Function of Managemet
Function of Managemet
Function of Managemet
A person who holds a management position inside an organization is
required to think strategically and conceptually in order to achieve
organizational goals.
Management has to carry out different functions in order to accomplish
these goals`
The major function that a manager completes can be categorized into five
different functions namely planning , organizing , staffing , leading , and
Deciding in advance :
What to do
How to do
When to do
Who is going to do it
Bridges a gap between where we are today and where we want to reach.
Sets the goal of an organization.
It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a future course of
action & deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement
of pre-determined goals.
It is an exercise in problem solving & decision making. Planning is determination of
courses of action to achieve desired goals.
Thus, planning is a systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of
pre-determined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of human &
non-human resources. It is all pervasive, it is an intellectual activity and it also helps in
avoiding confusion, uncertainties
⮞It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human
resources and developing productive relationship amongst them for
achievement of organizational goals.
⮞According to Henry Fayor, “To organize a business is to provide it with
everything useful or its functioning i.e. raw material, tools, capital and
personnel’s”. To organize a business involves determining & providing
human and non-human resources to the organizational structure.
⮞Establishing the framework of working:
⮞How many units or sub-units or departments are needed.
⮞How many posts or designations are needed in each department.
⮞How to distribute authority and responsibility among employees
⮞Once these decisions are taken, organizational structure gets set up.
Organizing as a process involves:
Identification of activities.
Classification of grouping of activities.
Assignment of duties.
Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility.
Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships.
• Recruiting, selecting, appointing the employees, assigning duties,
maintaining cordial relationship and taking care of grievances of
• Training and Development of deciding their
employees, remuneration, promotion and
• Evaluating their performance.
It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it
manned. Staffing has assumed greater importance in the recent years due
to advancement of technology, increase in size of business, complexity of
human behavior etc. The main purpose of staffing is to put right man
on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes.
Staffing involves:
Manpower Planning (estimating man power in terms of searching,
choose the person and giving the right place).
Recruitment, selection & placement.
Training & development.
Promotions & transfer.
Performance appraisal.
Giving direction or instruction to employees to get the job done.
Leadership qualities are required.
Motivating employees by providing monetory and non-monetory
Communicating with them at regular intervals.
It is that part of managerial function which actuates the organizational
methods to work efficiently for achievement of organizational purposes.
It is considered life-spark of the enterprise which sets it in motion the
action of people because planning, organizing and staffing are the mere
preparations for doing the work. Direction is that inert-personnel aspect
of management which deals directly with influencing,
guiding, supervising, motivating sub-ordinate for the achievement
of goals.
Supervision- implies overseeing the work of subordinates by their
superiors. It is the act of watching & directing work & workers.
Motivation- means inspiring, stimulating or encouraging the sub-
ordinates with zeal to work. Positive, negative, monetary, non-
monetary incentives may be used for this purpose.
Leadership- may be defined as a process by which manager guides
and influences the work of subordinates in desired direction.
Communications- is the process of passing information, experience,
opinion etc from one person to another. It is a bridge of
Matching actual performance with the planed goal.
Informal organization
This is one which refers to a of well-defined jobs each
structure person has authority and
This kind of organization is an arbitrary set up in which each person is
responsible for his performance.
It is based on the rule ‘chain of command’.
A network developed based on personal and social relationship between
the employees within the formal set up is called informal organization.
Informal organization develop relationships which are developed on likes,
dislikes, feelings.
It emerges from the formal organization and it is not based on any rules
and regulation.
Line organization
Staff organization
Matrix organization(Line and Staff organization)
1.Functional Departmentalization
2.Process Departmentalization
3.Product Departmentalization
4.Geographic Departmentalization
5.Customer Departmentalization
6.Time Departmentalization
Functional departmentalization
In functional departmentalization, department are segregated on
The basis of functional performed. For example
production ,finance
,marketing, human and resource etc.
major functions of the organization and departments are
formed accordingly. Hence all activities,
Which are directly or indirectly connected with respective functional are
grouped together to make a respective department.
Process departmentalization
In process departmentalization, departments are segregated on the basis
of their role in a production process. For example, process
departmentalization in a textile mill have spinning department ,weaving
department, dyeing department ,printing department ,etc.
Here ,all activities ,which are directly or indirectly related with spinning
are grouped together to make a spinning department
This departmentalization delivers high level of efficient work but on
the other hand this type on departmentalization is not possible to
adopt for all type of product
Product departmentalization
In product departmentalization, department are segregated on the basis of
type of product producer by the company.
Here every individual department is responsible for producing and selling
the type of product assigned to them.
In automobile manufacturing company, department like a two-wheeler
department , three-wheeler department , four-wheeler department ,heavy
motors department ,etc. exist which manufacture vehicles such as motorcycle
(bike),auto-rickshaws, car, buses and trucks, receptivity. Here inside
automobile an
Company all activities
which are directly
are grouped together or indirectly
and assigned related to
to four-wheeler
or department. car
Geographic Departmentalization
In Geographic Departmentalization, separate department are made on the basis of
company’s location through branches or offices established at different zone or place in the
For example, a large company may globally through its different zonal departments
established on a country basis. Each part or area have different zonal departments
established on a country basis. Each part or area have different requirement or interests.
Marketing a product in western USA may have different requirement than marketing the
same product in southeast Asia. Market are is broken up into sales territories like northern,
southern, west, east .
the salesman appointed for each territory report to their regional or territorial manager.
These manager again report to the sales manager who manager who is head of the sales
Customer Departmentalization
In Customer Departmentalization, department are segregated on the basis
of types or group of customers to be handle or dealt with.
For example, customer can be classified under type of such as
,international or foreign customers, island or domestic customers, bulk
purchasing or wholesales customers, retail customer, etc .
Each group of customer’s need different tactics and strategies to handle
them better .hence an appropriate customer departmentalization serves this
Time Departmentalization
In Time Departmentalization, department are segregated on the basis of
shift of work.
For example, departments can be made based on the night shift ,morning or
regular shift, evening shift, etc. this method of Departmentalization is
generally seen among those organizations who render 24-hours emergency
and/or essential public services for 365 days a year .
Example of such organizations include, hospitals, hotel, airport, police,
security, and so on.