• Anarchism
–who advocate the absence of
the state, arguing that common
sense people would allow
people to decide in political and
economic self - rule.
– type of government where there is no
government at all.
– Every person is left to fight for themselves.
– People must continue to live through farming on
their own land, find water, and build a home on
there own.
– No one tells you what to do and there is no voting.
– This type of government usually ends up in people
fighting over food, water, land and other things.
There is no police to keep the peace.
• derived from the greek work "aristokratia"
meaning "the rule of the best"
– describes a form of government
characterized by an emphasis on the
authority of the state in a republic or union.
– It was controlled by non electedrulers who
usually permit some degree of individual
1.rule of men, not rule of law;
2.rigged election
3.all important political decisions made by
unelected officials behind closed doors
4.a bureaucracy operated quite independently
of rules, the supervision of elected officials or
concerns of the constituencies they
purportedly serve
5. the informal and unregulated exercise of
political and the leader is self appointed and
even if elected cannot be displaced by
citizen's free choice ampong competitors.
• generally, it is considered to be extreme
version of authoritarianism.
• the political power is held by a single, self -
appointed ruler.
• The word autocracy comes from the Greek
roots auto ("self") and kratos ("power").
ex. If your boss dictates your every move and
leaves you no say at all in how you do your
work, then you're not in a democratic
workplace, you're in an autocracy.
Communist State
• characterized by a single - party rule of a
Communist Party and a professed allegiance
to a communist ideology as the guiding
principle of the state.
Consociational State
• a state which has major indternal divisions
along ethnic, religious, or linguistic lines, with
none of the divisions large enough to form a
majority group;
• contrasted with states with majoritarian
electoral systems.
ex. Belgium, Switzerland, Lebanon and
• "Dem" Being short for DEMOS meaning
people, and ARCHY meaning rule.
• it was introduced by the Australian
philosopher John Burnheim, a political model
removed the need for the state or
• Direct Democracy
– sovereignty lodged in the assembly of all
citizens who choose to participate.
– allow three forms of political action that
provide limited direct democracy;
a. initiative
b.referendum (plebiscite)
c. recall
• Grassroots Democracy
– designed as political processes where
decision - making authority as practical is
shifted to the organization's lowest
geographic level of organization
• Grassroot Organization
• Participatory System
– allow the individual equal access to decision
- making irrespective of the of their
standing in the community.
• Representative System
– allow local communities or national
memberships to elect represesntatives who
then go on decision - making.
• Illiberal Democracy
– governing system in which fairly free
elections take place, citizens are cut off
from real power due to the lack of civil
– the rulers have centralize powers between
branches of the central government and
local government without separation of
• Islam and Democracy
– endeavors to institute Sharia called as
Islamist democracy.
– offers more comprehensive inclusion
of Islam into the affairs of the state.
• Liberal Democracy (Constitutional
– the dominant form of democracies in the
21st century.
– compose of republic, has a presidential
system,a parliamentary system or a hybrid,
semi - presidential system.
– it is adherence to the ideology of political
• Messianic Democracy
– primarily means Messiah
– the term connotes the direct culture
implications of states taht assume a posture
and doctrine superior culture and purpose
and asserts that a very religious,
philosophical and moral divide exists
between genuine universal principles and
the pugilistics foundation of a democracy by
force doctrine.
• Non - Partisan Democracy (also no -party
– is a system of representative government or
organization such that universal and periodic
elections take place without reference to political
– differs from a single - party system in that the
governing faction in a single - party system
identifies itself as a party, where membership
might provide benefits not available to non-
• Participatory Democracy
– called direct democracy, is a process
emphasizing the broad participation of
constitutents in the direction and operation
of political system.
• Religious Democracy
– means that the values of religion playa role
in the public areana in a society populated
by religious people.
• Representative Democracy
– is a form of governement founded on the
principle of elected individuals representing
the people as opposed to either autocracy
or direct democracy.
– Proxy Voting are procedures for the delegation to another
member of a voting body of that member's power to vote
in his absence. Proxy is representative and designating him
is called principal.
– Delegated Voting called as transitive proxy, delegable
proxy useful in situations in which votes are cast as the
discussion is going rather than at the end of a period of
– Delegated voting is used by the World
Parliament Experiment
• Republican Democracy
– is a republic that has key principals is free
and open debate prior to casting a vote.
– the people are sovereign
• Social Democracy
– is a political ideology of the left or centre-
left taht emerged in the late 19th century
from the socialist movement and continues
to exert influence worldwide.
• Sociocracy
– is a system of governance using consent-based
decision making among equivalent inidividuals
and an organizational structure based on
cybernetic pincipals.
– derived from the Greek words ''socius"
companion and "kratein" to govern
– socios means people who have a social
relationship to each other.
– different from democracy rule by "demos" the
general mass of the people.
• Soviet Democracy
– referred to as council democracy known as
a form of democracy in which workers'
councils called "soviets". consisting of
worker - elected delegates, form organs of
power possessing both legislative and
executive power.
• Totalitarian Democracy
– is a term made famous by Israeli historian
J.L. Talmon to refer a system of government
in which lawfully elected representatives
maintain the integrity of a nation state
whose citizens, while granted the right to
vote, have a little or no participation in the
decision-making process of the government.