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E-Commerce Class
E-Commerce Class
E-Commerce Software
Project Management
Alocate Zvikaramba
MSc Applied Computer Science
Many organizations today have a new or renewed interest
in project management
Computer hardware, software, networks, and the use of
interdisciplinary and global work teams have radically
changed the work environment
The U.S. spends $2.3 trillion on projects every year, or
one-quarter of its gross domestic product, and the world as
a whole spends nearly $10 trillion of its $40.7 gross
product on projects of all kinds
Project Management Statistics
Worldwide IT spending totaled more than $1.8 trillion in
2005, a 6 percent increase from 2004, and spending is
projected to grow 8 percent in 2006 and 4 percent in 2007
History of Project Management
In 1917, Henry Gantt developed the famous Gantt chart as a tool
for scheduling work in factories
A Gantt chart is a standard format for displaying project schedule
information by listing projects activities and their corresponding start and
finish dates in a calendar format
The military was the key industry behind the development of
several project management techniques.
Members of the US navy Polaris missile/submarine project first used
network diagrams in 1958. These diagrams helped model the
relationships among project tasks, which allowed them to create
schedules that were more realistic.
Determining the relationships among tasks helps in finding the critical path of
the network. This tells the manager the earliest completion date of the project.
In the 1990s, many companies created project management offices
(PMO) to help them handle the increasing number and complexity of
projects throughout an organization
History of Project Management
Some people argue that building the Egyptian pyramids was a
project, as was building the Great Wall of China
Most people consider the Manhattan Project to be the first
project to use “modern” project management
This three-year, $2 billion (in 1946 dollars)
project had a separate project manager
(General Leslie Groves) and a technical manager
(Dr. Robert Oppenheimer)
The military realized that scientists and
other technical specialists often did not have
the desire or the necessary skills to manage
large projects
Dr. Oppenheimer was asked repeatedly for an organization chart of the
teams working on the project and their responsibilities. Eventually he
threw a piece of paper at his director and said “Here’s your damn
organization chart.”
Motivation for Studying IT Project
IT Projects have a terrible track record
Failure Statistics of IT projects
Advantages of Using Formal
Project Management
Better control of financial, physical, and human resources
Improved customer relations
Shorter development times
Lower costs
Higher quality and increased reliability
Higher profit margins
Improved productivity
Better internal coordination
Higher worker morale (less stress)
What Is a Project?
A project is “a temporary endeavor undertaken to
create a unique product, service, or result”
What is Project management ?
Project management is “the application of
knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project
activities in order to meet project requirements
The Nature of IT Projects
IT projects can be very diverse in terms of size,
complexity, products produced, application area, and
resource requirements
The nature of software development projects is even
more diverse than hardware-oriented projects
IT projects also support every possible industry and
business function
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Examples of IT Projects
A help desk or technical worker replaces ten laptops for
a small department
A small software development team adds a new feature
to an internal software application for the finance
A college campus upgrades its technology infrastructure
to provide wireless Internet access across the whole
A cross-functional task force in a company decides what
Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) system to purchase
and how it will be implemented
Top Ten Technology Projects in 2006
VoIP Desktop upgrades
Outsourcing Application
Data networking performance
Customer management
relationship Business analytics
management Compliance tracking
Supply chain
Top Ten Technology
Projects in 2008 (Gartner)
Green IT
Unified communications
Business process modeling
Virtualization 2.0
Social software
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Top 10 strategic technologies,
Gartner (2015)
Computing everywhere: The needs of mobile users in
diverse contexts and environs will continue to drive
companies to dev new pdcts and svcs.
The Internet of things: Expanding digitization and
connectivity will continue to enable companies to
combine info from people, places, and things to
extend svcs, improve how assets or machines
operate, or create new sources of revenue. eg “the pay-per-use
model can be applied to assets (such as . . . equipment), services (such as pay-as-you-drive insurance), people
(such as movers), places (such as parking spots), and systems (such as
3D printing: Worldwide shipments of 3D printers were
expected to nearly double in 2015 compared to 2014
and double again in 2016. New applications
continued to be found for producing items at lower
costs through improved designs, streamlined
prototyping, and short-run manufacturing.
Advanced, pervasive, and invisible analytics: Analytics
continues to grow in importance as the volume of
data generated by embedded systems increases.
The challenge is analyzing data to provide “the right
information to the right person at the right time.”
Project Attributes
A project:
Has a unique purpose
Is temporary
Is developed using progressive elaboration
Specifications of the project are initially broad and then refined
and more detailed as the project progresses
Requires resources, often from various areas
Should have a primary customer or sponsor
The project sponsor usually provides the direction and funding
for the project
Involves uncertainty
Unclear objectives, difficult to estimate time to complete and
cost, dependence on external factors
Project and Program Managers
Project managers work with project sponsors, a
project team, and other people involved in a
project to meet project goals
Program: group of related projects managed in a
coordinated way to obtain benefits and control
not available from managing them individually
Program managers oversee programs and often
act as bosses for project managers
The Triple Constraint
of Project Management
Successful project
management means
meeting all three
goals (scope, time,
and cost) – and
satisfying the
project’s sponsor!
However, quality is
the quadruple
What is Project Management?
Project management is “the application of knowledge,
skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet
project requirements”
Project Management Framework
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Project Stakeholders
Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by
project activities
Stakeholders include:
The project sponsor
The project manager
The project team
Support staff
And yes - opponents to the project!
Ten Project Management
Knowledge Areas
Knowledge areas describe the key competencies
that project managers must develop
Four core knowledge areas lead to specific project
objectives (scope, time, cost, and quality)
Five facilitating knowledge areas are the means through
which the project objectives are achieved (human
resources, communication, risk, and procurement
One knowledge area (project integration management)
affects and is affected by all of the other knowledge
All knowledge areas are important!
Tools and Techniques
Project management tools and techniques assist project managers
and their teams in various aspects of project management
Super Tools
“Super tools” are those tools that have high use and high
potential for improving project success, such as:
Software for task scheduling (such as project management
Scope statements
Requirements analyses
Lessons-learned reports
Tools already extensively used that have been found to
improve project importance include:
Progress reports
Kick-off meetings
Gantt charts
Change requests
Project Success
There are several ways to define project
The project met scope, time, and cost goals
The project satisfied the customer/sponsor even if
the scope, time and/or costs goals were not met
The results of the project met its main objective,
such as making or saving a certain amount of
money, providing a good return on investment, or
simply making the sponsors happy.
What Helps Projects Succeed?*
1. Executive support 7. Firm basic requirements
2. User involvement 8. Formal methodology
3. Experienced project 9. Reliable estimates
manager 10. Other criteria, such as
4. Clear business objectives small milestones, proper
5. Minimized scope planning, competent
6. Standard software staff, and ownership
Why Top Mgt commitment is crucial
1. Project Managers(PM) need adequate resources. The best way to kill a project is to
withhold the required money, human resources, and visibility. If project managers
have top management commitment, they will also have adequate resources and
not be distracted by events that do not affect their specific projects.
If certain functional managers are not responding to
PMs’ requests for necessary info, top mgt must step in
to encourage the functional managers to cooperate.
What the Winners Do
• Recent research findings show that companies
that excel in project delivery capability:
– Use an integrated project management toolbox (use
standard/advanced PM tools and lots of templates)
– Grow project leaders, emphasizing business and soft
– Develop a streamlined project delivery process
– Measure project health using metrics, like customer
satisfaction or return on investment
Best Practice
Robert Butrick, suggests that organizations need
to follow basic principles of project management,
Suggested Skills for Project
Project managers need a wide variety of skills
They should:
The Role of the Project Manager
Job descriptions vary, but most include
responsibilities like planning, scheduling,
coordinating, and working with people to achieve
project goals
Suggested Skills for Project Managers
Ten Most Important Skills and
Competencies for Project Managers
1. People skills
2. Leadership
3. Listening
4. Integrity, ethical behavior, consistent
5. Strong at building trust
6. Verbal communication
7. Strong at building teams
8. Conflict resolution, conflict management
9. Critical thinking, problem solving
10. Understands, balances priorities
Different Skills Needed in
Different Situations
Large projects: leadership, relevant prior experience,
planning, people skills, verbal communication, and team-
building skills are most important
High uncertainty projects: risk management, expectation
management, leadership, people skills, and planning skills
are most important
Very novel projects: leadership, people skills, having vision
and goals, self-confidence, expectations management, and
listening skills are most important
Importance of Leadership Skills
Effective project managers provide leadership by example
Characteristics of IT Project Team
IT project team members often have diverse
backgrounds and skill sets
Many companies purposely hire graduates with
degrees in other fields such as business,
mathematics, or the liberal arts to provide different
perspectives on IT projects
Some IT projects require the skills of people in just a
few job functions
But some require inputs from many or all of them
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Project Phases and The Project Life Cycle
Project phases vary by project or industry.
A project life cycle is a collection of phases. Phases break
projects down into smaller, more manageable pieces, which will
reduce uncertainty.
The Project Life Cycle
In early phases resource needs are usually lowest and the level of
uncertainty is highest. Project stakeholders have the greatest
opportunity to influence the final characteristics of the project’s
products, services, or results.
Project Life Cycle
Product Life Cycles
Products also have life cycles
The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a
framework for describing the phases of developing
information systems
Systems development projects can follow
Predictive life cycle
Iterative life cycle
Incremental life cycle
Adaptive life cycle
Hybrid life cycle
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Product Life Cycles
Predictive Life Cycle Models
Waterfall model: has well-defined, linear stages of systems
development and support
Spiral model: shows that software is developed using an
iterative or spiral approach rather than a linear approach
Prototyping model: used for developing prototypes to clarify
user requirements
Rapid Application Development (RAD) model: used to
produce systems quickly without sacrificing quality
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Product Life Cycles
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The Importance of Project Phases
and Management Reviews
A project should successfully pass through each of
the project phases in order to continue on to the
Management reviews, also called phase exits, phase
gate reviews, or kill points, should occur after each
phase to evaluate the project’s progress, likely
success, and continued compatibility with
organizational goals
It is unwise to wait until the end of project or
product phases to have management inputs
Many projects are reviewed by management on a regular
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Diverse Technologies & Product Life
IT projects use diverse technologies that change
Differences in technical knowledge can make
communication between professionals challenging
New technologies have also shortened the time
frame many businesses have to develop, produce,
and distribute new products and services
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Recent Trends Affecting IT or E-
Commerce Project Management
Outsourcing: Outsourcing is when an organization
acquires goods and/or sources from an outside
source. Offshoring is sometimes used to describe
outsourcing from another country
Virtual teams: A virtual team is a group of
individuals who work across time and space using
communication technologies
Agile project management
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Common work practices
Employ greater project discipline
Think globally but act locally
Consider collaboration over standardization
Keep project momentum going
Use newer tools and technology
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Organizations remain competitive by using
outsourcing to their advantage, such as finding ways
to reduce costs
Practice can be unpopular on some countries
Project managers should become more familiar with
many global and procurement issues
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Virtual Teams
Lowering costs because many virtual workers do not require
office space or support beyond their home offices
Providing more expertise and flexibility or increasing
competitiveness and responsiveness by having team
members from across the globe working any time of day or
Improving the work/life balance for team members by
eliminating fixed office hours and the need to travel to work
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Virtual Teams
Isolating team members
Increasing the potential for communications problems
Reducing the ability for team members to network and
transfer information informally
Increasing the dependence on technology to accomplish work
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Agile means being able to move quickly and easily,
but some people feel that project management, as
they have seen it used, does not allow people to
work quickly or easily
Early software development projects often used a
waterfall approach
As technology and businesses became more complex, the
approach was often difficult to use because requirements
were unknown or continuously changing
Agile today means using an approach where
requirements and solutions evolve through
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Manifesto for Agile Software Development
In February 2001, a group of 17 people that called itself the Agile
Alliance developed and agreed on the Manifesto for Agile Software
Development, as follows:
“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it
and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan”*
*Agile Manifesto.
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According to the Scrum Alliance, Scrum is the
leading agile development method for completing
projects with a complex, innovative scope of work.
The term was coined in 1986 in a Harvard Business
Review study that compared high-performing, cross-
functional teams to the scrum formation used by
rugby teams.
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Technique that can be used in conjunction with Scrum
Developed in Japan by Toyota Motor Corporation
Uses visual cues to guide workflow
Kanban cards show new work, work in progress, and work
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Project scope management
Project scope management includes the processes to
ensure that the project addresses all the work
required to complete the project successfully.
The main processes include
planning scope management
collecting requirements,
defining scope,
creating the WBS,
validating scope,
and controlling scope.
Process: project scope management
The first step in project scope management is
planning scope management. The project
o reviews information and
o uses expert judgment and
o meetings to help create
a scope management plan and
requirements management plan.
Process: collecting requirements
The next step is collecting requirements, a crucial
part of many IT projects. It is important to
review the project charter and
meet with key stakeholders listed in the
stakeholder register when collecting reqts.
The main outputs of this process are
requirements documentation and a
requirements traceability matrix.
Sample charter
Process: Defining Scope
A scope statement is created in the scope definition
process. This document often includes a
product scope description,
product user acceptance criteria,
detailed information on all project deliverables,
information on project boundaries,
constraints, and
There are often
several versions of the project scope statement to
keep scope information detailed and up to date.
Process: creating WBS
A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a deliverable-
oriented grouping of the work involved in
a project that defines its total scope.
The WBS forms the basis for planning and managing
project schedules, costs, resources, and changes.
You cannot use project management software
without first creating a good WBS.
A WBS dictionary is a document that provides
detailed information about each WBS item. A good
WBS is often difficult to create because of the
complexity of the project.
Sample WBS
Approaches for developing a WBS
There are several approaches for developing a WBS,
including using guidelines,
the analogy approach,
the top-down approach,
the bottom-up approach,
and mind mapping.
Process: Validating scope
Validating scope involves formal acceptance of the
completed project deliverables. Controlling scope
involves controlling changes to the project scope.
Poor project scope management is one of the key
reasons projects fail. For IT projects, it is
important for good project scope management to have
strong user involvement, executive support, a clear
statement of requirements, and a process for managing
scope changes.
Many software products are available to assist in project
scope management. The WBS is a key
concept in properly using project management software
because it provides the basis for entering tasks.