"Mutual Funds": Hitesh Motwani (23) J. Rashmiranjan Ray
"Mutual Funds": Hitesh Motwani (23) J. Rashmiranjan Ray
"Mutual Funds": Hitesh Motwani (23) J. Rashmiranjan Ray
The money mobilized from investors is invested by the scheme as per the
investment objective committed. Profits or losses, as the case might be,
belong to the investors. The investor does not however bear a loss higher than
the amount invested by him.
Portfolio diversification
An overload of schemes and scheme
Economies of scale variants.
Tax benefits
Convenient options
Investment comfort
Regulatory comfort
Investors invest in various schemes of the mutual fund. The record of investors and
their unit-holding may be maintained by the AMC itself, or it can appoint a Registrar
& Transfer Agent (RTA).
The sponsor needs to have a minimum 40% share holding in the capital of the AMC.
The sponsor has to appoint at least 4 trustees – at least two-thirds of them need to be
independent. Prior approval of SEBI needs to be taken, before a person is appointed as
AMC should have net worth of at least Rs10crore. At least 50% of the directors should be
independent directors. Prior approval of the trustees is required, before a person is
appointed as director on the board of the AMC.
Role of Regulators in India
SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) regulates mutual funds,
depositories, custodians and registrars & transfer agents in the country.
AMFI is an industry body, but not a self regulatory organization.
The AMFI Code of Ethics sets out the standards of good practices to
be followed by the Asset Management Companies in their operations
and in their dealings with investors, intermediaries and the public.
AMFI has framed AGNI, a set of guidelines and code of conduct for
intermediaries, consisting of individual agents, brokers, distribution houses and
banks engaged in selling of mutual fund products.
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