Gel Electrophoresis
Gel Electrophoresis
Gel Electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis
• Agarose gels are typically used to visualise fragments of DNA. The concentration of agarose used
to make the gel depends on the size of the DNA fragments you are working with.
• The higher the agarose concentration, the denser the matrix and vice versa. Smaller fragments of DNA
are separated on higher concentrations of agarose whilst larger molecules require a lower concentration
of agarose.
• To make a gel, agarose powder is mixed with an electrophoresis buffer and heated to a high
temperature until all of the agarose powder has melted.
• The molten gel is then poured into a gel casting tray and a “comb” is placed at one end to make wells for
the sample to be pipetted into.
• Once the gel has cooled and solidified (it will now be opaque rather than clear) the comb is removed.
• The gel is then placed into an electrophoresis tank and electrophoresis buffer is poured into the tank
until the surface of the gel is covered.
• The buffer conducts the electric current. The type of buffer used depends on the approximate size of the
DNA fragments in the sample.
Polyacrylamide gel for Polyacrylamide Gel electrophoresis PAGE
• A dye is added to the sample of DNA prior to electrophoresis to increase the viscosity
of the sample which will prevent it from floating out of the wells and so that the
migration of the sample through the gel can be seen.
• A DNA marker (also known as a size standard or a DNA ladder) is loaded into the
first well of the gel. The fragments in the marker are of a known length so can be
used to help approximate the size of the fragments in the samples.
• The prepared DNA samples are then pipetted into the remaining wells of the gel.
• When this is done the lid is placed on the electrophoresis tank making sure that the
orientation of the gel and positive and negative electrodes is correct.
• In case of PAGE the polyacrylamide gel is removed and placed in the buffer filled
separating tank. Samples are mixed with tracking dye bromophenol blue and
sucrose. The mixed sample is then loaded (100 µl) in the wells along with markers.
Separating the fragments
Illustration of DNA
electrophoresis equipment used
to separate DNA fragments by
A gel sits within a tank of buffer.
The DNA samples are placed in
wells at one end of the gel and
an electrical current passed
across the gel.
The negatively-charged DNA
moves towards the postive
Visualising the results
• Once the DNA has migrated far enough across the gel, the electrical current is
switched off and the gel is removed from the electrophoresis tank.
• Once the fragments have been separated, we can examine the gel and see what sizes
of bands are found on it.
• To visualise the DNA, the gel is stained with a fluorescent dye that binds to the DNA,
and is placed on an ultraviolet transilluminator which will show up the stained DNA as
bright bands allowing us to see the DNA present at different locations along the length
of the gel.
• Nucleic acids are generally stained by adding ethydium bromide directly to the
agarose gel or immersing agarose gel in the dye. Generally the gel is immersed in one
µg/ml solution of ethidium bromide for up to 10 minutes. Ethydium bromide quickly
spreads and concentrates wherever DNA molecules are present.
Visualising the results
• If the gel has run correctly the banding pattern of the DNA marker/size standard will be
• It is then possible to judge the size of the DNA in sample by imagining a horizontal line
running across from the bands of the DNA marker. The size of the DNA in the sample is
estimated by matching them against the closest band in the marker.
• A well-defined “line” of DNA on a gel is called a band. Each band contains a large
number of DNA fragments of the same size that have all travelled as a group to
the same position.
• Ethydium bromide intercalate between the bases of DNA molecules. The DNA appears as
fluorescent orange bands after exposed to ultraviolet from transilluminator.
• Nucleic acids can also be stained by soaking the gel in 0.025% solution of methylene blue
for 15 to 30 minutes. Methylene blue binds with DNA and appears as bluish bands under
normal room illumination.
showing DNA
bands separated
on a gel. The
length of the DNA
fragments is
compared to a
marker containing
fragments of
known length.
Applications of gel electrophoresis
• Gel electrophoresis is widely used in the molecular biology and biochemistry labs in areas
such as forensic science, molecular biology, and medicine. Some key applications of the
technique are listed below:
• In the separation of DNA fragments for DNA fingerprinting to investigate crime scenes
• To analyze results of polymerase chain reaction
• To analyze genes associated with a particular illness
• In DNA profiling for taxonomy studies to distinguish different species
• In paternity testing using DNA fingerprinting
• In the study of structure and function of proteins
• In the analysis of antibiotic resistance
• In blotting techniques for analysis of macromolecules
• In the study of evolutionary relationships by analyzing genetic similarity among populations
or species