = (187, 7), making his
private key Kv =(n, d) = (187, 23)
Alice knows Bob’s public key (it’s public). She wants to
secretly send Bob the message hello [104 101 108 108
1047 mod 187 = 179
1017 mod 187 = 84
1087 mod 187 = 48
1087 mod 187 = 48
1117 mod 187 = 155
Alice sends ciphertext [179 84 48 48 155] = |T00ø 22
RSA Example – Decryption
Bob receives [179 84 48 48 155] = |T00ø
Bob uses his private key Kv where d = 23, to
decrypt the message:
17923 mod 187 = 104 h
8423 mod 187 = 101 e
4823 mod 187 = 108 l
4823 mod 187 = 108 l
15523 mod 187 = 111 o
No one else could’ve read the message except
Bob because he has the private key. 23
RSA Security
Security of RSA depends on the difficulty of
factoring n=pq
The best-known algorithm takes exponential time
In May 2005, a 200 long digits n was factored. It took a
cluster of 80 2.2 GHz computers continually running
for 3 months to calculate.
This is estimated to be the equivalent of a single 2.2
GHz machine running for 55 continual years!
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RSA Security
Therefore, n should be no less than 300 digits to
make sure RSA is secure.
300 digits would require about 995 bits for
RSA-300 =
574416714366499722090015674047 25
RSA Security
If you choose the key size between 1024 and
4096 bits, RSA is secure.
The longest key that is factored was RSA-786
which has 232 digits in 2009. It took about two
years using cluster of computers which is
estimated to take 2000 years of computing on a
single-core 2.2 GHz.
The factoring competition stopped now but
people are still trying
2019-2020 (Semester 1) 26
RSA Performance
Yes, it’s very difficult to break because it’s
computationally expensive but so to encrypt as
Imagine encrypting large files, with large keys in
RSA, how long do you think it’ll take? Short time
or very long time?
The answer depends on the computer capability
but it’s always very long time.
Only use RSA to encrypt Symmetric keys! and
digital signatures (next week)
That’s all folks!
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