Solas'74 Amandement' 1988
Solas'74 Amandement' 1988
Solas'74 Amandement' 1988
Continuous watch means that the radio watch concerned shall not be
interrupted other than for brief intervals when the ship's receiving
capability is impaired or blocked by its own
communications or when the facilities are under periodical maintenance
or checks.
Sea area A2 means an area, excluding sea area A1, within the
radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which
continuous DSC alerting is available, as may be defined by a Contracting
Sea area A3 means an area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the
coverage of an INMARSAT geostationary satellite in which continuous
alerting is available.
Sea area A4 means an area outside sea areas A1, A2, and A3.
5. be clearly marked with the call sign, the ship station identity and other codes
as applicable for the use of the radio installation.
II. Control of the VHF radiotelephone channels, required for navigational safety, shall be
immediately available on the navigating bridge convenient to the conning position and,
where necessary, facilities should be available to permit radiocommunications from the
wings of the navigating bridge.
III. In passenger ships, a distress panel shall be installed at the conning position.
This panel shall contain either one single button which, when pressed, initiates a distress
alert using all radiocommunication installations required on board for that purpose or
one button for each individual installation.
The panel shall clearly and visually indicate whenever any button or button or
buttons have been pressed.
Means shall be provided to prevent inadvertant activation of the button or
If the satellite EPIRB is used as the secondary means of distress alerting and is not
remotely activated, it shall be acceptable to have an additional EPIRB installed in the
wheelhouse near the conning position.
IV. In passenger ships, information on the ship's position shall be continuously and
automatically provided to all relevant radiocommunication equipment to be included in
the initial distress alert when the button or buttons on the distress panel is pressed.
VII. In passenger ships, a distress alarm panel shall be installed at the conning position.
The distress alarm panel shall provide visual and audible indication of any distress alert
or alerts received on board and shall also indicate through which radiocommunication
service the distress alerts have been received.
Regulation 7
Radio equipment-General
I. Every ship shall be provided with :
1. a VHF radio installation capable of transmitting and receiving ;
DSC on the frequency 156.525 MHz(channel 70). It shall be possible to
the transmission of distress alerts on channel 70 from the position from
which the ship is normally navigated ;
(Certain ships may be exempted from this requirement (see regulation 9.4)
• There shall be available at all times, while the ship is at sea, a supply of
electrical energy sufficient to operate the radio installations and to charge any
batteries used as part of a reserve source or sources of energy for the radio
• A reserve source or sources of energy shall be provided on every ship, to
supply radio installations, for the purpose of conducting distress and safety
radiocommunications, in the event of failure of the ship's main and emergency
sources of electrical power
1. 1 (one) hour on ships provided with an emergency source of electrical
2. 6 (six) hours on ships not provided with an emergency source of electrical
Where a reserve source of energy consists of a rechargeable accumulator battery or
1. a means of automatically charging such batteries shall be provided which shall be
capable of recharging them to minimum capacity requirements within 10 hours;
2. the capacity of the battery or batteries shall be checked, using an appropriate
method at intervals not exceeding 12 months, when the ship is not at sea.
1. Every ship shall carry personnel qualified for distress and safety
radiocommunication purposes to the satisfaction of the Administration.* The
personnel shall be holders of certificates specified in the Radio Regulations as
appropriate, any one of whom shall be designated to have primary
responsibility for radiocommunications during distress incidents.
All two-way communication equipment carried on board a ship to which this chapter
applies which is capable of automatically including the ship's position in the distress alert
shall be automatically provided with this information from an internal or external
navigation receiver, if either is installed.
If such a receiver is not installed, the ship's position and the time at which the position
was determined shall be manually updated at intervals not exceeding four hours, while
the ship is underway, so that it is always ready for transmission by the equipment.