Week 14 - Gender and Advertising
Week 14 - Gender and Advertising
Week 14 - Gender and Advertising
and Subjectivity
in aGlobal Economy
G205 Week 14 – Maitrayee Chaudhuri
Vogue India What is the product?
Vogue India What is the product?
Reading Quiz/Attendance
Write your name on a piece of paper. Write as much as you can
about this in the next ten minutes WITHOUT looking at
Masculine beauty is not associated with femininity
like it is in the United States.
Choice….you can make the choice to distance yourself from
being a “native slob.” (379)
Sensual (379) and Sensitive (382)
Upwardly mobile (power and success)
REALness (381)
Indian Femininity New/Old
New Old
“Alone time” Traditional
Meditation Male oriented
Healing by self reflection Family centered
Purchase power “Shingar” Impoverished
Middle class
Male oriented
Family centered
New Indian Woman is traditional, but “free”
You do not have to write about the film AND Bose AND Klein, however, you must use at least one of the sources on
corporate personhood to address the blog.
Blog Due April 22, 2011 at 5 p.m. in oncourse/assignments/blog 5/6 and two comments URL due in
oncourse/assignments/blog 5/6 by Sunday April 24, 2011 at noon. (Must be 900 words, use at least two critical terms, and
must cite at least two readings from the course).
Peiss, Corporate Personhood, and Normative Subjectivity
Definitions of multiculturalism/ cultural
o Normative is problematic: does not account for the fluidity of gendered experiences, such
as corporate personhood or consumer citizenship. Nor does it account for change over
time or across space/place.
Multiculturalism in
United States
Means: social ads / Public Service Ads (PSAs)
We all came over in different ships,
but we’re in the same boat now.
Cosmo South Africa, May 2008 Cosmo South Africa, December 2007