BWBS 3053 3.third Topic Al Umur Bi Maqosiduha
BWBS 3053 3.third Topic Al Umur Bi Maqosiduha
BWBS 3053 3.third Topic Al Umur Bi Maqosiduha
For instant:
giving property to others have a variety of purposes, such
as hibbah, zakah, sadakah, endowment, some cases, ibra
• This maxim has its origin from the hadith sohih masyhur from
Umar al Khatab (R.A)
‘Innama al A’mal bin niyat’ wa innama li kull imriin ma nawa’
means “Deeds are judged by intention and every person is
judged according to his intention’
Other hadith Ibn Majjah:
Yub’athu al-naas ‘ala niyatihim.
Means ‘every mankinds been send on their intentions’
Hadith Sunan al-Darami:
Niyatu al-mukmin khayrun min ‘amalihi. Means ‘Intention
someone Mukmin is better than his deed’
This hadith clearly stated that all deeds
are judged according to the intention.
The legal of certain deeds are also
based on the intention.
For example,
Should be clearly explained in solat fardu. Because
there are similarities in Zuhur and Asar instead of term
and actions. This two solat (Zuhur & Asar) can not be
distinguished except with a clarify explanations (takyin).
2nd example:
2nd example:
Ali wanted to buy a kilogram of sugar from Pak Mat stall
but instead, he bought it from Pak Man shop. It is not
considered a false act. It is also the same if you want to
chose the banking facility from Bank X but you went to
Bank Y instead, it is not a problem as long as the bank is
offering the Islamic banking facilities.
4. “Ma Yushtaratu fiha al-ta’yinu falkhota’u fihi mubtil”
means: anything that is suppose to be clarify, and it
gone wrong, it is not valid (Batal).
For example.
Muslim want to perform solat but he niyyah on fasting
(is not valid, batal ni solat)
2nd example:
two parties intended and agreed to
use salam contract to buy/sell of 1
tons of commodities A, but when the
delivery time is due, the seller
delivered 1 tons of commodity B, so in
this case, the agreement is forfeited.
The seller must return the price or get
the same commodities to the buyer
5. “Ma yajibu at ta’arrudhu lahu jumlatan wa la
yushtarothu ta’yinuhu tafsilan iza ‘ayyanuhu wa akhta’
For example:
in solat, the action (rakaat) is no need for takyiin, but if
the prayer niyyat in his paryer the magrib solat for 5 or
6 rakaat. This is invalid.
2nd example:
For example:
an oath that he/she would never drink water because of
thirst, it is not considered he violated (agains) his oath
if he ate.
2nd example:
the application in Islamic finance case, let say two
person are arguing about the payment of debts between
them, and both were considered are speaking honestly
from their heart. In order to solve the argument, the
judge can decided who is speaking the truth by ask both
of them to swear in fornt of the judge. It’s because the
oath in front of the jugde is consider as the judge
niayyah not the two person arguing about this payment.
8. “Al ‘Ibratu fi al ‘uquddi lil maqosidi wa al ma’ani la li
alfaazi wa al ma’ani”
for example:
the giving of hibbah with condition such as say the 1st
party ‘I hibbah to you this item (handphone) in one
condition, you must give me this. (such laptob).
2nd example,
If two parties conclude a contract apparently of a loan
but in consideration for which a specific rental is
provided for, the contract would be regarded as a
contract of hire as its real meaning indicates, and not a
contract of loan as the wording of contract would
suggest. This is commonly used in the contracts applied
in Islamic banking.