Trust Decay
Trust Decay
Trust Decay
What is Trust
• Trust is a mechanism for measuring the confidence factor associated
with each cell based on its source system.
• Trust takes into account the age of data, how much its reliability has
decayed over time, and the validity of the data.
• For each column from each source, you can define a trust level
represented by a number between 0 and 100, with zero being the
least trustworthy and 100 being the most trustworthy.
• Trust level becomes meaningful only when compared with the trust
level of another source system
Why do we need Trust
• Several source systems may contain attributes that correspond to the
same column in a base object table.
• For example, several systems may store a customer’s address.
However, one system might be a more reliable source for that data
than others.
• If these systems disagree, then Informatica MDM must decide which
value is the best one to use.
How to set Trust levels
• When determining trust levels, consider the following questions:
• Does the source system validate this data value? How reliably does it do this?
• How important is this data value to the users of the source system, as
compared with other data values?
• How frequently is the source system updated?
• How frequently is a particular attribute likely to be updated?
• Depending on the answers to these questions, we can adjust the trust
levels of the data accordingly
Trust decay
• The reliability of data from a given source system can decay over time.
• In order to reflect this fact in trust calculations, Informatica MDM Hub
allows you to configure decay characteristics for trust-enabled
• The decay period is the amount of time that it takes for the trust level
to decay from the maximum trust level to the minimum trust level.
Configurable properties for Trust
• Maximum Trust
• The maximum trust is the trust level that a data value will have if it has just been changed.
• Minimum Trust
• The minimum trust is the trust level that a data value will have when it is old.
• This value must be less than or equal to the maximum trust.
• Units
• Specifies the units used in calculating the decay period-day, week, month, quarter, or year.
• Test offset date
• By default, the start date for trust decay shown in the Trust Decay Graph is the current
system date.
• To see the impact of trust decay based on a different start date for a given source system,
specify a different test offset date.
Configurable properties for Trust (Cntd)
• Decay
• Specifies the number of units used in calculating the decay period.
• Graph Type
• Decay follows a pattern in which the trust level decreases during the decay
• Linear : Decay follows a straight line from the maximum trust to
the minimum trust.
• Rapid Initial Slow Later : Most of the decrease occurs toward the
beginning of the decay period.
• Slow Initial Rapid Later : Most of the decrease occurs toward the
end of the decay period.
Trust calculations
• The load process calculates trust for trust-enabled columns in the base object.
• For records with trust-enabled columns, the load process assigns a trust score to
cell data.
• This trust score is initially based on the configured trust settings for that column.
• The trust score may be subsequently downgraded when the load process applies
validation rules—if configured for a trust-enabled column—after the trust
• All trust calculations are based on the system date with one exception; trust
calculations for historic queries on timeline-enabled base objects are based on
the historical date.
Trust calculations for load update operations
• During the load process, if a record in the staging table will be used
for a load update operation, and if that record contains a changed cell
value in a trust-enabled column, the load process calculates trust
scores for:
• the cell data in the source record in the staging table
• the cell data in the target record in the base object
• If the cell data in the source record has a higher trust score than the
cell data in the target record, then Informatica MDM updates the cell
in the base object record with the cell data in the staging table record
Trust calculations when consolidating two
base object records
• When two records in a base object are consolidated, Informatica
MDM calculates the trust score for each trusted column in the two
records being merged.
• Cells with the highest trust scores survive in the final consolidated
• If the trust scores are the same, then Informatica MDM compares