Gold Mining and Processing in India
Gold Mining and Processing in India
Gold Mining and Processing in India
Processing in India
-Spandan Prasad Sahu
MM203 Assignment – 10/08/2021
Topics Covered
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Gold is a precious metal and malleable in nature.
Majority of gold consumption is by the jewelry industry, however it is also used in
electronics and aerospace.
Gold is also of economic importance and people invest in gold. It was historically
used as currency.
It is recyclable.
All of the gold that's deposited in our planet was formed during the explosions of
stars and collisions of asteroids, and eventually found its way to earth over time.
Gold and its Ores
Major ores of gold contain gold in native form.
They are of two type :
Production of Gold in India
DGML : Deccan Gold Mines Ltd., India’s first and largest
company for gold exploration.
by Jharkhand.
Production of Gold in India
Companies producing gold :
Underground Mining
Process: Crushing
The ore in its original form consists of big chunks like rocks.
Rough Crushing of Ore, followed by fine crushing.
Ore is crushed to 10mm size and stored for further treatment.
Ball Mill
The thickened pulp (60% solid w/w) thus obtained from thickeners is subjected to
Leaching/cyanidation process.
Thickening is necessary before leaching. If not, it will result in excessive energy cost
and reagent consumption.
Slurry- mixture of concentrate and water. Acts as medium to
transport the concentrate for further process
To increase the oxygen potential of slurry, H2O2 is added in addition to compressed air. The
cyanidation or leaching process is carried out in a series of mechanically agitated agitators of
different sizes (decreasing size) so that slurry automatically flows to the next tank.
Process: Adsorption
The cyanide leached pulp is then fed to two Carbon-in Pulp (CIP) plants. The objective of CIP
plant is to absorb the dissolved gold in activated carbon from the solution. Carbon is the best
choice due to its own micro-porous structure.
CIP Tank
Flowchart : The process from leaching to
Process: Desorption and Electrowinning
The gold-loaded carbon is removed from the CIP plant periodically, subjected to acid and alkaline
wash and then eluted in four elution columns with 1.0% NaOH and 0.1% NaCN solution at 95 ○C
for a period of 60 hours.
The flux added during smelting varies with the Smelting Schematic
The process is carried by highly skilled men, who very accurately separate
the slag from the molten gold. It produces around 85-97% pure gold
depending upon the method used and impurities in the ore. For higher
purities, it is refined further.
Stamping of Bullion
Casting the molten gold to bullion
The bullion buttons thus obtained from table concentrate and steel wool
are cast into bullion bars weighing 4 to 11 kg and then despatched for
Other methods to produce Gold in India
Gold is sometimes recovered from the pregnant (Simple gold bearing solution) solutions by adding zinc to
form soluble zinc cyanide and precipitate of gold & silver. The pregnant solution can also be passed
through activated carbon which absorbs dissolved gold. Gold from either process is cast into bars, bullion
and dore (when it contains silver), which must be further refined to remove impurities, such as mercury,
arsenic and copper. Some ores cannot be treated by cyanide processing as gold in them is in small
inclusions or even by solid solutions in minerals, such as pyrite. This gold is generally recovered by
roasting which converts pyrite into porous iron oxides containing small grains of gold that can be
dissolved by cyanide.
Few more companies producing Gold
Birla Copper Complex of Hindalco Industries Ltd situated at Dahej, district Bharuch, Gujarat has
an installed capacity of 15 tpy for gold recovery from imported copper concentrates.
HCL which recovers by-product secondary gold from indigenous copper ores at its ICC plant in
Jharkhand has an installed capacity of 698 kg per annum gold recovery plant. This plant, however,
did not report production since 2007-08.
NMDC has secured a gold mining lease in Bulyangombe area in Tanzania.
Uses of Gold
-Source_fig1_270280429 - HGML
Thank You for Precious just like gold Time
Fun Fact😋
The Olympics Gold medal
weighs 556 gms and it is
plated with 6 gms of gold