Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
Mrs. Mylene S.
Ms. Mye
Your Subject Teacher
Things you need
5. Moreover, accounting is a means and not an end. Although this has a tangible
output in the form of financial statements, it still underscores that users have the
liberty to make economic decisions based on the management assertions in the
financial statements. Using this logic, accounting indeed paves the way to an end
and it is not the end itself.
Four Aspects of Accounting
5000 B.C.E
Abacus functioned as a calculator
in the ancient times
History of Accounting - Ancient Accounting in Egypt,
Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome
4000 BCE
Papyrus allowed recording of
commercial transactions.
Clay Tablets are considered to be
among the oldest written tax
accounting record.
History of Accounting - Ancient Accounting in Egypt,
Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome
Luca Pacioli was a Franciscan friar who is often associated with the introduction of
double-entry bookkeeping.
In 1494 he published the book Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et
His work described double-entry bookkeeping and reflected the trading practices of
Venice, known as ‘the Method of Venice’ or ‘the Italian method’.
He did not invent double-entry bookkeeping but rather made a record of what was
happening in Italy at the time.
What did Luca Pacioli write?
He explained that three books are used in the ‘Italian method’: a memorandum, a journal and a ledger.
He said, ‘All entries … have to be double entries, that is, if you make one creditor, you must make
someone debtor’.
He advised the computation of periodic profits and the closing of the books. ‘It is always good to close
the books each year, especially if you are in a partnership with others. Frequent accounting makes for
long friendship’.
History of Accounting -19th Century – The dawn of
modern accounting in Europe and America
Industrial Revolution
The development of accountancy
In 1854, Queen Victoria created the
profession of chartered accountants after
granting a royal charter to the Institute of
Accountants in Glasgow and laid the
way for the modern, formal accounting
History of Accounting -20th Century – The Evolution of
Modern Accounting Standards
The Philippines started 2001
transitioning from applying The Philippines adopted the
American accounting International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) in order to support
standards to applying comparability and understandability
International Accounting across the globe.
Standards IAS.