Module 1 Introduction To NSTP
Module 1 Introduction To NSTP
Module 1 Introduction To NSTP
Specific Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, you shall be able to:
1.Discuss the legal basis and rules governing the
conduct of NSTP
2.Visualize and express possible gains while involving
themselves and participating in all community-
engagement activities.
Let’s Get Started!
Society as defined by is an organized group of persons
associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific,
political, patriotic, or other purposes. Being part of a society entails
responsibilities to be performed and fulfilled. As a teenager and a
member of the society, have you done your part in maintaining peace,
respect and love in the society? In this unit, you will be able to gain
understanding and awareness with regards to serving the community.
Activity 1: Putting Things in the Right Perspective
9. You have environmental awareness and involve yourself in keeping the environment
clean and green.
10. You are an agent of change showing good leadership and promoting peace in the
community you belong.
How many of your fingers are down? If you got more than five fingers down, you are
doing a great job. Continue and improve it. If not, don’t be sad because you can still
change it. Do your best to be a better version of yourself. After this course, you might
find yourself serving the community in your own little ways.
The National Service Training
Program (NSTP) is a mandated
program in the curricula of all
baccalaureate programs and in
at least two (2) years of
technical-vocational or
associate courses in all state
universities and colleges
(SUCs), and private higher and
technical-vocational education
All incoming male and female students, starting school
year (SY) 2002-2008 have been required to complete one
(1) NSTP component of their choice for graduation in
compliance with Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9163,
otherwise known as the National Service Training Program
Act of 2001 and Section 4, Rule III of the Implementing
Rules and Regulations. This law started to be implemented
in all colleges and universities in 2002.
The program aimed at enhancing civic
consciousness and defense preparedness in the
youth by developing the ethics of service and
patriotism while undergoing training in any of its
three (3) components. Its various components
are specially designed to enhance the youth’s
active contribution to the general welfare.
Three Components of NSTP
f. "Clustering“
- taking up the same NSTP component into one (1) group
under the management and supervision of a designated
school; grouping of students enrolled to different schools into
- refers to a system of enrollment where a student is officially enrolled in an
academic program of an origin school but is allowed to enroll in the NSTP
component of another accepting school;
Section 4. Coverage
a. All incoming freshmen students, male and female,
starting School Year (SY) 2002-2003, enrolled
in any baccalaureate and in at least two (2) year
technical-vocational or associate courses, are required to
complete one (1) NSTP component of their choice, as a
graduation requirement.
a.1 Students who finished or graduated
The above provision from a baccalaureate degree or two-
however does not year technical-vocational or associate
course and pursuing or enrolled in
cover the following: another or additional baccalaureate
degree or two-year technical-vocational
or associate course in SY 2003-2004
c. Program of study (syllabus) and enrolment forms shall bear the “NSTP”
without stating therein the three components. There shall be an
orientation for all NSTP enrollees to be jointly conducted by the ROTC,
CWTS, and LTS coordinators/implementers. Students enrolled in the
first semester of the freshman year shall be made to undergo a
common module phase for 25 hours training; drug education; disaster
awareness, preparedness and management; environmental protection;
and other national security concerns.
d. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA), Philippine Merchant Marine
Academy (PMMA),Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) is exempted
from the NSTP in view of the special character ofthese institutions.
a. The NSTP shall have the following components which the students
can choose from as defined in
Rule II, Section 3 hereof: The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC),
Literacy Training Service (LTS),and Civic Welfare Training Service
b. A One (1) Summer Program (OSP) in lieu of the two (2) semester program
may be designed, formulated and adopted by the DND, CHED and TESDA,
subject to the capability of the school and the AFP to handle the same.
c. Earned NSTP units shall not be included in the computation of Grade Point
Average (GPA) grades of college graduating students.
Section 7.Clustering and Cross-Enrollment w
a. Management
a.1. The school authorities shall exercise academic and administrative supervision over the
design, formulation, adoption, and implementation of the different NSTP components in
their respective schools. Subject to the provision of this IRR.
a.2. There should be an NSTP Office in each school or college university headed by an NSTP
Director or its equivalent position responsible for the implementation of the Program.
a.3. A functional chart of the NSTP Office shall be structured based on the capability of the
institution to sustain the component program being offered based on the number of
a.4. In the case of ROTC, the school authorities and DND, subject to
the policies, regulations and programs of DND on the military
component of the training, shall exercise joint supervision over
its implementation.
a.6. The DND shall formulate and administer training modules for the
ROTC program.
b. Monitoring
b. 1. An NSTP Joint Committee at provincial, regional and national level shall be creatd
by 'Tripartite agreement for monitoring all the program components in the various
b.2. CHED/TESDA Regional Offices, and DND-AFP (through the Major Service Reserve
Commands), shall oversee and monitor the implementation of the NSTP under their
respective jurisdiction, to determine if the trainings conducted are in consonance with
the Act. These offices shall submit periodic reports to the NSTP Joint Coordinating
b.3. An Annual NSTP Performance Evaluation (ANPE) shall be conducted towards the end
of the school year to evaluate and determine the achievement of training objectives of
the NSTP three components program.
b.4. At the end of every school year, the Higher Education Institution shall submit an
Annual Report to the CHED Regional Office copy furnished the Office of the Student
Services in electronic template, indicating the following:
b.4.1. Names who finished under each NSTP component,
In regions with universities and colleges having two or more campuses, the
university concerned shall consolidate the report before submission to CHED
Regional Offices.
Section 9. Fees
No fees shall be collected for any of the NSTP component
except basic tuition, which should not be more than 50% of
the charges of the school per academic unit. NSTP fees
collected shall constitute a Trust Fund, which shall be
exclusively used for the operation of the program.
Section 10. Incentive, Insurance
and Protection
A. Incentives
1. A program of assistance/incentives for ROTC students shall be provided and
administered by DND, in accordance with existing laws and regulations and
subject to the availability of funds.
2. A Special Scholarship Program and other forms of assistance and incentives for
qualified NSTP students shall be administered by CHED and TESDA, with funds for the
purpose to be included in the annual regular appropriations of the two agencies,
subject to the availability of funds.
3. The college or university may provide scholarship and
other forms of assistance and incentives to qualified and
deserving NSTP students, the funding of which shall come
from available NSTP funds of the school.
1. School authorities concerned, CHED and TESDA shall ensure that health
and accident group insurances are provided for students enrolled in any of
the NSTP components.
2. Schools that already provide health and accident group insurance and
collect the necessary fees for the purpose from their students as of the
effectivity of this Rules, are deemed to have complied with this requirement.
"We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God,
in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a
Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote
the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and
secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of
independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime
of truth, Justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and
promulgate this Constitution.
Activity 2: Video presentation (Vlog 1)
NSTP aimed at enhancing your civic consciousness and defense
preparedness by developing the ethics of service and patriotism.
To show if you really understand the concept of NSTP, create a
three-minute vlog following the instruction below.
1. In a three-minute video explain the Philippine preamble.
2. Show the relevance to the goal of NSTP to the preamble.
3. As a Filipino youth, what could be your contribution to achieve the
goal of NSTP and make the Philippine preamble evident.
4. Post your video in you LMS.
5. Vlog title format: Surname + your choice of title