Philippine Popular Culture
Philippine Popular Culture
Philippine Popular Culture
Popular culture, as the 'culture of the people,' is defined by the interactions between people
in their daily activities: clothing styles, the use of slang, greeting routines, and the food that
people consume are all examples of popular culture. The mass media also keeps popular
culture updated.
Pop culture represents and affects daily life of people due to its commonality. In fact,
brands can gain an iconic pop status (e.g. the Nike swoosh, or the golden arches of
McDonald). Like with many facets of popular culture, however, iconic brands will rise and
fall. With these fundamental aspects in mind, popular culture can be characterized as the
products and modes of expression and identity that are frequently encountered or
generally embraced, commonly liked or approved, and characteristic of a particular society
at a given time.
Ray Browne gives a similar concept in his essay 'Folklore to Populore': "Popular culture
consists of the aspects of behaviors, habits, values, practices, and tastes that characterize
the people in any society. Popular culture is the culture of the people,in the historical usage
of word.”
Examples of mainstream culture come from a range of genres including popular music, print,
cyber culture, sports, entertainment, leisure, fads, advertisement, and television. Sports and
television are arguably two of mainstream culture's most commonly viewed examples.
Representatives of all social groups play and watch sports but the majority are responsible for
the immense popularity of sports. A global culture celebrates such sporting activities, such as the
World Cup and the Olympics. For most cultures, sports are common and form a large part of the
lives of many people. A typical behaviour, displaying allegiance to a team as a means of self-
identification, cheering for a sports team or a favorite athlete is a way any person can become
part of the popular culture.
Many people watch several hours of TV everyday. This is such a pervasive feature of popular
society that without it life can hardly be imagined. There are those
who claim that television is responsible for society's dumbing down;
that children consume too much television; and that couch potato
syndrome has led to the childhood obesity epidemic. The world
without popular media is much harder to picture.
• Folk culture is a simpler lifestyle, • High-culture is not produced by
which is typically traditional, nature, nor is it intended for mass
predominantly self-sufficient, and consumption. This belongs to the
mostly reflective of rural life. social elite; the higher
• Group participants are required to socioeconomic classes associate
comply with standard group styles of the performing arts, music, theatre,
behaviour. and high intellectualism.
• Folk culture is focused locally, and • High-culture objects also require
non-commercially. In short, folk significant expertise, preparation or
culture promises continuity, while contemplation to be appreciated.
mainstream culture typically seeks These things rarely extend to the
something new or fresh. realm of pop culture.
Most Television shows, such as American Idol and the Last Comic Standing,
provide viewers with a telephone number for a contestant to vote for. The fusion
of sources of pop culture reflects a innovative way of growing public attention,
and further fuels mass consumer production.