Terminologies U S e D I N CPM: Activity: An Activity Carries The Arrow Symbol - This Represent A Task
Terminologies U S e D I N CPM: Activity: An Activity Carries The Arrow Symbol - This Represent A Task
Terminologies U S e D I N CPM: Activity: An Activity Carries The Arrow Symbol - This Represent A Task
Event:- A node (an event), denoted by a circle , marks the start and
completion of an activity, which contain a number that helps to identify its
location. For example activity A can be drawn as:
1 A
Dummy Activity: An activity, which is used to maintain the pre-defined
precedence relationship only during the construction of the project network, is
called a dummy activity. Dummy activity is represented by a dotted arrow and
does not consume any time and resource
Parallel activity: There are two activity which being a t same
event a nd end a t same event.this activities are called parallel
Not allowed…..
Dangling events is not
A must finish before B can start
Dummy both A and C must finish before
D can start, it’s called dummy
Forward pass:
The Early S t a rt and Early Finish Time
Calculated by moving Forward Through
the Network.
Consider Maximum.
Backward pass:
The Latest S t a rt and Latest Finish Time
Calculated by moving Backward Through
the Network.
Consider Minimum
Float activity:
Float activity For a n Activity is The Difference
between its Earliest and Latest S t a r t Time
or Earliest and Latest Finish Time .
Steps in Critical P a t h Method
Step 1:Make a forward pass through the network as
follows: F or each a ct ivit y i begin n in g a t the St a r t
node, compute:
Earliest S t a r t Time (ES) = the maximum of the earliest finish
of all activities immediately preceding activity i. (This is 0 for a n
activity with no predecessors.). This is the earliest time a n activity
can begin without violation of immediate predecessor requirements.
Earliest Finish Time (Ef) = (Earliest S t ar t Time) + (Time to complete
activity i. This represent the earliest time a t which a n activity can
A 2 0 2 0 2 0 Yes
B 3 2 5 14 17 12 No
C 3 2 5 2 5 0 Yes
D 4 5 9 5 9 0 Yes
E 8 9 17 9 17 0 Yes
F 6 17 23 17 23 0 Yes
G 2 23 25 23 25 0 Yes
0 2 17 23
0 A(2) 2 B(3) 17 23 25
1 5 F(6) 6 7 25
3 D(4) 9
5 4
5 9
Cp = 1 - 2 – 3 - 4 – 5 – 6 – 7
= A – C -D - E - F - G
= 25
Benefits of
CPM at many stages of project
Mathematically simple
Visual representation
Limitations to
Specified precedence relationship
Activity time estimates are subjective
grant charts
The time needed for tasks is not as clear as